Universal Pocket Trains - (by NimbleBit LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. JTelcontar

    JTelcontar Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    I really like this game so far, more so than Pocket Planes. BUT... I do feel as if I'm a bit too casual of a player to be too successful. I have yet to finish a daily event-- just not enough time in the day to finish them.

    I wish there was an option for a "lesser" event that required fewer deliveries with a reduced prize as well.
  2. Tigerstriker

    Tigerstriker Member

    Aug 6, 2012
    Problem with gifting?

    Anyone else noticed a problem with gifting? I sent my friend a few train parts and he got them, he sent me some too but I haven't received them (he no lingers owns it either)
  3. aelesia

    aelesia Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    Yeah I feel it's pretty punishing for new players to pick up because it's really expensive to re-organize everything. If you shut down lines you have to pay again to re-open them. You need to pay to change ownership of tracks. You can't move hubs.
  4. Lorena

    Lorena Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    I'm at level 17 and really enjoying the game. I have Europe, Africa and South America. At this moment the best trains for me are the standard, I don't like the zhepyr, because it have low fuel and it's the most important quality for me.
  5. jimjamzzz

    jimjamzzz Member

    Oct 8, 2013
    Really enjoying the game so far although having a discount to reopen closed lines would be nice for the mid game line organization.

    Btw given up on ever getting my dragon breat completed so happy to trade 3 db parts for 2 of any of the standard/zephyr trains code:17SM
  6. Rainbow Whang

    Rainbow Whang Active Member

    Sep 21, 2013
    San Diego
    So I'm level 13, and I got my first zephyr part. Should I save all my special crates till I'm a higher level and then open em, or are there some trains that their parts can only be found in mid level special crates (like where I am at)???
  7. Andre

    Andre Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
    I think that you can open special crates at this time. :)
  8. yamfun

    yamfun Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    I wish there is some endgame content (MMO-wise).
    Something that you do with your hard earned Frieghters, Zphhpreyrher....etc

    I know TT/PP have always been like this, your progress is just to further your progress, but I hope PT can have something else.
  9. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    I just wish I could pick a strategy and stick to it.

    Sometimes I think "yeah; just tonnes of 4-5 length lines and a load of hubs seems like a good idea" and then I think "maybe I just have a few less trains but have them service a shed load of stations, feeding into a hub for longer journeys" would be a good idea...

    So annoying changing my mind all the time because it takes so long to rearrange everything!
  10. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    On the back of Nightc1's NA set up, which I love, I've developed an 'end game' plan of attack.

    16 lines (I believe). Maximum changes from one place to another appears to be 5.

    This is now what I'm going to target!

    Link below; didn't link directly for the size of the image!

    Didnt want to ruin everybodys screens with the image size
  11. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA
    Game thoughts

    It's great reading these different thoughts on network design and endgame/micromanagement ideas. Here's a few random thoughts to throw in the mix.

    *** Straight lines? A crucial difference from PP is that the rewards are pure profit; it's no longer the case that you must fill up and go to same city to make any profit with the jumbo jets. The need to refuel is the only counterbalancing feature which makes straight lines a good thing.

    --> The key goal has always been to maximize profit per unit time. That previous centered totally around maximizing profit per run and about massive bux grabbing/layover because of their exponential value increase. Now there's a lot more leeway as the profit is automatic for every run.

    --> With the inability to fling planes the entire length of the map and the fact that lines only run one railroad means that micromanagement is going to be unbearable if you play the same way you did in PP

    What does the above suggest?

    * The last step before log off will be to send each train as far as its fuel can carry, with as many jobs near the end of that run as possible

    * Focus on the higher coin multiplier jobs rather than absolute cash value

    * Hub distance should based on fuel and # connections at hub, not # segments on the line. Distance between hubs should be no longer than the fuel for their train. There's not a great reason for them to be much shorter than this either, except for feeder loops.

