Universal Pocket Trains - (by NimbleBit LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. griff08

    griff08 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    me too!
  2. griff08

    griff08 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    oh does OS matter? whats ur code? il try to send to u.
  3. aelesia

    aelesia Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    50 jobs - Deliver items from that city
    75 jobs - Deliver items to that city
  4. gafortiby

    gafortiby New Member

    Jun 4, 2013
    #824 gafortiby, Sep 30, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2013
    I've been a long time PP and TT player, and I gotta say I love PT.

    Game mechanics are very different from PP and I like that.

    Regarding breakdowns.
    I don't mind breakdowns. But it occurs WAY too often.

    Regarding parts and UNCRATE
    TEN bucks to uncrate? That's really high. There are plenty of bucks to be earned in the game so it's not impossible, but the cost to build out new train lines is just too high. Thankfully this is balanced by the fact that building a train is free once you have the parts.

    Regarding CRATES and parts
    There should be an option to SELL unwanted crates and individual parts. If you have 5 crates and 0 bux then all you got is a pile of crates that you can't use. :(

    New RR button
    In PP, you add a new plane slot by scrolling down on the list of your planes. In PT, you add a new train slot by clicking on the new RR button in the menu. It's a minor thing but I would have preferred the PP way of adding slots.

    The bitbook is not something I ever used in PP or TT, so I don't mind that it is gone. However I think there is a coherent way to add them back. There is already a job/cargo type of "Luxury Car" where bitizens are occupying the cars. So why not have citizens inside that car chatter on the bitbook??

    Regarding Global events and CREWs.
    I LOVE that there is no global events in PT because it was seriously unbalanced in PP. The Toucharcade crew would win ALL the events all the time anyway, so joining any other CREW was pointless.
    IF a global events/crew system is ever put into place in PT, here is my suggestion. The crew's performance should be ranked as "jobs delivered PER crew member" and every crew must have at least ten members. THEN it would be more balanced and ANY crew would have a chance to win.
  5. CzechCongo

    CzechCongo Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Hey Nimblebit devs,
    Thanks again for the game. Like other NB games, but more so, Pocket Trains has that Civilization-like One More Turn Syndrome, which I'm sure as game devs you'll recognize as high praise. I'm increasing my review from 4 stars to 5 and hope you'll keep making changes to improve the game even more.

    - Add a cargo indicator next to the fuel indicator on the Railroads screen. That way we will be able to tell which trains need to have cars coupled.
    - Just like the arrows to the sides of the train name at the top, there should also be arrows at the bottom next to the station name so that we can scroll through the stations as well. This will make it easier for us to quickly scan for stations that have lots of layovers; as it is, we have to keep going to the map and tapping, which is sometimes tough if there is a train near the station or far flung stations.
    - More line colors!
    - Can we have more events? I'd like to see either a daily second-class and first-class event (one that's easier and one more difficult for more experienced players) or maybe a daily event as well as a weekly event.
    - Sliders for music and sfx in Options. I sometimes want to crank the volume on my iPad so I can glory in the clickety-clacks and horn blasts, but then the music is too loud, so I end up turning off the excellent music! :(

    Things I don't miss from other NB games: messing with and dressing up Bitizens, Bitbook, and team events.

    Thanks again!
    -CC, 19JL
  6. aelesia

    aelesia Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    I don't think it's high considering that the main reason you need bux is for un-crating stuff anyway. My sister has 174 bux and has opened every single crate.

    Agreed, it's kinda annoying that you have to pay the fee to start a new line even though you've already paid for it but happened to close a line down. The was a time when I wanted to move a train from Europe to Asia and I had to change ownership of the entire stretch, then change it back to the originally train. Figured it was cheaper than closing and starting a new line.

    I have to say that combined with the breakdowns, I'm constantly low on gold and it's taking me a much longer time to progress. AND I LOVE IT! The fun on pocket planes died really fast as soon as you expanded all the way across from LA <-> Japan and had a fleet of tier 3 planes. Over here it's gonna take me a really long time! :D

    I was wondering whether it could be changed such that all team sizes were limited to say, 50. That way everyone is on an equal playing field. I really loved global events and it was the thing that kept me playing even after I amassed billions of coins in PP.
  7. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    There is. When you get enough unwanted parts, build a new engine (free) and sell it for coins.

    That's what I've been doing with my crates. I open as many as I can, looking to complete better trains. If I get steamers, then I get >3000 coins for three parts, which cost me 30 bux from opening crates. Therefore, it's like a bux to coins conversion rate of about half of what you get at the bank.
  8. wedge598

    wedge598 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    I generally agree with this. Here are some other things that are bothering me:

    Random nature of Special crates. The last 6 special crates I've opened have been Carbon Steamers. I've already got plenty of this train and I really want to build a Mallard or Daylight but those parts are very rare. The rareness coupled with the random nature that seems to favor the Carbon makes it a very frustrating way to collect the trains. I preferred the PP system which allowed you to buy the parts you wanted directly after you reached a certain level.

