It's just a messed up system. It's not like there are pages you can't see. Those pages don't exist yet. There is bug in the forum that shows more pages than there actually is, but there isn't anything on them.
Those ghost pages you see aren't really there, it seems to be a Bug in the Board Software. You can see this by posting timestamps or how this page (at the time of writing) only has 3 Posts including mine, so there actually is no next page, even thou the page-list suggests so. It's even worse in the PP mainthread, we're at 5 ghost pages over there
Huh, alright. At least my account isn't possessed, that would be bad. Getting back to it: still looking to flip my extra Concorde Body for a Concorde Engine. Anyone?
Need a concorde body to complete another Concorde. Have mapples and assorted rare parts, no Concorde or c-130, though.
Is there anyone out there that has sea knights that wants mapples. I have around 30 mapples to trade. 30 sea knights would be great
I'm looking for Mapples. I have a full Concord or a full C130 I will trade for multiple planes. Please PM me with how many Mapples you are willing to part with. Thanks.
Still have over 10 mapples to trade for Sea Knights. Make me an offer. (Also have a full Huey and sequoias)
Full starship for trade I have a full starship to trade, would like mapples, or I will take sea knights which I can on trade to super penguin for mapples. Starship should be worth about 4 sea knights or 4 mapples Let me know GC is daryn7777
This isn't about a trade but where did you guys get all these mapple planes? I don't remember there being a global event for a mapple plane.
People playing on andriod devices or Macs can buy them. iOS devices have no way of getting them unless they trade with someone who as one. Andriod users can not trade with iOS users and I'm not exactly sure how it works but Mac users are able to trade with iOS users. I'm assuming your an iOS user based on your question. Just post in the forum you are looking for Mapples and what you are willing to trade for one. Best of luck!
Anyone? I have: Concorde Body Full Hot Air Balloon Any normal planes up to cyclones I want: C-130 Body C-130 Engine Someone help me out here, I keep getting turned down by people because someone always steps me up. I don't think that's very fun. So if someone has these parts, at least consider me. Also, we might be able to work something else out depending on the next global event prizes. So I might have more to offer later on. Thank you.
Parts to Trade & Parts wanted I have: Aeroeagle-P Cloudliner-P Fogbuster-M Cyclone-Ms Hot air Balloon Sequoia-M Starship Huey Huey Controls Huey body Seaknight controls KK body (2) Looking for Bobcat Engine P-40 Warhawk engine or body Mapples Concorde or Concorde parts GC Supermomof13 PM me with any deals or offers