    * Running LA <-> Beijing is a fallacy (and a main difference from PP). It's four separate runs due to refueling.The profit and the time to run is broken between the individual hops. A train leaving LA will net the player more profit over time if it is filled with 4x NY jobs rather than 2x or 3x Beijing jobs.

    * There's still advantage to a long straight line. If NY-Lisbon gives 1000 and Lisbon-Tehran gives 1000, NY-Tehran will be about 2000. But Rio-Tehran-Oceania won't make Rio-Oceania as profitable as Rio-Tehran plus Tehran-Oceania.

    * Because of one train per line you can't route all traffic thru one intercontinental port - involving both Lisbon and Dakar will be important, as well as having a northern route to Asia above Tehran.
    Think "parallel" lines (intersecting is even better) rather than a hub and spoke or a sprawling network.

    * Export only the very best. If you do have something looking like a hub and spoke (NY hub, fed from LA, SF, Vancouver), feel free to take 2-3x jobs across country but only send 4x Asia jobs from the west coast thru NY or you will be bottlenecked in NY-Lisbon.

    I'm still lvl 15 and about to expand into NY, but this is how things are looking to me strategically right now -- your thoughts?! :)
  12. yamfun

    yamfun Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    Uh, people are going straight line because the reward is related to the displacement, when the icons-tier and the car number is the same, and so going straight line maximize profit per unit time.
  13. griff08

    griff08 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Anybody ever lost a special crate when transferring it to another train? I lost 2 already i dont know if this is a bug. Grr!!!!
  14. nightc1

    nightc1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    Nicely my mission for today was in Munich. I have two trains feeding into there and just running those trains to neighboring cities I finished delivering the 75 jobs it in about 30 min of gameplay. I didn't even have to bother feeding jobs in from outside the area. Nice. The last couple daily missions for me have been a breeze.

    I unlocked a San Juan Standard last night. Also managed to find my first Zettabyte Zephyr parts (3 of them) and got my first Bullet part. I can't decide what to do with the San Juan though. I could could use it as a second train in Africa... or I could use it to expand into Asia. Just not sure yet. It's my first one of those too, so I can't just expand the cargo on another train. Oh and I have even more express trains ready for service. I may start to phase out my carbon steamers today.
  15. Cilo

    Cilo Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Los Angeles
    Was the way gifting works changed? I could have sworn the first couple of days when I gifted parts whole engines or fuel tanks were sent not just a single part piece.
  16. Number1Ump

    Number1Ump Active Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    So, Nimblebit says the 1.0.4 release has been submitted. Any guess what the lag time is between submission and actually being approved and released?
  17. Rainbow Whang

    Rainbow Whang Active Member

    Sep 21, 2013
    San Diego
    Why the bloody hell wasn't this game in the top 10 apps???
  18. nightc1

    nightc1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    Usually around 7 days from when it was submitted if there aren't any issues.
  19. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    You weren't transferring in the city the crate originated in were you? That doesn't work.
  20. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    It looks really great for what you're going for.

    My current plan will take (I think) 19 lines to build out, but includes a lot of short legacy lines in Europe that could be taken out. My only criticism of your strategy is the tight regionalization, especially that line that does nothing but cross the Atlantic.

    My idea to minimize micromanagement is to have each line be as long as its locomotive can manage, and all interwoven as much as possible, not to maximize the efficiency of transfers but to minimize the need for them. When I'm in a hurry, I only grab cargos on that train's line, and I want as many high-value destinations on each line as possible. When something really valuable is worth bothering to transfer, having many small transfer points will facilitate doing so while sending as few trains as possible as little off their routes as possible.

    This is in keeping with the historic model of railroads, by the way. Hubs make the most sense for airplanes because of the incredible fuel cost of takeoff and marginal extra cost per person. Thus, airline aggregate people into hubs, load them on huge aircraft, and generally make people hate them. Rail, on the other hand, has extremely marginal starting costs because of the incredible efficiency of electric traction motors and can thus start and stop as much as it wants, and take goods on more direct routes.

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