    No trainpedia. It would be nice to know what types of trains are in the game and at least be able to gawk over them even if collecting them is extremely difficult.

    No Ability to paint the trains. I really loved being able to put my own personal touch on the planes in PP. Seems like painting the trains could be just as easy to implement. Why not?

    No abilty to remove engines and fuel cars. I'd really like the option to remove a fuel car or second engine to place it somewhere else without having to shutdown the whole line. At the very least how about a way to reorder the engines and fuel cars so I can have both engines paired together with the fuel car behind. It places them on the track in the order I install them and I think it looks better with the engines together.
  9. aelesia

    aelesia Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    You can swap out the engine and swap it back on. Gonna cost you 5k though.
  10. Leonick

    Leonick Member

    Nov 14, 2010
    This isnt needed. There is already a way in the game to see what stations have carts in the stockyard. It's not immediately obvious though. Ever noticed how some cities have a larger dot than others? Yea, that's it, if a city have a large marker that means there are carts in the stockyard.
  11. DGH94

    DGH94 Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2009
    Next to the Maiden
    Does anyone know if I buy the license for NA, but don't buy the line from Lisbon to NY, but start a RR in NY, can I create a RR just in NA?
  12. aelesia

    aelesia Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    Can't be done without buying the track that links you to NA first.
  13. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Today's event is a real doozy, deliver 75 cars to Indonesia. I've got enough for the new railroad, I just don't have a train to put on it yet! I best get grinding out crates.

    Also today's exchange rate is a real shocker at 187
  14. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #834 vicsark, Sep 30, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2013
    I would advise to expand to Asia first, and not North America. This is a more natural evolution, the lines are about twice as long to go through, and there is a cluster of cities around Beijing, as well as multiple paths to go there. Go through Middle East and India rather than Russia.

    If you really wish to expand first to NA via Lisbon, be sure to have plenty of cash and a very good long distance train beforehand!

    I barely made the 50 jobs out of Chengdu for my daily event, I'm really enjoying the challenge after months of high level Pocket Planes :)
    Bux is scarce, coins are beginning to flow, and crates are still piling up although at a slower rate.

    I got 10 railroads : 4 steamers, 4 express, 2 standards.
    Still need to complete some express with fuel and double engines, and standards are naked.

    Level 13, 115000 miles, 8700 cars, 250 crates, 3000 Bux
    Continues below with the European operations
  15. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #835 vicsark, Sep 30, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2013
    Sorry for the multiple posts, iPhone doesn't allow multiple screenshots.
    European operations

    Attached Files:

  16. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Asia beginning to look good :)

    Attached Files:

  17. Churchill92

    Churchill92 Active Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    I can honestly say that Russia is a barren wasteland of empty space. There is nothing there, and it is damn expensive. I went straight across the middle for giggle and it cost me as much as a new license into Africa would be.

    The big bang for the buck is moving into lower Asia, like the poster above said, and then branching out from there. Going across Russia without a 600 fuel system is utterly impossible. I have a carbon going from Utrika (or something) to kiev that takes 25m with NOTHING along the way.

    Russia takes the ability to move freight across the continent FAST. Will be good for Eastern half of Asia to move materials right into europe with a fast train.
  18. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    As of now, I'm planning to go straight from Volgograd to Beijing as soon as my Rio Grande has its first fuel car. I could instead have Tehran be a hub with lines from Europe and Africa meeting a line from Asia. But I like tying lines together at more than just one point. Seeing the connections in South Asia though, maybe that's a mistake. Hrm.

    I think that the "claiming" track is to make it cost something to move your routes around. You have to pay again for a new train to claim the route. It is a little inelegant when first purchasing, however.
  19. Seiza616

    Seiza616 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    How do you turn off that annoying ringing notification?
  20. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    You are actually naming the line not the train - if you switch the engine out for another one the name will stay the same.

    Yes, anything that's more than 200 coins per wagon or any Bux jobs I transport.

    Thanks for that! I wondered if there was a line down the west of Africa.

    All my jobs are currently stacking up at Madrid atm, I can't get them south quick enough - the Africa trains have to travel so far, they take so long. One goes Madrid - Tripoli, the other goes from Tripoli down to Zanzibar.

    Does this sound like a good plan? (I currently have Europe and Africa licenses):
    A Europe train goes all the way to Casablanca
    West Africa train from Casablanca to Cape Town
    East Africa train from Cairo to Cape Town
    North Africa train from Casablanca to Cairo (I thought Cairo was a good place for them to meet, then in future there can be a 3rd train meeting there to join up to Asia).
    I can't afford all that right now, but I think that's what I'll work towards for now.

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