Nothing to say about that. I even have nothing against hacking, as I consider it part of the ecosystem, and something any dev has to deal with gracefully. My only problem is hackers who mess with the rest of the players. You went all Robin Hood, and started spreading your hacked goods without thinking of the consequences. Should you kept your hacked trains to yourself, nobody would've told you anything. But you started messing with the rest of the players, so I'm glad you got blacklisted. I think that's the part you're having problems dealing with. Do with your phone what you wish, but don't mess with the rest.
Right! Somebody's using the Dekotora or the Dragonbreath? Are they any use? I think they can be used for really short lines, but don't see much practical use for them.
The only use I can think of for them is if you have 2 major hubs that are really close (1 or 2 stations away from each other) and you use it to rapidly transfer items between the two hubs. Eg. Hub at Munich & Paris, or hub at Tehran & Baghdad. Dragonbreath could transfer cargo between hubs really quickly.
Uh, let me revise it to: PT events are easier to complete for players without an empire of plane/trains.
I'm sorry, still learning here. Could i ask where did you guys coin terms like hubs? Any guide i can read?
I haven't made much progress, had a late start due to problems upgrading IOS before installing PT. Have only reached level 9. Have 6 trains: 3 Bluebell Steamers (2 w/fuel car) -- London-Rome line -- Amsterdam-Minsk line -- Paris-Kiev line 2 Cherry Steamer (1 w/fuel car) -- Berlin-Bordeaux line -- Bordeaux-Copenhaen line 1 National Express (w/fuel car) -- Glasgow-Reykjavik line Next on my todo list: Add train to do Berlin - Budapest - Istanbul Add train to do Minsk - Kiev - Istanbul I'm sitting on 87 crates. I thought I read something on the forum about waiting until later levels before opening crates in order to to have a higher chance of getting better train parts. What level would that be?
Hubs are stations with several lines running through them. For example, Munich or Paris are normally hubs, as you'll probably run several lines through them and you'll use it to "store" jobs there (layovers).
It's not a word specific to Pocket Trains/Pocket Planes, it's just what the word means see: No specific level - just wait as long as you can to open them. If you are about to level up, definitely don't open any, just wait a bit longer till you level up then open them.
It is true that at later level, crate give less mundane part like carbon steamer or steamer at all. But it is up to you to enjoy the game now, or the game later.
I've not kept a close eye on what trains I have been getting from crates at which level, but I can say that at level 13 I would expect to get mostly 'standard' class trains, with a few express trains and the occasional steamer. I'm not one to make sweeping assumptions about other posters, but I can only assume that the 'open crates later' strategy has been passed down from the beta test. It's a matter of personal preference. I'm a strategy gamer and I find that a strong early game snowballs into an overpowering middle game and an indomitable end game. If you horde your resources early on then you run the risk of having a slow start, and even a boring early game. Obviously this is a fun, casual, sandbox type of game so it's not like we are trying to beat anyone, I'm just voicing my opinion.
Does anyone know at which level crates include freighters, and/or at which level they are no longer providing steamers, expresses and standards?
I'm finally at a position where I'm really enjoying the game and am happy with my strategy! I have10 lines. I have the following trains: 4 x Express (all with additional engine; next step will be fuel) 4 x Steamers (all with additional fuel) 2 x Standards They are working the following lines, at present: Essentially it's a single-hub set up. Munich is the main hub but the setup of the lines means I can pretty much take any package anywhere. I focus on crates first, then bux, then fill the rest with decent coins jobs. It seems to me that 4 is the perfect length for a line too for the amount of jobs you get from them. 3 seems very sparse at times.
Anyone know where TasilIq is on the Asia map? My event for the day is at that location and I don't want to waste too much money searching for it as I have not uncovered it yet.
I noticed getting a larger proportion of better parts at level 12. Since you are already pretty well set up, I would hold off on popping lots of crates until then, but I would still do a couple now and then for fun.
I'm at 14 and still haven't seen a freighter. I doubt there's a point where you'll NEVER get steamers.
Would make achievements very hard if you hadn't nabbed them (I nearly missed the steamer by selling trains and not realising specials don't count!) From what we've seen so far (judging by what I've read on the forum and my own experience) the event is at either a city you already own or a city attached to a city you own. So look at all the cities on your map that you haven't bought but can see and it should be one of those. There's also a world map somewhere a couple pages back...