Universal Pocket Run Pool (by Zach Gage)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by stfj, May 23, 2018.

  1. stfj

    stfj Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    sorry about that! I really was quite sure I fixed this bug. It'll be fixed in the next update :(
  2. stfj

    stfj Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    not yet. working on it. sorry about that :| focusing hard on fixing these weird missing cue / cueball issues
  3. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    No big deal. :) I was just wondering because I’m fairly certain other than battery usage, I can’t tell the difference anymore. XD
  4. e5py

    e5py Member

    Feb 5, 2015
    All good buddy! Thank god for rebuys:rolleyes:
    stfj likes this.
  5. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    1146A658-EBB4-45BB-BE2B-6D3C5840351A.png Gold medals are becoming soo difficult to come by; pleeease let this be my 12th!
  6. dadiduekappa

    dadiduekappa Well-Known Member

    After the new update the sounds stay on also if the hardware mute switch is off on iPhone.
  7. stfj

    stfj Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    whoa, like the normal game sounds? I haven't had that issue on my end
  8. dadiduekappa

    dadiduekappa Well-Known Member

    Maybe it’s my phone. I update to iOS12 and this problem disappeared
  9. FRS

    FRS Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    Any chance for heads up, 1v1 play/wagers with Game Center friends?
  10. stfj

    stfj Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    until apple updates gamecenter to allow for adding new friends I've been generally staying away from implementing specific GC features :\
  11. stfj

    stfj Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Big news everyone!

    Tomorrow we're launching the 2.0 update — 2 two betting tiers, 5 new conditions, 6 new cuesticks, 10 new backgrounds, a cleaner menu, less ads, and tons of bug fixes. We hope you guys love it

  12. FRS

    FRS Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    Well, I don't care at all about the Game Center integration, but it would be great to be able to play a particular table, and send the score directly to another friend who can asynchronously play against your score, with or without a wager system attached to it. Multiplayer or head to head challenges would be great, as would be replays to rewatch your own and other's matches.

    Great work though, and nice job on the updates. We are looking forward to them!
  13. stfj

    stfj Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    My main concern with GC is that there isn't a way to add new friends. But... maybe you don't have to do that to send challenges?
    I'm a bit unfamiliar with challenges... can you send GC challenges through messages to anyone, even if they aren't on your GC friends list?
    (if so, I agree this would be a cool feature!)
  14. FRS

    FRS Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    I'm not an iOS developer and can't really speak to the mechanics of GC messaging or friend management, but my understanding is that prior to iOS 11.4 that all has to be baked into the app via the SDK or alternatively, require Facebook integration. But with 11.4+ you can once again manage GC friends so challenges via GC are once again viable.

    Again, given that you're providing leaderboards for individual tournaments it seems like it would be relatively easy to tap a name and issue a challenge with a wager attached, etc. which would fire up a pre-canned break if accepted for 1v1 challeneges that could be played asynchronously.
  15. stfj

    stfj Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    11.4 doesn't seem to have any new options regarding friends. You can delete them, but you cannot add new friends sadly.

    The problem with allowing for challenges through tapping names is that all of the gamecenter stuff is largely handled through gamecenter custom UI, and since there's no way to add friends (it's not possible through the settings app or Apple's SDK/API), theres no way to actually issue the challenge to a new friend or strange.

    Apple did change the way some iOS features worked to allow for things like hosting multiplayer sessions to take place through messages instead of through a gamecenter screen, and if that's the case then this is very attainable, I just don't know of any apps that issue GC challenges to go look into :|
  16. FRS

    FRS Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    This seems to not be the case for many games?

    But like I said, I couldn't care less if there wasn't any Game Center integration in your game.. strip it out as far as I'm concerned, but just give us an ability to challenge a friend via a text link or some other asynchronous communication and I think you'd find people would be pleased. Right now it's just fiddly to play/challenge another person, and it's limited only to the weekly game or by playing synchronously on the same instant tournament.
  17. stfj

    stfj Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    That looks like inviting a friend to a multiplayer realtime session, which indeed does happen through messages. Unfortunately issuing gamecenter challenges to friends on specific scores happens through your friends list, which at present there isn't a way to add people to.

    I support multiplayer tournaments through gamecenter in SpellTower actually, and it's been incredibly buggy and weird. I can look into it here but with apple's support of gamecenter being so lackluster I've found in general it isn't worth the time and effort.

    Trying to do challenges outside of gamecenter is actually quite complex. The system I have now that allows for insta-tournaments was custom built over a few months with a contractor. This is one of the reasons gamecenter was such an exciting development from apple and such a disappointing situation now given how poorly it's supported.

    I do agree this would be a cool feature though, and if it happens in the future that there's a good reliable way to do it, ill look into it. For now though I think the method is gonna have to be syncing up on the same insta tournament
  18. ZanCat

    ZanCat New Member

    Jul 28, 2018
    #58 ZanCat, Jul 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2018
    Loving the new update, but I've had serious problems with Exploding Pockets in the 100k table. On three separate occasions, in the wake of a pocket explosion, one or more of the balls on the table just disappear. I pocket the remaining visible balls and nothing happens, I just shoot at air until I'm out of lives. Kind of a problem. Playing on an iPad.

    Edit: Hours after I wrote that, 2.0.1 hit the App Store and fixed the issue, so never mind. Thanks. :D
    stfj likes this.

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