Hi Quiver, I'll give you two Mapples for your SK controls and 2 KK bodies. Deal? Cheers, M. Edit: Sorry that was meant to be a PM...
Available inventory for trade: full tetra-p (can obtain any other regular aircraft parts you may want) full huey x3 hot air balloon body x 4 hot air balloon controls x 8 hot air balloon engine x 1 bobcat body x 3 bobcat engine x 1 kringle kruiser engine x 1 Looking for : seak knight engine / body (up to 3x) full mapple(s) pm me to iron out details GC: tralkpha
Concorde, P-40 and c130 Looking for: C130, all parts Concorde controls and body P-40 controls and body To trade: Balloon Engine Full Balloon Starship Contorls Starship Engin Bobcat Body Blimp Controls Concorde Engine X2 Huey Engine X3 Huey Controls X2 Huey Body Sea Knight Body x4 Sea Knight Controls X2 Sea Knight Engine Kringle Kruiser Body Kringle Kruiser Controls X3 Array of Mapple Parts Array of 'standard' plane parts PM Trade offers.
Looking for parts I'm looking for: Starship body Mapples Seaknights Parts to trade: Hot Air Balloon engine (2) Hot Air Balloon controls Concorde engine Aeroeagle-P Cloudliner-P Sequoia-M Fogbuster-M Cyclone-Ms (quite a few) Starship Controls Huey Controls (2) Huey Body X10 Mapple engine GC Supermomof13 PM me with all offers
Desperately looking for Starship Engine for my Starship Body In addition to Concorde Controls for my Concorde Engine GC: Jordeh
Thanks to tralkpha, I've got my Concorde engine. The last thing I need for my Airpedia is a C-130. I'm looking for the body and the controls. I can offer the following: -Huey engine -Huey controls -Kringle Kruiser body -Kringle Kruiser engine
I'm looking for a Hot Air Balloon Engine - willing to trade either a Hot Air Balloon Body or Controls. Also looking for a Concorde Engine - willing to trade a Concorde Body. Please PM me if interested!
Thanks for the member who sent me the hot air balloon engine - can you pls pm me whether you wanted the hot air balloon body or controls? Thanks
Trade I want: P-40 Warhawk-----P-40 Warhawk Parts Starship-----Starship Parts C-130 Body C-130 Engine I can offer: Full Hot Air Balloon Hot Air Balloon Controls Hot Air Balloon Body Any Normal Plane Up To A Cyclone Take your pick, I desperately need some trading to happen. Thanks.
C130 parts I require C130 body and engine. Willing to trade..... Full starship (for both parts) P40 Control (1 for 1 swap) Full mapples (1 piece of c130 = 1 full Mapple) Full hot air balloon for 1 piece of C130 Full Sequioa M for 1 part of C130 GC is daryn7777
Still looking for this trade (Will do 1 for 1 too of course) Also looking for C-130 Controls. PM with offers or add me on GC
Looking for a Concord body. Willing to trade Concord engine. Similarly, looking for Starship body and willing to trade Starship engine. Please PM if interested.
Willing to trade for a starship engine... I'm looking for a starship engine. I can offer almost any class 2 or 3 plane, a complete Huey, a complete hot air balloon or Kringle Kruiser body. Thanks, Joe363 GC ID sluggo-joe
Hi 3WAPP, I'll send you a sequoia p if you agree to send me a sequoia m. Also I'm looking for a starship engine. Joe363 GC ID sluggo-joe.