Universal Pocket Trains - (by NimbleBit LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. ApollyonQ

    ApollyonQ Member

    Jun 24, 2012
    Also.... I think I've seen this comment earlier: My In-App purchases are listed in USD, while I live in a country where we use Euro's.

    An option to show the KPH instead of MPH would be nice to have.

    I have a National Express engine. It eats so much fuel I replaced it with a steam engine until I have enough parts for a fuel car.

    Would it be possible to show the fuel level of every train in the train selection screen?

    Also I have just accidentily refueled a train, thinking the screen was asking me wether or not I wanted to claim the track. The screens are very similar.
  2. xinn3r

    xinn3r Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2012
    Definitely miss the corny Bitbook comments, but overall it's a deeper game than pocket plane IMO.

    Anyone got spare bluebell steamer parts lying around? In dire need of fuel car here...

    My gift code is 17R8 if anyonr is generous enough!
  3. ApollyonQ

    ApollyonQ Member

    Jun 24, 2012
    #243 ApollyonQ, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
    Sent.... just see what you can send back... 19YJ
    Edit: Thanks
  4. Menel

    Menel Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    I noticed this. Broke the bank setting up a Metro Express and line. Only get one trip then 10min refuel :(
  5. Menel

    Menel Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    I suspected as much.

    Thsnks for confirming :)
  6. Leonick

    Leonick Member

    Nov 14, 2010
    #246 Leonick, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
    Yea, building them is enough. It seem not all from a set count towards the set though. I had the Bluebell, Crabon, Cherry and Vanilla and those didn't give the award (even changed an engine so I had all out in the world), got the award when I built an emerald though.

    Kind of odd isn't it? Had I just been shown both games never having heard of either before and then asked which one just came out and which one was a year old I think I would have got the order backyards.

    Just tap the info button? That'll give you the amount of fuel. I wonder if the fuel consumption is the same for all trains though, I'd assume so as there is no number but still.
  7. stooney

    stooney Well-Known Member


    So far, I have found no way to turn off notifications.
    Am I missing something or is this not possible?
  8. ApollyonQ

    ApollyonQ Member

    Jun 24, 2012
    I mean the screen where you can select a train to give it orders. I know there's a grey icon when it's refueling, and the F will turn green when it's full. An indicator or percentage instead of the icon would probably be better.
  9. itschriscollins

    itschriscollins Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2012
    So I've not been too bothered by the repairs. They don't happen too regularly and I always earn more than enough form my trains alone to both repair them and open new lines, so far the only annoyance is when they break immediately after I've spent all my coins on a new track! (and built a new train and then built a railroad and then claimed the track - one hell of a process)

    But has anyone not repaired a train yet? Obviously the trains go slower if you don't repair them but I've noticed that the repair price goes up every time. It doesn't appear to go up by a set amount but it's about a 100 coins every time I don't repair it - when it gets to the next station it costs more to repair.

    I think it's probably a good mechanic but it's a bit weird when the break reason randomly changes each time.
  10. hellscaretaker

    hellscaretaker Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2012
    Im a youtube gamer/streamer
    layover and extreme mesures

    now im surprised no one has answered this,

    to store stock as layover is simple, just take the cargo to a station thats not destination offload and there you go layover and it will stay there as layover and wont be removed in a station refresh.

    Speaking of extreme measures and this is carrying on from my moving buxs to save them. Has become a mini game on its own, now of course your lay out will be different from mine but maybe you had the same thing happen to you on your layout. I had a part box show up on my train that was running from Paris to London and it had to go to Budapest which was being run by Paris to Budapest train. Knowing that i lose the box as soon as the next train arrived, i took the box and dropped at London thus making it a layover. Once the Paris Budapest train arrived i changed the london line over to Budapest picked up the box and took it to Budapest and changed the line back.

    As im making enough money on some of the runs taking the hit on the gold wasnt so bad.

    I have to admit when i first started playing this game, i thought it seemed a lot simpler then pocket planes but when got into it. I found it really got me thinking where im going to take this cargo and what line should i open up.
  11. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    People must be approaching this game differently than I am. I've not found anything bad to say about the two chief sources of negative feedback, fuel and repairs.

