Universal Pocket Trains - (by NimbleBit LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Oh really? That's interesting! Could it be each change of continent provides another 1,2,3 or 4 (depending on quality)? I'm only touching into Asia, and not sure I've had any cross borders yet.

    My furthest distances are Glasgow--> New Delhi and Madrid --> Perm (switching lines), and haven't come across any better than 4 bux yet!
  2. Mdaymond

    Mdaymond Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    #1102 Mdaymond, Oct 2, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
    I really like the look of your network, it seems perfect for the amount of lines you have! I'll keep something like that in mind when I move that side of the world after N / S. America and Africa :)

    The events in Pocket Trains are localized, and anybody can do them, even with the most basic trains. There isn't any competition like there was in Pocket Planes. Personally, I really miss that :(

    That's interesting seeing your statistics! We did almost exactly the same amount of miles, cars and crate collections. However, you did +2,500 coins more than me, and I did +180 or so more bux. I THINK I leveled up at one point, though can't really remember. But let's say I did, that makes it +150 bux. Do you go for bux or coins more? Either way, we have very similar stats - do you have a screenshot of your routes? I looked back through posts but it's not immediately visible. Or I'm blind :)
  3. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    I find it interesting how these daily events are different for everyone.
    My event is deliver 50 sushi ninjas out of London.
    And my exchange rate today is 212 coins per bux.
    What's the best bux exchange anyone has seen so far?

    Yes, I have the exact same problem and have ended up moving the job back to its originating city (twice even :( )

    I'm trying to figure out a way to implement a few small "loops" onto other lines that also share the target destination, dropping off the job in another city where there is a distinct direct route toward the target city (so it doesn't accidentally get sent back to its origin).
    I think this is mostly do-able with my setup of mostly north/south and east/west lines with a few intersecting cities and crossover lines.
    Still ironing out the wrinkles ... ;)
  4. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I live in NZ, which is GMT +12, so the exchange rate you quote there is yesterday's exchange rate to me :) when you get to Thursday you should have the same exchange rate I quoted.

    It's also why my main goal in this game was so make it to New Zealand. Once I've saved up enough for my 12th line, I will be able to link my New Zealand rail line and my Indonesian rail line, and I can finally ship goods to NZ from Europe. That will be mission accomplished as far as I'm concerned!
  5. aelesia

    aelesia Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    I use a mix of both. At Europe I have 5 short lines, 1 medium line. In Asia I have 3 short lines and 1 medium line. Between them I have 2 long lines.

    The short lines rapidly shuttle back and forth looking for high paying coin jobs on the other side. The medium lines do a similar job but at a slower pace to make things less hectic for me as I expand my network. The long lines wait until there are enough goods at each end then bring it to another continent.
  6. CzechCongo

    CzechCongo Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    I will usually grab bux cars no matter what, if only to lay them over along the line. I'd rather have 150 bux than 2500 coins!!

    I did post my map, but I'm doing it again. Later tonight when I take a break from work (no, not playing pocket trains lol) I am going to institute some wholesale changes to my rail network in preparation for moving into Asia but hopefully still keeping Europe a money/bux/crate making machine. I spent 30 min with pen and paper to plan it! :D

    Attached Files:

  7. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    Here's an enhancement request for Ian & Tim: have you considered allowing coins to be used for station upgrades? Just as we have a choice for how to handle breakdowns (parts or coins), I think it would help the game balance to have a choice for upgrades (bux or coins). I think it would have to be a crappy exchange rate, perhaps 5000 coins vs. 10 bux for a 5-car upgrade...?
  8. Mdaymond

    Mdaymond Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    Oh yep, I am blind! I remember seeing it now. I'm currently in the process of expanding into North America -working out my lines, adjusting my European network slightly and use of certain trains to try and manage the influx of cars. Also still opening those crates, just hoping for the right parts - I'm now on the edge of completion of 4 different engines!!! Damn you game, give me the last parts! lol.

