Wanted; Starship Control Ok, I need a Starship control, this is what I have to deal with. Full hot air balloon Full cloudliner M or P Full tetra M Full fog buster M Full cyclone M or P Full Sequioa M Choose one full plane you need and the deal is done. GC is daryn7777 p.s. if anyone has any spare full mapples and you want to trade on any of these planes, let me know.
Bobcat engine for free You want a bobcat engine for free..... Answer this question: Which NFL team did Willis McGahee first play for ? First correct answer gets the part. PM me with answer. Congrats to TIMO with buffalo bills as the answer, bobcat engine coming your way
Tree with me! I would like to trade a Concorde body for a C-130 body. Someone will trade, but who? (The title is supposed to say, "trade", not tree.)
I have a few trades to conduct after a build-up in parts. Trading; Starship Body for Starship Engine. Concorde Engine for Concorde Controls. Sea Knight Engine for Sea Knight Body. Hot Air Balloon Engine for Hot Air Balloon Body. Really need Huey Controls too, I have some Bobcat Controls spare to trade for some. Please PM me on here or add me on GC: Jordeh regarding any trades please
Go to Menu > Flight Crew Type in name of crew you want to join at top. Most people active on this forum are in Toucharcade1. #1 crew everytime is Toucharcade, a huge crew with tons of people, many of which do the bare minimum jobs. Nimblewiki used to be strong second or third place crew, but very recently everyone seems to have defected, many to Toucharcade1.
I want a Concorde hey guys, got alot of planes really want a Concorde, even a part eould be nice. will trade anything
Full starship for sale !! I have a full starship for sale.... I will trade it for 5 full mapples. GC is daryn7777 ✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈
hey have lots of planes, even the Hercules just want a Concorde, will trade any planes up to 5 of them for one. or a mapple I'm looking for. thx
I'm looking for a single Concorde Control. Willing to trade: Hot Air Balloon engine, Starship controls, C-130 Controls, or Bobcat Body. Or any "regular" plane. Thanks!
Hey I have a Concorde body and I would like to trade it for: A c-130 body and c-130 engine. Thank you!
Is there something wrong with this thread? I see 476 pages, but when I click next page, I get bumped back to page 475. Still looking for a Concorde Engine, btdubs.
Have: Concorde Body Starship Controls Blimp Body and Controls Need: P-40 Controls C-130 Body, Engine Huey Body, Engine GC: Beat that!!