In Need of Parts! iOS GC: JeffersonYu1 Hi everyone! I am JeffersonYu1 on iOS GC (Apple GameCenter). I am in need of some planes: Aeroeagle, P40 Warhawk, x10 Mapple Pro, etc. You do not have to give me every plane! This is just a reply saying I need these. Any other parts as donations are appreciated too. Free parts are the best, but if I need to trade something I will. Right now I have 2 Birchcraft P parts: Body and Controls, and a lot of Class 1 parts. I'm a starter player, so please help me out! Thanks so much! JeffersonYu1
Parts Hello #toucharcade crew! I am a proud member of this crew since 2 days. Scored lvl 12 so far, got stacked some money for additional aeroplanes slots and cities, but I lack materials. I'd love some Aeroeagle parts if someone has an excess. I operate most of the Europe avoiding Britain I fly through far north, Moscow, Instabul, Paris and everything in between. Would love to start a connection with East Side US, thus this request. I have funds and preparation, but no planes to start it smoothly. Thank you for every support and I am sure I will support back those in need! See you in the skyes! Geraltuil
Just I'm playing Pocket Planes, need GC Friends~ Hi TA people I'm playing Pocket Planes now and TA Crew in! So If u play Pocket Planes, plz add GC My GC is [krjustin82] if need some part, I'll help you
Rare Parts My name on Game Centre is the same as my name here - YouRightBilly - and you can tell if it's me because my picture on there is oh Heavy from TF2. I'm currently looking for a C130 Body. Also looking for Bobcat parts of which I have none. To trade, I can offer: C130 Engine P40 Warhawk Controls Blimp Controls Huey Engine Huey Controls Kringle Kruiser Engine Full Starship And any non-event plane in full.
Returning member Just installed PP again after about a 3 year hiatus. Was wondering if anyone had a part of two they could throw my way. (IOS) Game Center is is lobster9493
o/ Just getting back in to the game. Fresh install of game remembered my membership in this group, but none of my former aircraft fleet. Odd, ahh well, working with nimblebit to chase down particulars. gamecenter id : taeles
Sorry dude but I've started fresh in the past few days, and level progression is easy where you are. Asking for the x10 mapple and an aeroeagle in the same post is a clear indicator that you aren't putting the time in. I say that because every new plane (unlocked every level or so) up to the x10 mapple is an upgrade over your current fleet, with the exception of the kangaroo. Levels are easy to get, in like 30m to 1h of playing. I think it's from 10-14 where you legitimately hit any tangible barrier because at that point levels require so much more xp, planes start becoming unlocked every other level instead of every level, and the plane you unlock at lvl 12 (Equinox) is $***. I've gotten to level 14 at this point. I actually don't think aeroeagles even help at this point because you won't be able to fill them... Here's my question/s for you pp nerds how do I prepare for endgame? I opened up shop in the northeast US and I've basically opened up every single class 2 airport east of the Mississippi in USA, closed the class 1's because they got annoying. I've been upgrading some class 2 airports when they seem short on cargo/passengers but I'm not really sure what I should be doing at this point. I've just unlocked the pearjet, and it seems pretty badass except that finding 4 2p/2c for the same destination is already a stretch. It seems like in some places I'll have to wait 3 cycles of jobs or more to fill it up. Which leads me to my question, how do you guys manage to fill cloud liners??? When finding bux jobs that are the odd ones out and won't fit together for the 25% bonus, do I drop everything for them because technically they are equivalent to 500 coins each? It hurts inside because if I go for them only I lose coins technically and it hurts my log stats. I've not been doing them for the past 4 levels because I have had no need for bux and had around 250 when level 14 rolled around, but I will need some more to get 8 pearjets. Thanks for the help, I really hope I find some way to enjoy this game, got boring last time.
Friends or Planes? Does anyone need planes or parts? Let me know in a reply I can offer pretty much free non event planes. Thanks!
There is no "endgame", you can continue forever. But larger planes can be filled either by waiting for new jobs, refreshing the airport, or delivering new passengers from other airports.
Hi Darksythes! I would love some plane parts! Do you have aeroeagle-m? If you happen to have spare class 3 planes I surely take them aswell. GC is " Haexii ". I hope this doesn't sound too greedy... Thanks a lot!
Trade multiple Navigators, Wallabies for Mohawks I have some older Navigators and Wallabies I want to get rid of, preferably in trade for Mohawks or Mapples. I have six of each, and have retired them all. I'll give three for one Mohawk. Gamecenter L1am335.
If you have any spare T1s, I'll take them, gladly if they're still available. GC L1am335, I have some Navigators and Wallabies if you want to trade.