Universal Pocket Trains - (by NimbleBit LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. aelesia

    aelesia Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    #281 aelesia, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
    My original strategy was to interlock my lines as much as possible to reduce the number of transfers needed, but after awhile I found it a pain trying to recall where I left the layover and I constantly had to check all my interchanges to find where the job was left at.

    Felt that it was really messy and un-organized so my next strategy was to minimize interlocking lines and meet only at main hubs such as Paris for Europe. It's more rigid as all cargo bound for any city in Europe has to be routed through Paris instead of taking a direct train route, but it's way easier to manage as each train only has one terminal to check for layovers.

    I'm planning to modify the strategy a bit more such that there are 2 kinds of hubs and 3 types of trains. One will be a cross-continental hub while the other will be a regional hub. Basically I plan to have a set of extremely high capacity trains who's job is to simply ferry cargo across from continent to continent and stop at intercontinental hubs. At each inter-continental hub, there will be a high-speed, medium capacity transfer train that delivers the jobs to all the regional hubs. Each regional hub will have a low capacity train that connects to around 3 or 4 nearby cities.
  2. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    The national express is definitely one that needs the fuel car...it's super profitable now! BTW, is there a parts trading thread? I have tons of steamer parts and special parts to trade...
  3. aelesia

    aelesia Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    Actually all trains can travel the same distance right? The only difference is that the Express trains are able to travel the route in half the time, so it feels like it's burning fuel faster but it still manages to cover as much distance as non-upgraded Steamers.
  4. clarsonx

    clarsonx Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    And they look so much cooler than the Steamers
  5. Mdaymond

    Mdaymond Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    #285 Mdaymond, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013

    Thank you for such an informative reply! You're correct in how unbalanced Golbal Events became, but if you ever figure out a system where it could work then I'm sure there would be many of us who'd love the return of them - it adds a massive social aspect to the game :) Perhaps multiple continent specific global events? It's not as easy to expand in this game, so if GE's were introduced in say 5 months, anyone new to the game wouldn't be able to compete. You could have 2 or 3 GE's at a time, but have them last for a week rather than Pocket Plane's 3 1/2 days? It's a more strategic game in the sense that moving things around isn't as easy as changing airports and pressing 'Fly', so the extra time would allow lines / trains / distribution / etc. to be set up.

    There could be a limit on the amount of members in any one team (300, 500, 1000, etc?) to stop what happened last time with the TouchArcade crew. I don't know. Lol... it's no surprise you haven't implemented anything at the moment but I hope it's still on the tables! :rolleyes:

    Absolutely 100% agree with this. That would be a helpful change, being able to see things at a glance :)

    Again, I agree with this!!! It got boring after a while - I'd prefer one of the free menu spaces to have a button reading 'Global Event' :p lol.

    Additionally, I would also like to see a 'TrainPedia'. I'd also like the trains to stand out from eachother more - being able to see individual mileage, journeys made, cars transported, profits, etc.
  6. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    That makes a lot of sense, actually. I might adopt that strategy when I expand into NA, and later redo Europe and Africa.

    I feel like my system looks more like a real railroad, but real railroads have full time dispatchers!
  7. DannyTheElite

    DannyTheElite Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
    Forum poster
    Area 51
    Please add more line colours. I'm starting to run out.
  8. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    I closed one. I built tracks (white tracks) to Stockholm, then later changed my mind and closed them, which closed the station. I hadn't built a railroad (coloured tracks) to Stockholm though.
  9. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    They should make a game where you have to like build a giant tower and manage the floors and stuff
  10. DannyTheElite

    DannyTheElite Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
    Forum poster
    Area 51
    They did , it's called Tiny Tower
  11. I gotta see what all the hype is about, downloading.
  12. Scaramanga79+

    Scaramanga79+ Member

    Jan 19, 2013
    Tennessee, USA
    Cool I just saw a crate with a parachute flying with the coins.
  13. snippygal

    snippygal Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    I love the soda tankers!!

    Attached Files:

  14. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    lol :D
  15. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Make sure you don't shake them while traveling..or maybe you should if pointed the other way to get extra speed for you train!! Only need a menthos load to make it complete!!
  16. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Thks for sharing!
    It actually makes a lot of sense to have the central hub where all the railroad lines converge. Paris or Munich would have 5 different lines terminus for example. It sure would help woth the layover micro management (allthough I like it for now, but with a dozen lines, it surely will become a headache!)

    In PP, most of the high flyers use a central hub strategy to achieve massive jobs numbers for the global events.

    I have now more sthg like multiple crossing lines in PT. I'll think about it when I'll unlock other continents I guess
  17. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    I'm finding it really hard to raise Bux. I have 22 boxes, almost enough saved for my first new license and am almost level 9 (just hit it while typing actually) and zero spare Bux. Am I doing something wrong?
  18. Soar2344

    Soar2344 Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    Hard to raise bux?

    It's the opposite for me. I'm getting a ton of them I've just played 2 days and almost got 400 buxs.
  19. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Same here, because I've used a lot of bux to upgrade layover capacity.
    long term investment that should ease the Bux/crate harvesting :)
  20. nightc1

    nightc1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    #300 nightc1, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
    I was having a hard time raising bux but lately the jobs with bux are, for me anyway, getting a priority and have been more plentiful. Even 3 bux, considering the exchange rate, is worth more to me than a lot of coins. I think my main sluggish point was opening crates and upgrading stockyards so I could hold more stuff. But I've adjusted some of my gameplay and it's not an issue anymore. Once the stockyards are around 30 or 40, there's not much reason for me to upgrade beyond that right now. Also for parts, it's cheaper to exchange bux for cash and pay for repairs unless I have enough gold to just outright pay right then. All in all, I'm doing well just being in Europe. I actually sold off my other lower end steam trains that were just sitting in the yard and I won't build another one until I'm ready to expand. The parts are worth more as scrap, and I'd rather wait for a 12 capacity train than an 8, unless the 8 is only moving between two cities... or 3 cities that are in a triangle loop.

    Also, no fuel cars for me. I've adjusted to playing in little spurts and then going back to something else. By time I return, most of the time all trains are fueled up ready to go again.

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