Universal Pocket Trains - (by NimbleBit LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Ooh Shiny

    Ooh Shiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    #1301 Ooh Shiny, Oct 5, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2013
    That would be cool if they were able to make it different from pocket planes/trains. I'd personally call it Pocket ports :p. What I want them to make is Pocket planets. Traveling through space dropping off cargo and people/aliens. The first ship could be the starship from pocket planes. If not that, then simply Pocket Planet that combines pocket planes, trains, and ports
  2. atmmta

    atmmta Active Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    But doesn't it go to the yard in the first place? Oh well, at least you're going to fix it. Can you send a refund crate or rare part my way in the interests of customer service?
  3. rewyan

    rewyan Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2013
    The only problem is that you can't have ships on land. But our earth is 70% water, so that wouldn't be a huge problem.
    I actually like trains. They allow for a cool experience.
  4. Mdaymond

    Mdaymond Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    Thanks for posting all your info / stats - I like knowing how others are playing :) I'm currently level 13, approaching 14 and have expanded into North America / recently South America with a plan to double back around to Europe via Africa. Just finalizing the most efficient and effective routes before I post a strategy about it :)

    I love the idea of 'Pocket Ships', building a huge cargo ship to transport good across the pacific etc. :p Pirate boats, military boats, fire boats, luxury yachts, cruise liners, etc! Implementing it and keeping it interesting as a game would be a whole different thing though... not quite as accessible as Pocket Planes and not quite as intricate as Pocket Trains. There would have to be some sort of new game play mechanic, otherwise it would suffer in my opinion...
  5. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    Just got my first Bullet part from a special crate! Just hit Level 17 (2.1M XP).
  6. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    I can see that having a licence area of one colour can help, however I think there are advantages to having lines of each colour in each area.

    For example, if I find a crate in London that I need to get to Istanbul, I can see at a glance that I need to go blue line to Paris, pink line to Budapest, then orange line to Istanbul. I can then send "Euro Blue" to Paris with the crate, then easily find "Euro Pink" on my train list and send it to Paris for the transfer, before sending "Euro Orange" to Budapest when necessary.
  7. yamfun

    yamfun Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    What if in Tiny Death Star, it combines the Tiny Tower mechanic to build space-base, with the PP/PT mechanic to perform space-trade in the galaxy?

    As a fan of space trading games like Freelancer, X3, I hope this really happen
  8. Mdaymond

    Mdaymond Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    I agree - I think it's better to have multiple colours in all the different regions rather than one colour for one region. It's a little awkward when quickly switching back and forth between the regions, but I generally go to one, then the next, etc. to avoid confusing myself (unless a long distance train needs sending off somewhere as that takes the most time to travel of course).

    The naming of my trains use various secondary 'keywords' so I know where I am despite the colour other than Europe which uses actual names of the cities as it's so compact there (PARIS - MILAN - ROME, etc.)
    For the long distance tunnel journeys under the ocean, I name them [Country or Ocean] TUNNEL, North America uses _____ TRANSFER, South America uses _____ LINK, Africa will use ______ TRANSPORT, Asia _____ EXPRESS and so on. The first words will usually be the direction of travel or a country / city - WEST COAST, CENTRAL, BRAZIL, etc. I've found it incredibly easy to navigate everything this way and not lose track of where I am :)
  9. elethana

    elethana Member

    Jan 11, 2013
    Sonoran Desert
    I was gifted several carbons when I asked, so I did not need to open many crates. I spent bux every time a stockyard needed expanding and bought one special crate from a station and earned 5 from events plus ones for leveling.

    After hitting lvl. 11 I started opening crates. I had heard that carbons are the most common, but I seem to have much better luck than most.

    Bluebell 5
    Carbon steamer 8 (2 built)
    Cherry steamer 5
    Emerald steamer 5
    Vanilla steamer 2
    Dragonbreath 1
    Pecos standard 5
    Rio grande 2
    San Juan 4
    Gila 2
    Mallard 5
    Metro express 4
    Global express 5
    Regional express 4
    Nation express 6 (built)

    My network covers most Europe, but is kind of haphazard. My central stations have 65 to 80 stockyards. I have 12 railroads, 83,649 miles, 6824 cars, 58 crates, 1845 bux, (all spent) and 5 events.
    This game is more engaging to me than pocket planes, and so far ahead of tiny tower.
  10. yamfun

    yamfun Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    Got a bug,
    I got sent 2 Rio Grande Standard, the popup showed up with the correct message, yet the number in PARTS did not increase.
  11. mawebarrios

    mawebarrios Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    This sounds cool. Do you have a map of your NA operation? I'm planning to expand to NA but have absolutely no idea where to start. It would be a huge help!
  12. nightc1

    nightc1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    Wrapped up expanding through Europe and completed the secondary path to Canada. I like how the background changes in different parts of the country. Canada has a lot of snow for instance.

    Now my trains are all a little disorganized because I pushed to rush and finish the event today (75 things to Moscow). I'm going to reorganize all of EU now that I added another 12 car. I'm down to two regular 8 car steamers and pretty much everything else is 12. Gotta first 3000+ gold job.

    Anyway after I clean up and clean out the yards, I'm going to finish NA and that means adding another line. I have all of my crates open. So I need to build a stock of them again.
  13. Tactics

    Tactics Member

    Feb 21, 2013
    What's an efficient way to reorganize tracks? Because if you shutdown a line to send your train back to the yard, you have to pay the add new track fee again. The plane slots aren't permanently opened once you've paid for them (like in Pocket Planes).

    But it seems incredibly manual (not to mention a waste of coins) to have to move your trains to a new location and give them ownership of lines, then do the same with another train and so on.
  14. CzechCongo

    CzechCongo Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    If you just want to send train back to the yard, swap it with another train. It's good to keep at least one spare steamer in the yard to swap, if you can.

    Otherwise, if you want to move a line without shutting it down and paying to reopen it elsewhere, you'll have to move it along step by step, reclaiming track multiple times. Depending on the length of the move, it might be cheaper to just shutdown/reopen, and it's certainly less manual work.
  15. skydg

    skydg Member

    Mar 13, 2011
    After a random crash, unable to load the game.
    Will wait for 1.0.4 and hope my icloud save is working (tried to reinstall but with no avail).
  16. PocketDaddy45

    PocketDaddy45 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    I don't quite understand the scoring on the jobs yet. Why would a job that requires you to transport a load across Asia only reward you with 3 BUX but then you'll find a load in London bound for Paris for 20 BUX?
  17. yamfun

    yamfun Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    Look at the number of icons
  18. PocketDaddy45

    PocketDaddy45 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    Agreed about the game being more engaging. I can watch TV and play Pocket Planes, but I've found that I lose track of what I'm watching if I try playing Pocket Trains and watching TV.
  19. PocketDaddy45

    PocketDaddy45 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    So if a car says 1X 88 but has 4 coin icons, is that 4 X 88?
  20. Jonesy0329

    Jonesy0329 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
    The amount of coins or bux for each set of cars seems totally random. In the jobs list, that is what you get for delivering that set of cars. If you hook them up, you will see that if you have a 4x100 coins bound for Paris, each car is worth 25 coins.

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