Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
  2. Porygonx

    Porygonx New Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Can someone please explain bux-sitting in depth for me? I still don't understand it.

    So you have a plane in a certain city, say Tokyo, and you just collect bux jobs for ALL cities or just a specific class of cities?

    If you're bux-sitting for many cities do you have to fly to them one by one? Do you still profit or do you lose cash in the long run?

    Would you use high-capacity planes such as Seq/Cyc or Aeroeagles?

  3. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Until someone else responds (sorry, too lazy to type novel from iPhone), check out the 2nd link in my signature below. It will take you to a post that enumerates some interesting/helpful posts on this forum, a couple of them describe Bux strategy in more detail.

    I keep Sequoia Bux planes in each permanent big city. Cyclones would work just as well. Bux planes in paired cities (close proximity), swap planes when plane is almost full, unload all Bux jobs. Repeat.
    I have other planes deliver the Bux.
  4. goffy3

    goffy3 Member

    Jan 2, 2013
    Bux sitting is basically having an airplane in an airport and collecting all the Bux that come up on the jobs list (for all cities). For example if you have London and Paris you would have a big, slow plane(cost less to fly) in Londen and in Paris. Every job refresh you would pick up all the Bux jobs. Once you plane is full in London, fly it to Paris and doing the same on the other plane in Paris by flying it to London at the same time so you never have a city without a plane waiting. After the planes arrive in the other city (London for the Paris plane, Paris for the London plane) unload all the jobs and leave them as layovers. Later you can have your other planes pick up the jobs from paris and fly them to another city (coins and Bux) and presumably get the 25% Bonus.

    It is preferred to use Kangoroos or Seqouia's to be the Bux sitters.
  5. figment

    figment Active Member

    May 8, 2012
    Can't wait for Nimble Quest with a TA1 crew.
  6. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Congrats! All events completed that's impressive. I don't think I completed a single one lol.

    I got this one for you:

    10 000 jobs for Ta1 for a class 1 global event : check? :D
  7. thefantasyicon

    thefantasyicon Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    Has anyone ever tried the rio/sao/Cairo/Seoul/shanghai setup? I can personally tell you I hate it as I am doing it now that it sucks. 1 bux jobs left and right and barely any bux jobs are dropping. I hate untested theories and this clearly must be one...because if vic would have tested it, he clearly would NOT have it listed on the strategies board!:mad:
  8. ChaseDis600RR

    ChaseDis600RR Active Member

    Jan 3, 2013
    Sent you a PM.
  9. SuperPenguin17

    SuperPenguin17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2013

    Attached Files:

  10. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    Well, to be honest, that's been my main focus for the past couple of months. I know that most TA1 members have enjoyed the jobs competition for global events, but that didn't interest me. I hope you don't think I'm anti-social for not participating the same way, because I still liked to contribute on this board and engage people that way!

    For me, it was fun chasing the individual events around the world, and trying to complete them in just a few hours. Of the 12 hours available for each event, I had about an 8-hour window to fly my planes (8am to 4pm or 4pm to midnight, Pacific time). Often I'd have most of my fleet slamming an airport on one side of the world, and then at the refresh I'd have to get them all over to another event on the other side! I enjoyed that logistical puzzle, and the daily variance of where to go next. But that's probably also why I never bothered to set up any kind of regular routes, bux collection strategy, etc. I'd simply deploy most or all of my fleet at whatever event I was working on at the time, and collect bux along the way.

    I just might try that! I have 57 plane slots to work with, and I have a lot of business trips over the next month--means lots of time on planes, ironically enough, and in my hotel room where I can play PP for hours...
  11. thefantasyicon

    thefantasyicon Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    I'm starting to think that the more airports you have the faster you will fill bux planes...any thoughts?
  12. Perfect trumpet

    Perfect trumpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    Check few pages back with Relharns post and his findings :D
  13. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    There's nothing wrong with a Rio/Sao <--> Cairo <--> Shanghai/Seoul route.
    I would do this route when I don't have Mumbai & Kinshasa open.

    It would be more effective to have more than 4 Bux sitter cities.
    There was a time (a LONG time ago) when I had just 1 Bux sitter plane in Honolulu ... boy did it take FOREVER to pick up Bux LOL!
    Right now, about 1/3 of my fleet are Bux Sitters, Sequoia-M planes in 9 cities. 9 planes? Yeah, I have an odd one for city pairings. :D The rest of my fleet work on Global Events or are merely flung across the globe to deliver Bux jobs and/or make a few extra coins.
    I have 12 airports right now, sometimes it goes up to 15.

    If you can't find Relharn's coin/bux study posted a few pages back, just click on the 2nd link in my signature below which will take you to a post containing a link to Relharn's post (and other posts too!).
  14. thefantasyicon

    thefantasyicon Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    So I'm not misunderstood let me clarify my statement. If a noob were looking to set up an effective bux strategy, vic offers great advice. HOWEVER, the rio, sao, Cairo, Seoul, shanghai strategy sucks if you only have those cities open. I know because I'm constantly looking for a better bux collection strategy, and so I closed everything except those cities and was getting nothing but 1 bux jobs and they were very limited at that. I then opened Kinshasa and Lagos Mumbai and kirachi and London and Paris and closed Cairo...and low and behold I have tons of bux jobs and 4 and 5 bux ones at that. So now I am going to open NY and chi...and any other pairs that are within a refresh of each other.
  15. pepitko

    pepitko Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    #12895 pepitko, Jan 31, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
    Which crew is #2 on the Philadelphia global event? So far, I've managed to stay within the top 10 for TA1, yay!