    Kudos on the planning aspect xD Post it up when you've changed things :)
  9. Jonesy0329

    Jonesy0329 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
    #1109 Jonesy0329, Oct 2, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
    I just run Hawaii to Beijing in a line, broken up with a train at every city making runs back and forth, all moving at the same time. I don't make a killing, but it does help with leveling (lvl 16 atm).

    At some point, I will expand enough to get all of the achievements, but my focus right now is on leveling to get Delaware Freighter parts in crates. They may be slow, but they have a ton of fuel and a lot of room for cars......
  10. Nalazoo

    Nalazoo Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2012
    Close To My Heart Consultant
    Enhancement Request

    Dear Nimblebit - please consider a minor change to the graphics for the appearance of jobs that are loaded on a train. When the selected car(s) background changes to green it makes some of the names of cities difficult to read, especially the purple. If the names of the city were to appear as the title of the car, with a black background, this would make it much easier to read the city.

    As it is currently, I often have to unload a car to read the information and then load it up again.

    Thank you for taking this into consideration.
  11. ethan160222

    ethan160222 Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    I've been thinking about redoing all of my routes but don't have a good way of planning it out. So I whipped this proof-of-concept together. Would anybody find it useful?
    Railroad Planner
  12. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    Do you remember at what level you started seeing Freighter parts? I'm at level 14 (should be at 15 in a few minutes, only a few XP to go!) and I have never seen one yet.
  13. Jonesy0329

    Jonesy0329 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
    #1113 Jonesy0329, Oct 2, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
    I still don't see Freighter parts. I went to the PT Wiki to look up their stats.

    /Nimblebit- how about an ingame trainopedia so we know what trains are capable of what, instead of having to rely on an (well put together) external site?
  14. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    My event screen says it is in C% too. It's exactly the same text (Traveling Aquarium), but the exclamation mark on my map is showing up in St Petersburg.

    Aquarium cars are showing up in other cities to deliver to St Petersburg, so it just looks like a display error on daily event screen, though haven't delivered any yet.
  15. CzechCongo

    CzechCongo Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    That looks like quite a project. It seems like it would be satisfying for you to get working and then would take all the fun out of planning your routes. ;)

    Getting the distances (both crow-flies and track) and fuel usage will take a good bit of time, and should be done on the wiki.
  16. chapel07

    chapel07 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
    Mine says the same but the event is in dublin.
  17. green_paper

    green_paper Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    Enhancement request

    I would really welcome a % bonus if you load up a train to its full capacity with cars going to the same destination. This is so much harder to do compared to Pocket Planes (since in PP, you can simply wait for the job refresh)!

  18. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    Mine too, it's in Budapest. I guess it's a code typo, easy to fix. Maybe the code should be %C% and they forgot the first % :p
  19. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    It seems clear by now that the daily event cargo type (e.g. sushi rolls, safari cars, etc.) and delivery type (i.e. 50 incoming or 75 outgoing) are the same for everybody, no matter what level etc. But the city is random.

    I'm hoping that "random" always means that it is somewhere you've already unlocked, and not outside your network...
  20. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #1120 vicsark, Oct 2, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
    I really enjoy the sense of progression, expanding carefully along with completing your existing trains and getting better ones.

    The way you can redesign and optimize your railroads is brilliant.
    I like finding the good fit between the line (distance/number of stations/hubs) and the train (speed/capacity/endurance).

    I see many people having a small number of railroads, but tbh the price of the incremental railroad looks way more linear and cheap than in PP
    I got 13 railroads, the next one is only at 46k, and the coins are flowing fast.
    I'd advise to open as many lines as you can handle, using your steamers at first as feeders for the hubs. Then replacing them later with expresses if needed.
    The carbon steamer is the kangaroo of PT ;)

    And I'm in favor of claiming all the lines that are attached to your existing network of cities (ie a Bordeaux/ Milan line or an Amsterdam/Munich line even if somewhat redundant help me a lot)

    Level 15, I got now 4 full expresses (2 engines+fuel), 4 standards (only one with 2 engines), 2 zephyr, and 3 steamers (full, 2 carbons).

    Still short on Bux, as I have to use them for layover upgrades.
    Still expanding in Asia for the moment, trying to rationalize the Europe/Asia flow.

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