Might be a possibility. To clear up, this happened on my ipod touch during the last concorde part event, hence why the picture is taken with my phone My ipod hadn't been turned on since my summer vacation in june, and that was in Turkey. This might explain it if its an occurance due to time settings as Turkey and Norway has different timezones. Must admit, I laughed when I got that notice and ment to post the picture sooner, but forgot
#10 should be me, I'm at 763 atm 5 mapples x4 jobs each...so your picture is 1 refresh behind what I see right now.
Do you guys ever notice that the passengers get up and move around on the Cloudliners when they aren't full?
What kind of convention is this?! Only Stormtroopers and red-shirted ensigns (and we all know what happens to them). Would be cool to see some Bebop cosplay ... and how about some Daleks? EXTERMINATE!!! You might be surprised ... slow and steady for the win. Chip away at it a few moments at a time. While you're waiting in line at the supermarket/Costco checkout. While you're waiting in line to gas up your car. While you're watching TV. While you're a passenger in a car. After you've parked your car, fling a few planes before getting out of the car. Etc.... Welcome Scotty G! I've seen delays with the counter. Well now that you guys have mentioned this ... I'll be traveling at the end of next month and will be 3 time zones over. Am I going to have a problem with my PP? Is there something I should or should not do?
You must spend a heck of a lot of time waiting in line at places the amount of jobs you get done As I said before I think this event is a failure for me, i'm only on 230 jobs and that has been playing as much as I can. I have a lot of free time next week so can devote a bit of time going for the prizes. Thanks for the advice, will put it into practice for the next event, have built up a bit more cash while playing this week so can also afford to concentrate totally on the event rather than running a normal schedule in the background and the event being a sideline
I thought they didn't like people using phones at a petrol station (even though nothing's gonna happen) - you should have seen the reaction I got when I was using my iPhone the other day.
early progression Hey all, is the early going really meant to be this slow? It looks like I'm farming 80-250 gold flights waiting for 50k to get an airport in New York... Is there a jump around level 10 or 12 when youre actually able to start doing stuff?
Yeah once you get New York you can start doing a lot more jobs and level up faste to make longer flights. I have flights regularly yielding 16,000 profit but taking over an hour to complete.
Hello Folks! Hope everyone's weekend is going well. just gonna ramble about my airline for a bit. Sounds like most of us are using Jakarta for the event which makes sense but I was using Bangcock since I already had it upgraded and it is getting hit with tropical storms, had hoped to get in the top ten but I doubt it at this point. Having fun the limited amount of time I can play. running a bux sitting operation with London Paris and converting my fleet of pearjets and aeroeagles to Sequoias and getting them weight reduced. Trying to apply what I have learned from you guys. Only running 10 airports now but I only have 17 slots so working on getting bux saved but spend a lot of bux buying sequoia m parts but that is a good investment. Currently my airports are Honolulu La Ny London Paris Istanbul Karachi Bangcock Sydney running 3 kangaroo C and 3 kangaroo P for the event. One aeroeagle m running from La to Honolulu and 1 aeroeagle M running from Bankcock to Sydney Rest are Seq M's Thinking of closing Sydney and opening Tokeo and maybe closing Istambul since Seq doesn't need it but I liked having it open lets my aeroeagle fly the whole route. Now that I have more Seq Think I will close Istamble. If I had it to do again I think I would do a South America to Asia straight line good class 3 cities on each side to do bux sitting since the cities are close and you could get high bux jobs, currently my bux sitting in London and Paris is good but in the middle of the map. Some goals to think about, may start that now by closing Sydney opening Jakarta run Roos from Bangcock and Jakarta for the event open Tokeo and start another bux sitting crew with Tokeo and the closest class 3, that souls keep me busy for a while. On second thought closed Istambul but not going to open Tokeo yet will upgrade Jakarta and Bangcock and use that as my other bux sitting pair for now