I'll match Vic's offer for first 5 to respond. Same rules as above except Level 13 to 23. Please include GC and Level.
I'll use the rule of thumb thanks for the advice. I tried to use the calculator on the spreadsheet but couldn't get it to work. Currently, my setup is having la, NY, lon, Kinshasa, Buenos Aires, Tehren, delhi, Tokyo, and jikarta. I put a sequoia m in each city and a sequoia m FOR each city in London. After 2 refreshes each plane is filled with bux and coins for their respective city, and each of the seq m in each city head for London. It is similar to flysher's city swap meet...only I don't wait for then all to meet up and I don't have to wait WeFOREVERRRR for bux planes to fill. The 3rd advantage to this is that this is a bux strategy that does not include losing tons of coin. I also use 3 planes that go from la to Tokyo, Tokyo to la, and Buenos aires to Tokyo only. So... Vic, how can I improve on this as the fleet grows bigger keeping the same core idea I am currently using?
Hey guys. My sister just started playing PP. Her GC is Lynsie_13. She was 12th or so in the Anchorage event but she started in West USA so that made it easier. Add her and if you have any extra planes or parts you care to give to a new TA1 member she will put them to good use.
I have no reason to participate either but I work events to avoid boredom. I will try to match your 500-600 Livingstone jobs. I've got a few Sea Knights and a Hot Air Balloon dedicated to this event. I know flying the Balloon is neither efficacious use of a plane slot nor helpful toward racking up a high number of jobs ... But how can you work a Balloon event without flying one? How do you figure out what your level cut off point is? I have no idea what level are the people at the bottom of my list. Recently did a trade with someone and was worried when I couldn't find her name on my list. Thank goodness it was because I was looking for Forum name instead of GC name. Still, the GC name was near the bottom.
Go to Game Center app, pick Games > Pocket Planes > Level, you can see current level of all of your friends.
On my GC leaderboards, my Level has not changed since November 2. The other rankings (miles flown etc.) are all updated regularly, but my level still shows as 47 and I'm now at 52. Anybody else seen this?
All the time. I power-cycle my iPod every other day, and my level score hasn't changed in almost 3 months.
Cloudliners I have 20+ sequoias and I need 2 cloudliners. So if anyone needs some sequoias and has at least 1 cloudliner I will trade you