Universal Pocket Trains - (by NimbleBit LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    I need metro parts!


    Let me know what YOU need! PM

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  2. AcideEthanoique

    Sep 28, 2013
    I finally decided to extend my Munich-Glasgow line up to Reykjavik... and was quite disappointed :(

    This line costs approx. 25K (open & claim)... but is quite useless... I still have no good cargo offers for this destination, and the only cargos I had were from Glasgow itself (= low wages)

    I would advice anyone who is asking himself to construct this track or not, to save for a license.
    Reykjavik may however be a good point for anyone who wants to expend to NA.
  3. CzechCongo

    CzechCongo Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Partially true, I think. The "special" train of each set (with improved speed/capacity/fuel, but with more parts required) may need a special crate to get started, but after that first one the parts come in regular crates as well. I've gotten plenty of Carbon parts from regular crates. It looks like Regional Express is the special train of the next set, but I've only gotten one of those.
  4. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Hehe (;
  5. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #345 vicsark, Sep 28, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
    Here you are ;)
    Even on the long lines, I mostly do short trips (1 or 2 stations) to get the new jobs each time.
    I also always take the Bux and crate jobs when I see them, and layover them at the next stop.

    Also, to unlock the Monopoly Europe award, you just need to buy the lines to connect all the stations, not have trains running on it. (And not all the lines as long as the station is already connected)

    Edit: Monopoly award and not operation

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  6. Tactics

    Tactics Member

    Feb 21, 2013
    Is there any reason not to ever attach a fuel car to your trains? In Pocket Planes, there was a good reason for not upgrading the speed of your planes for instance.
  7. Menel

    Menel Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    Doesnt appear to be.
  8. nightc1

    nightc1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    It only affects fuel capacity. The negative affect is that it takes parts to make and you may have to pay through the nose in gold later if you don't have any extra parts when the train breaks down. It also costs Bux to uncrate all those parts in the first place so it is probably better to setup your lines then sit on the crates and save the Bux. 10 Bux converted to coins is so far always more than 2000 gold and repairs are typically around 1200 gold.

    So there's a deeper bit of strategy on even bothering to uncrate stuff.

    Currently by doing this I have over 300 Bux, 8 trains and all of Eastern Europe from Budapest west except Reykjavik.
  9. aelesia

    aelesia Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    I'm guessing the only reason you might not want to attach a fuel car is when you're low on parts and you would rather build another engine over a fuel car.
  10. aelesia

    aelesia Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    Actually the chance of getting better parts increases as you level up. For that reason I'm sitting on about 70 crates and I'm not touching them till im ready go expand out of Europe.
  11. yamfun

    yamfun Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    Let's say I have 2 line in Europe that I want to close, and kind of operate 2 lines in NA instead.
    How do I move it?
  12. AcideEthanoique

    Sep 28, 2013
    Stop your train in a station, and "Shut down the line" in the TRAIN menu.
  13. yamfun

    yamfun Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    #353 yamfun, Sep 28, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
    What will happen next? Do I have to "new RR" and pay for the fee again? It is steep. :\

    I am considering this because I have 10 lines in Europe, it is a micromanagement hell. Makes me exhausted.
  14. AcideEthanoique

    Sep 28, 2013
    That's the point.
    The other way is to sell all the routes but the one between the next city on the way to the new city you want to serve. Then sell the route between the 1st and the 2nd, and claim the one between the 2nd and the 3rd... etc.
    But as the claim of the Lisbon-NY route is quite expensive, I think the new RR method is more appropriate.
  15. Scorpion008

    Scorpion008 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2011
    At what level do you start getting different trains from crates?
  16. itschriscollins

    itschriscollins Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2012
    This is pretty much the exact same set-up that I have. Munich makes the best Europe hub by my reckoning, and then Madrid will be the 'international hub' for going to America and Africa (my next expansion will be Africa). Probably use Volgograd for the Asian expansion, haven't decided on that just yet.

    I've also got a circle line serving Budapest,Berlin,Amsterdam,Paris,Milan. Although I don't think it's great as far as profit goes it's very handy because if say the Munich,Paris,London train finds a bux job for Lisbon in Munich I can drop that job off in Paris, have the circle line take it to Milan, and have the train there take it to Lisbon. A little convoluted but I think overall it doesn't work too badly.

    Also that circle line is very handy for dealing with layover issues during challenges. Often I'll have the challenge train going only between two or three cities and never reaching my hub which begins to pile up. The circle line can take any challenge jobs one stop earlier making it quicker and can shift layovers around to keep the main hub from filling up (although once I upgrade the layovers I won't really need it so it'll probably be the first to go)

    I'm going to keep my eye on the circle line, but I suspect I might drop it once I've started another continent and it isn't as important to get some of the jobs moving around. Then again, it could be handy to help with shuttling jobs between. Depends how lucrative long range jobs will be. I'm expecting it'll be better to just run local jobs and have the long range ones picked up and dropped off so they 'hop' their way slowly across the country.

    I currently have around 40k coins and 400 bux thanks mainly to levelling up, completing the daily challenge and my trains delivering 40 bux at once. Methinks it's time to crack open some crates and get some better trains!

    Anyone else got a dragonbreath part yet? Can't wait to build that :p
  17. Soar2344

    Soar2344 Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    So I have 50k coins. Should I buy a license or just save up?
  18. Brinkman

    Brinkman Well-Known Member

    Quick question. What do the coin logos mean? Some show 4 of the at a value of $72 and another one will have 2 at the same dollar amount.
  19. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    Ok guys, I have 10 emerald steamer parts. I see PP's ridiculously bad luck is still in force with me- anyone got any other parts to trade?
  20. CocoPops50

    CocoPops50 Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    United Kingdom
    Lisbon -> New York

    What train can make the jump from Lisbon to New York? Will a National Express do it? Just spent 50k on the license! :S

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