Single hub strategy can be very effective, I use it for every class 3 events. But Mexico is a bad choice as central hub imho. You need sthg more world centric and that has more airports with direct links. A close double hub can be good too, as you can specialise each airport in some regions for layovers. Paris/London is central and you can have an Aero transfer Bux jobs layovers. Kinshasa/ Lagos is ok too or Cairo/Istanbul. The problem with the old Sao/Rio to Asia route is that you don't get more than 7 Bux jobs. I thought at the time that the optimal number of airports was 8/12. Now, after more playing with diverse layouts, I think 15/20 is optimal (I got 20 permanent class 3). Having all class 3 airports is unnecessary though as it dilutes the jobs pool and gets you scattered layovers. I'd keep the farthest airports and less in the middle, also you only need 5/6 Asia airports. Not sure Honolulu is worth the hassle, I've never tried it in the long run. But Merlion had 80 airports so, to each his own
So I'm lvl 18 and am wondering I got a few questions/looking for advice on my plan. I got 6 airports, all class 3 in eastern Asia. Tokyo, Seoul, Bejing, Xi'an, Shanghai, Shenyang. My plan is to get each airport upgraded to lvl 3 before unlocking more airports. I plan to hit up only class 3 airports, so it'd be Guanzhou(I think is how its spelled) Bangkok, Manilla, and then on to India. Is this a smart idea? How many airports is a good # to have? I have 12 airplanes only right now as well.
I didn't know that all class 3 airports diluted the job pool but, in retrospect, that makes sense. I went with all 32 class 3 airports so I could quickly reconfigure my fleet for each Global Event but that strategy won't work if it kills my bux strategy. The same with Honolulu. I like the 10 point bux from HNL to TYO and I have a sentimental attachment to to HNL because I used to work there (my signature comes from the old Andrew Flying Service at HNL) but, after reading your post, I can see where that lone airport in the middle of the pond is also killing my bux strategy. Thanks vicsark, you've given me a lot to work on. I think I'll spend some time reconfiguring my entire network and I'll take your suggestions to heart. That's what makes this fun Bobby
Actually, your strategy is the one I followed when I was at your level. I just started from Los Angeles and worked my way to Tokyo with all class 3 airports. However, after getting to 40 airplanes, I hit a wall in my bux collecting efforts and vicsark has been helping me get over that hump. I think that is the beauty of this game.....there is no "correct" strategy, it all depends on what goals you set for yourself in building your airline. The best suggestion I can give you is look at Faye Valentine's signature. She accumulated a huge selection of single post tips that puts in one place the collective experience of those that have played this game since it came out in 2012. I've learned so much reading those posts and one thing I learned was there is no best way.....just a lot of great ways Have fun and, if you are in the TA1 flight crew, please add me. Bobby Game Center: BJLemurcat
I've been reconfiguring my airports and strategy lately. Take all bux jobs (duh) but from my edge airport (Sao Paulo. Rio. Seoul. Shanghai) take all jobs to the far edge. Fill plane with Istanbul/Cairo jobs and go. Get to hubs. Fill out plane with jobs going to edges. It keeps me entertained and makes coins and bux without having to wait/forget about the game for months at a time. Oh. And yay. LA event. After this event I'll probably be selling la mex lima Chicago Boston and NYC off.
Keeping track of PP in Trello Anyone else using Trello to keep track of their Pocket Planes fleets? PP's Share feature and the new sharing options in iOS8 means you can save screenshots straight into Trello where you can add all sorts of data. Very useful.
That looks good rickcb, I think I'll check it out. By your picture, it looks like you're running separate airlines in different devices. Are you doing that by disabling Game Center in all your devices? The reason I ask is because I could never get PP to sync across my iPad and iPhone so I uninstalled it from my phone. I don't usually take my iPad out of the house so maybe I'll just disable GC in the phone and start a different airline. Bobby
Mind. Blown. Also, mine is harmoniamundi's Airline...not sure how to see other trello boards yet, but i set mine to public.
No, I only disabled iCloud sync on all devices so I could play separate games in different regions. The GC account works across all of them. This way I can channel any prizes from Global Events to the game that needs them. It also means I can use more than one game to gather jobs for an event. Trello is, as I said, really useful because it also syncs across any devices you have the app on - as well as the web browser too. This means you can access the data on it wherever you are. I use it for other games too, especially those that have a lot of resources to manage. I hope you try it. Let me know if you have any questions about it.
If you're in the web app click on Show Menu, top right. Go to Add Members. You can invite people to your board by entering their email addresses. You can also allow them to modify your board if you wish. You can search for people too. To share your board click on Menu (top of the column you opened with Show Menu). From the drop-down list click Share, Print and Export. This opens a window that gives a link to your board. Copy and Paste this wherever you want - maybe here if enough people get on board.
Trivia Time! According to my calculations, Pocket Planes has been available on the app store for 1006 days now. Seems like an eternity ago, right? Also, yesterday marks exactly 18 months since pocket trains was released.
I've only been playing Pocket Planes for 5 or 6 months. Reading back some 1,800 pages makes me wish I had started with all of you those 1,006 days. All you folks seemed to have had a great time figuring out the game together. I used to play a simulator on my laptop called Air Hauler until the base flight simulator I was using evolved to a point that the Air Hauler program didn't work with it. I found Pocket Planes which replaced Air Hauler for the time being. Pocket Planes is similar to Air Hauler except that in Air Hauler you can actually get into the simulator and fly one of the flights while your AI pilots fly the rest of the flights like a Pocket Planes does. I'm in the process of rebuilding my flight simulator and eventually, I'll go back to it full time and pocket planes will be something I play on my iPhone when I'm not home. However, of all the games I've played on my iPad since the day I got my first iPad in April 2010, pocket planes has been the most addictive. Bobby BJLemurcat
I was wondering what would be the most lucrative way to eaen coins and I thought Tokyo to LA. Any opinions?
You're not wrong there! I've been playing PP since day one but had a long 'hiatus' when other games (like Pocket Trains!) attracted my attention. I recently returned to PP and was surprised to find how addictive it still is. It's one of those pick-up-anywhere games that you can leave and come back to easily yet has an immensely satisfying depth of gameplay. I hope Nimblebit return to this format very soon.
If I close an airport (I still have previous class 1 event airports still open) will their jobs also disappear under various city layovers ?!
Any layover jobs will remain. They will be greyed out to indicate that you can't deliver them. If you reopen the destination sirport, you can still deliver them. Or you delete them.