Universal Pocket Trains - (by NimbleBit LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013

    I just turned lvl 12. And you're right, red, blue and aqua collect in Paris, with Amsterdam and Milan serving as secondary hubs. The carbon steamer on the green line connecting the secondary's is the real work horse of the fleet. It's always the last to run out of fuel due to its short journeys, and it can put the cars just where they are needed while the main lines do their thing.

    I would delete the superfluous Karachi line, but it cost a lot of money to set up!
  2. Tastyfish

    Tastyfish Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    And my special crate event today is in tasilaq. So I guess that means today I am not having to obsess over this game. Can't make 100K coins in one day yet.
  3. atmmta

    atmmta Active Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    I don't see the benefit in deleting a line or closing a station. You get the same number of jobs for your preferred cities. All you need to do is ignore the cities you don't want to go to. I only choose jobs by colour code, and exceptionally if it is a high paying job (4x coin multiplier, bux, crate).
  4. Mdaymond

    Mdaymond Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    Ah okay, yeah. I can see how that works now :rolleyes: Funnily enough, my green line which also hits Munich is my workhorse too! Along with my Carbon Steamer on the blue line below it.

    My interest was about your blue Delhi line though - is that actually connected to anything else at all (other than the white Karachi line?). I'm really intrigued as to whether you can run individual rail road by themselves, not attached to anything. And if it's possible, then what happens to the job pool at any stations on the solitary line? Hmmmmm..... :cool:
  5. atmmta

    atmmta Active Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Yup, I have a theory on the Daily Event location (from earlier post):

    Tip: My guess for the Daily Events is that it picks a city that has not been bought yet to motivate you to expand. Be careful if you are close to the edge of a continent. I monopolised Europe and then my daily event city was Perm, Asia. Hence I had to grind for about 60k coins to get to it.
  6. Tastyfish

    Tastyfish Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    I read your prediction earlier and ANY other city I would have been fine but I had to open Reykjavik cause everyone was going on and on about how great it is (which it is)
  7. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I deleted the Karachi line, for the sake of science, thereby isolating the Indian network. However I still get jobs in India for the rest of my network
  8. Macs96qaz

    Macs96qaz Active Member

    Nov 14, 2012
    I've had five events so far, and they have all been in cities already open, I think it's random, it's in a city that you can see on your map, wether it's opened or not.
  9. Ooh Shiny

    Ooh Shiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    Thanks so much, I've been trying to decide on a strategy and this helped a TON. Let me know how your expansion into America goes. Thanks for sharing your route :)
  10. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    What's the consensus on posting maps of unlocked areas here? A big part of the game for me is uncovering new areas, but I also love seeing people's networks.

    I just don't want to spoil anyone's fun as I seem to be going a direction that most aren't.
  11. ElkhoundsRock

    ElkhoundsRock Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    I've had 3 daily events in Barcelona in a row and the other one was in Paris. Paris I already owned and then Barcelona I didn't but then it was in Barcelona again and I was like what
  12. Ooh Shiny

    Ooh Shiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    Should I be keeping the basic trains I get or is it fine to sell them? Are they helpful in the future?
  13. ElkhoundsRock

    ElkhoundsRock Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    Well personally I think you should sell them because in the future you will be getting more valuable parts in crates.

    So I think that if you don't need them sell them
  14. Mdaymond

    Mdaymond Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    #774 Mdaymond, Sep 30, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2013
    Ahhh cool, well done! Interesting results... I wonder how far away you'd have to be from 'civilization' before it only gives jobs for a solitary line (if it does that)... so for example, I had just Australia in the future and the next closest line would be where I am in Europe now. If I ever have a kabillion coins, I'll test it! Or ask NimbleTim....

    You're most welcome :) And I will indeed!! :cool:

    I liked discovering new directions and new trains too, but at the same time it's annoying as it limits how much you can plan. Eventually people will reach higher levels and anyone lower will see everything anyway. At the moment there are various areas mapped throughout the thread - bottom of page 38 for example. Long and short of it, I think it's fine to be honest :)

    I've kept most of mine. In the early levels they can come in handy for selling for coins but in current levels (10, 11, 12 etc.), they can still be very useful! I have 2 steamers working as 'movers', laying over cars ready for the bigger trains to ferry away. As the steamers are slower, they will likely be the last of your trains to run out of fuel (if you play constantly), so they're good for organizing cars on smaller sections of tracks whilst your bigger, faster trains are on a run! :) May be useful in new continents too. Of course, it depends how many you actually have!
  15. yamfun

    yamfun Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    I play on Android actually, but since this is the only place I know the NimbleBit dev would appear, I am gonna post here for my issue.
    Sometimes, when I am playing, the game would abruptly revert to some previous progress, as if it was, say, 3 minutes ago, basically unsaved.

    As for my layout, it is 5 mainlines spreading from Munich to Iceland, Moscow, Lisbon, Vologrod, Stockholm. I unlocked all cities and tracks in Europe becoz I was like "hrmm, it is a long way to the next 50k to unlock this or that, sooooo bored right now, uh, let's unlock these stupid tracks around Bordeaux and Kiev"

    I think I wasted 100k in Europe for repeatedly opening and shutting lines, claiming and reclaiming tracks, upgrading stations foolishly...etc, all without a good plan. So now I plan on a diagram first........

    My NA layout is primitive, just a loop of the New England cities for now.
    Fun fact: The black steamer engine has just enough fuel to do 1 loop of those cities.
  16. Ooh Shiny

    Ooh Shiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    #776 Ooh Shiny, Sep 30, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2013
    Thanks! :) do you know if there is a list of achievements somewhere? They've been helpful for getting some extra bucks, but they're always unexpected. Also, do you disrupt your route in order to do events that require you to expand?
  17. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    The achievements list is in the menu, under 'awards'
  18. Ooh Shiny

    Ooh Shiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    Thanks :)
  19. Mdaymond

    Mdaymond Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    They're all listed in-game! Click on the menu, then bottom left for Achievements. Click on each one for a description of what's required. It usually awards about 20 bux and a special crate for each one completed.

    It's also worth noting that for the 'engine set' awards, you only need to craft the engines, and don't need to put them into service.
    For the 'Monopoly' and 'Operation' awards, "service" only requires you to build the tracks, you don't have to claim them, nor visit the cities if you don't want to! Might save you a few coins :) Unless I get the opportunity, I'm personally not going for achievements until I have disposable money!
  20. nao

    nao Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    I'm currently rushing coal out of Reykjavik, still have 8 hours to do it. I'm using my best train atm the carbon steamer to carry as much as possible but it runs out of fuel really quickly even with a fuel car addon. Hope I can finish on time :D

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