Question. The "steamer set" award says to collect all 4 steamers, but I'm aware of at least 5 steamers. Anyone gotten this?
Allright, so I have 12k coins and 130 bucks, and I don't know if I should build three railways to Amsterdam and buy the city, or just build one railway to London and buy London. I have 3 blue steamers and 1 red, and I have one carbon and one emerald engines in my yard, which I don't know what to do with them. Any advice?
OK, make that 6 I'm aware of. It must be any 4 I guess? I'll be rolling out my fourth as soon as I have 8,000 coin so I'll let you know.
Thx for not supporting iOS prior to 6.0... And Thx to Apple for this pierce of shit iPad1. The last Apple product I have bought.
Yeah, that's a bummer too. But if there's nothing going where I want to go, I just send the train anyway and hope for better cars at my destination.
Hm, there are already apps which do not run on an iPad 2. I will turn my back on apple and buy an Android Tablet, eg Asus Memo or similar...
So, I glanced through a few pages of the thread, but didn't see the answer. Is there a way to close a station? I want to open a long run from one continent to another to maximize the profit on my trains, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to close a station that I no longer want open.
Look some posts earlier. It is an answer to a post one page before. And it is no nonsense. Thx for your understanding...
I'd like to know how to close a station too, have you tried "shutdown line" in the train menu? Also I don't think having one long run the way to maximize profits as you would only have one train on it! My bet would be on interconnecting railroads with big hubs, as it's often the case IRL.
I've not tried to shut down a line. That might work, but I'm hoping someone can confirm. It could be an expensive test. My idea is to create a small circle of cities in Europe and USA, with a long run In between. The idea is to minimize the number of cities in order to maximize the chance that I get jobs that are worth more money/bux. The NY to London run was one of the most profitable in Pocket Planes. I'm guessing it's the same here too.
hmmm played around a bit. a bit disappointed how much 'luck' is relied on for new trains. This is pretty much designed to hit that gambling nerve which i'm not really cool with. The game is also quite feature bare compare to pocket planes. Kinda the most disappointing game out of nimbit yet.
At least for these initial honeymoon hours with the game, I agree. Pocket Planes quickly amounted to pure busy work which rewarded you with more busy work. Only thing to change up your rote approach was random events that temporarily closed an airport. If this had turned out to be PP on the ground, probably would have already deleted it but am really enjoying the way they mixed up similar ideas and made management of networks a bigger part of the game.
bug? I think I found a bug, sorry if this was already discussed. I have a line running between Milan and Rome. I was in Milan and got a great crate for Barcelona. I didn't want to lose it, so I took the crate to Rome, then later back to Milan. In Milan, you can't unload the crate and have it show up in the yard, it acts like you just picked up the crate for the first time. Worst part is that if you unselect the crate and exit out of the jobs section, that crate is now gone, probably b/c it was part of the last batch of jobs from the previous visit and the game just disposes of it. Being that trains don't seem to share the same pool of jobs when in the same city, I won't be able to get some crates to their destination until I build more connecting track.
Yep, one of the big hub strategies in PP is to have clusters of airports at the 2 ends of a long straight line. But with only one train, it might be difficult. Maybe with a very high speed high capacity train for the long run?
I don't think it's a bug. If you return a crate to where it originated then it goes back into the pool or gets removed from the list. Always plan a route for a crate that has a good reward, even if it's out of the way. Just don't re-use the original location it shipped from at any stage of it's travel.