Daylight Huge fan of steam and really looking for parts to the daylight ( or bullet if you have some) if you have spare parts here is my gift address Thank you! 15DXLZ
New Jersey Freighter - 15FR1V I could really use any number of New Jersey freighter parts. Code - 15FR1V Thanks!
Looking for Daylight parts Hey guys, I am looking for Daylight parts. In exchange, I have mallard parts, bullet parts, dragonbreath parts and carbon and emerald steamer parts, let me know if interested. My code is 158DKJ
Global Express Hi all, Ive been playing this wonderful game again. I could use any parts if you have a spare and want to share. But I would really like Global Express parts. My code is 1GZQ. Thanks!
looking for any parts im new and loving this game but need some basic parts to make more trains. my code is 15QMBJ thanks so much! at123
Anyone still on here ? If so, I could really do with some parts ! Seeing as I'm starting off, just the basics.