    Fuel... I've never run out, once. One, I made adding fuel cars to existing engines a priority over expansions. Two, I don't sit there babysitting a freemium timer based game as though it's intended that I can play it constantly. I set up some runs, maybe keep up on them for 10-20 minutes, and then I don't touch the game again for a while. Fuel is usually back to full or close to it.

    Repairs... haven't broke down yet. Not sure what influences this, but I suspect odds of a break down goes up as down time approaches zero. I probably have a half hour of down time for every 10 minutes of running a train. Still, even when I do get hit with a repair in future, it will be no big deal; it's called a money sink and games do need them. No game, no matter how simple, should always be a net positive. Even a brain dead children's game like Candyland has a backslide mechanic.

    Anyhow, as for the 3rd most common topic: Bitbook: good riddance. It was cute enough when it was first introduced in Tiny Tower, but quickly grew stale since it's just a random string with a random variable with no game value at all, and a quickly diminishing cute factor. I'd only open it just to clear the giant red numbers that would appear in the menu from "new" messages. It was even more of an extraneous factor in Pocket Planes, so it's not missed here where, as NimbleTim said, they couldn't see how it would fit in with the game design. I would much rather they spent their time doing anything else than trying to come up with 200 silly catch phrases about being on a train.
  12. Unstablefan

    Unstablefan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 22, 2013
    Yeah, I've accidentally refueled trains and been upset by the waste of Bux. At the very least (if we can't get rid of this awful last-second low-fuel notification system) could the cancel and refuel buttons be different colors?

    Settings, app management. Notifications are usually controlled from the iOS settings menu.
  13. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    Just made my first IAP in a NimbleBit game. Bought some bux for PT.

    I didn't do this particularly to get ahead, but because I've built my Tiny Tower as high as it can go (without building superfluous empty floors), flown planes around the world for countless hours in Pocket Planes, and will in all likelihood do the same with Pocket Trains. So I figured it was about time I thanked NB for all the enjoyment I get from their games. :)
  14. nightc1

    nightc1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    So far, I'm not really bothered by the bux or coin system. Fuel & repairs haven't been a major issue. I do need fuel cars, but when the fuel is low I'll either spend the few bux to refuel or just take a 30 min break so everything can refuel.

    Things got a bit tight for me during level 6 but then opened up again once I hit 7. Currently I'm running 6 trains in 15 cities with most of the interconnecting segments bought. Its probably time for me to re-design the route for each train so the system is a little more efficient. Maybe 1 train for 3 segments. I think that'll speed things up. I gasp at the prices to get the North America and the path from Lisbon to NY. Seems like this is going to take forever to get there. I guess that's good for those that want to play this for months/years... but eh... I'm probably going to just stick with europe and not venture out of it until I'm filthy rich.

    Mine is the same today, except out of Budapest. Same story bit too.
  15. hellscaretaker

    hellscaretaker Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2012
    Im a youtube gamer/streamer
    That must make two of us, for me the fuel and repair has not been a issue since i been playing, i can only assume that is down to me making sure i collect the green bux first?

    The fuel and repair makes sense to me its not game limiter unlike some games i can think of.
  16. Menel

    Menel Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    Does the game go to shit after you get 8 trains?

    Built a Vanilla steamer to score the steamer achievement.

    First trip, broken, 1300 to repair. Second trip, broken again, 1331 to repair.

    It's basically an unusable train.
  17. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA
    Hi guys

    Looks like another great game from Nimblebit! It's got many of the good features from PocketPlanes while removing several hassles. I love that the parts are generic and I don't need specific engine/body pieces. Hello to Vicsark and Rel and others from the PP forum ;)

    Gold is tighter than I would have expected, thought it's still early of course. Looking forward to thoughts on strategy as you guys come up with ideas on networks, etc.
  18. Mirkwood

    Mirkwood Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    #258 Mirkwood, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
    Edit: nvm
  19. NimbleTim

    NimbleTim Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Sounds like a bug. There should be no chance that a train can break with only one trip after repairs. Did you replace the engine instead of adding a new railroad? That could explain the first one since replacing the engine doesn't reset the wear but the second break down should not have happened after only one trip. Just give it a little longer and see if it keeps happening.
  20. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    I did the same thing with the national express...will put into service when I get fuel car.

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