Need Seq-M Engines TA1-ers... I am in need of two (2) Seq-M engines. Have many parts/planes to trade: Fog-P PJets all makes... all kinds of class 1 gear... (also be more than happy to part with some of these for noobies). PM me...
I am in need of both concorde and c-130 parts to round out my fleet. I have fogs-m & p if you like...
I'm Willing to Trade a Sea Knight Engine or Kringle Kruiser or any Level 25 planes or less for a Concorde Engine! Message me if you're interested!
Hi guys, Updated list of parts I have for trade below. Happy to negotiate a deal for multiple parts in exhange for a single C-130 Hercules part. Hot Air Balloon Engine Bobcat Body x2 P-40 Warhawk Controls Blimp Body Blimp Engine x3 Huey Engine Kringle Kruiser Body Starship Body (will only trade for C-130 Hercules Controls or Body) Starship Engine (will only trade for C-130 Hercules Controls or Body, or Starship Controls) Wanted in return: Starship Controls C-130 Hercules Controls C-130 Hercules Body Bobcat Controls Bobcat Engine P-40 Warhark Body P-40 Warhawk Engine Huey Body Blimp Controls Hot Air Balloon Controls Thanks, Ben
Trade? Concorde engine up for trade. Would like to trade for Concorde controls or Concorde body. Please pm if interested. Thanks!
Need Sequoia-M body Have Equinox p body "" M controls "" C engine Birchcraft C engine Full equinox m Full birchcraft c GC: bryc3.29
Hey! I have: Concorde Body I want: C-130 Hurcules Body And C-130 Hurcules Engine Pm to trade, or maybe we can work out some other kind of deal.
10 full Seqouia M planes for..... 10 full Sequoia M planes for your C130 Hercules Controls Simple enough GC ID: saltriverjohnny
aeroeagle ms looking for a few aeroeagle ms. can give some class 3 planes and some rare planes. pm me if interested.
I'm Willing to Trade a Sea Knight Engine Kringle Kruiser Body or any Level 25 planes (FULL, not just indivisual, but i can give those too) or less for a Concorde Engine Any C130 Part Message me if you're interested!
Trade I have a Concorde Body I can also offer any regular plane up to cyclones I would like C-130 Body and a C-130 Engine. Pm me to trade, maybe we could work something else out, but you would have to think of something that sparks my interest.
Looking for P-40 and Bobcat parts Items to trade: Cloudliner-P Fogbuster-M Cyclone-Ms Sequoia-Ms Hot Air Balloon body C-130 Hercules engine (traded) Full Seaknight Full Huey Blimp Engine (2) Huey Controls (2) Seaknight controls KK body (2) Mapple engine PM me if interested GC Supermomof13
I've got a set of Concorde controls, but would like Concorde engine or body. C-130 engine or controls would also be desirable.