    I didn't participate in the previous two global events, I focused on retooling my fleet. I went from level 23 to 29, increased the number of plane slots from 16 to 20 and switched from Class 1 and Class 2 planes into Sequoias (8) and Aeroeagles (9).

    I'm not sure whether I should add some Cloudliners to my fleet. How do you fill them up usually? With layovers or do you wait for several refreshes? I feel like Seq's are already big enough for my current route (LA-NY-London/Paris-Teheran-Shanghai, all fully upgraded).
  16. SuperPenguin17

    SuperPenguin17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2013
    I'm level 40 and don't use cloudliners at all. I don't use many cyclones either. Seq-M dominates my fleet.
  17. tfrichards92

    tfrichards92 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Superpenguin is very smart.
    I'm level ~31. My largest plane is still the Sequoia, now all M!

    I get tons of jobs out of fully upgraded Rio/Sao/Shanghai/Seoul. I also have London/Paris, and the three NA class-3's in addition to Lima and Mexico City. I am considering closing Mex-City because it's such a difficult place to get to. I've had no problem collecting hundreds of jobs when I can get time to play PP and it's been a bit difficult recently with illness and childcare recently.

    I think one of the keys is to open airports within a refresh (Seoul/Shanghai, Rio/Sao) period of each other. I'm also considering opening Tokyo on that side of the world to generate larger jobs and may open Buenos Aires is the same sort of setup.

    My current tactic has been to fill up the P or C side of a Seq-M and then fill the plane with whatever jobs are going to the pair city and swap plane cities.
  18. thefantasyicon

    thefantasyicon Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    My current tactic has been to fillup theP or C side of a Seq-M and then fill the plane with whatever jobs are going to the pair city and swap plane cities.

    That's what I am doing now. I have rio/sao, lag/kan, kit/mum, seo/shang, lon/par I'm swapping them and then have 1 dedicated bux plane per group that is grabbing layovers and dropping in Tehran. Also have 5 (25%) planes that can go wherever. I've been using those and bux planes to transport bux jobs back to the cities they cash in at...if that makes sense. As I add more slots, the plan is to open the other class 3 cities that have pairs. I.e. NY/chi, kolata/dhaka, and Beijing/Shenyang. That will cover the next 12 slots and then hopefully I'll be able to go after the class 2 cities in the same fashion...unless someone else comes up with another way for me to try and I sabotage my entire game yet again! To this point it has been fun finding out the theories and tricks that don't work, but I'm honestly ready to find a way that does. In the meantime I'll keep grinding with my 19 slots, all seq m.
  19. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    I have three pairs of Cloudliners and used them pretty much exclusively for events. Since I'd be advertising the event city, it was pretty easy to fill them in perhaps three refreshes each. And if the event was passenger only (e.g. Lumber Games, Medical Conference) or cargo only (e.g. Prison Break, Museum Opening) then I'd just use the three P or three C and leave the others parked.

    Also, you need a Cloudliner if you want to maximize the most profitable flight stat. For that, you need to move 17 Tokyo-bound jobs originating in Nome and get them to Seoul. Then use a Cloudliner with maximum weight reduction and no speed upgrades to take them on the last hop from Seoul to Tokyo.
  20. matma92ser

    matma92ser Active Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    My strategy is a little different than most. The only other person I know of doing something similar is Merlion.

    I only have 16 plane slots. Mainly because I don't play for hours on end. It takes me about 30 minutes to get all my planes flying on longish journeys. The first 10-15 minutes might be some shorter set up flights to drop off and fill up layovers. If I had a lot more planes it would take me too long to get them flying. I don't have that much time in one chunk to play. I think I'll cash in my bux sometime to get 4 more plane slots just to be able to do the Blacking out the Sun achievement.

    I only have 4 class 3 planes (Sequoia and Cyclone), 4 class 2 planes (all Aeroeagle), and the rest of the 8 are class 1 planes (Sea Knights, Blimps, Mapple).

    I have 49 airports open. Every airport I open for an event stays open. I opened enough airports so that my class 1 planes can fly from Nome to Wellington via Goosebay/Nuuk/Reykjavik or Recife/Monrovia. My class 1 planes can fly to any of my open cities. I usually keep them "local," but it's also satisfying for me to send them on a long international flight hopping across a dozen cities.

    My class 2 and 3 planes are bux sitters. My class 1 planes deliver the bux. Most of my bux goes to class 1 cities.

    I enjoy figuring out the logistics of building up layovers in every class 3 city to about 90% max and maintaining it there while I deliver bux and see if I can also get 25% bonus on the bux flights. Every so often I'll do a 25% coin run just to maintain my coin level.

    GC: matma92ser

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