Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. seattleheli

    seattleheli Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    It was Vic's idea, not mine. ;) I like the somewhat-minimal number of airports idea.

    That's a fair point! I think I'll stick with the trusty, inexpensive Sequoias.
  2. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Awww, CastlePage...! You're SO awesome!:D Your advice is incredible, probably the best advice on this site! I want you to know that I truly appreciate you and I'm thankful and grateful for your help, patience, kindness, and knowledge! Oh, and your experience! Fo sho!

    Just took my BP; it's 83/57. Surprisingly low since I'm pissed off at my brother for almost spending my $10 somewhere other than where I told him to.:mad: Oh well. Thanks for caring about me! I *sniff* care about you, too! :eek:

    Ah. I'm so glad you see it my way! P/C planes are cool and all, but you REALLY gotta have patience if you're gonna fill 'em up with 25% jobs.

  3. seattleheli

    seattleheli Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    Not only that, but if you don't run your P/C planes in pairs then you run the risk of having an imbalance of P or C layovers at a particular city and then being unable to deliver them in a timely manner (for an event, for instance). I quite like my mixed Sequoias.
  4. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    #11864 Faye Valentine, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
    Just popped in real quick and am OVERWHELMED by the number of pages I'm behind. :( I tried to skim through them quickly...

    I sent you a Sequoia M to make that 10.

    Please don't stop asking questions. If you have a question, then there's a good chance someone else -- a lurker even! :eek: -- may have the same question ... so all responses on the forum are beneficial. :D

    Ain't that the truth!!!
    473 Bux to buy ... or 219 Bux to buy parts buy parts, plus 73 Bux to build ... and that's BEFORE you add on any upgrades.
    I don't build Cloudliners.

    Can't keep up here ... 3 new posts while I'm typing my reply. LOL
  5. seattleheli

    seattleheli Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    Whoa, I had no idea it cost that much! :eek: Forget it, I'll just rock the Sequoias from here on out!
  6. tfrichards92

    tfrichards92 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I read. I lurk. I use questions others asked. and if I can't quite figure something out (how the actual delivery of stuff is done. :) ) I'll ask.

    Yes, you have to be patient, and I'm sure I'm not operating as efficiently as possible with loading up whatever class-3 (hopefully LA in my case) stuff shows up in Jakarta to deliver to Cairo and onwards, or vice versa, but my coin amount is not going down so it must be okay in my world.

    As for SP/RdJ, SP is reachable from Cairo with a +10% Sequoia but Buenos Aires is not.

    it's going to be difficult to sell Lima off just from nostalgia sake and my wife is from Lima. ;)
  7. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    I concur. And we also should lure our members to try their hands at story writing :) I miss Kitfisto's reports. Some people have posted excellent pics .... which would be more interesting with a story to go with the pics.

    Aside: I finally got my first upside down plane last night :) A kringle Kruiser. Is the upside down flying random or there's some condition to trigger it?

    I concur with the usefulness :)

    I use c-130 for transporting global events jobs to the seaknights. The 6C4P layout is a perfect match for 2 seaknights (3C2P).

    And mapples .... (drooling at MapplyNorth's 29 mapples) .....
    Anyone who wants to donate/trade mapples to me is very welcome. I don't have many rare planes to trade though, only those from mystery parts and the market.

    You can try your hand at writing stories, reports etc. :)
    Or just chatter away on the forum like the rest of us.

    I don't quite understand the "if you decide to unload all, don't do it to all the planes at the same time or you too may end up with 4 or 5 airports where you have 0/60 layovers when you used to have 40+ in each." You mean if you unload all the planes, some of the layovers will disappear?

    The idea behind the twin hub bux strategy is:
    1. The twin hub pair of planes (say seoul/shanghai) collect bux jobs between them so that you have a plane to collect all the bux jobs generated in Seoul and Shanghai.
    2. They generate a lot of layover bux jobs. You generally have another fleet of planes that transport bux jobs (usually big planes like sequoias, cloudliners. You can use cyclones too ... they fly faster but are more costly to fly.) With the large number of layover bux jobs, your bux transport planes can just soak up the jobs without waiting very long to fill the plane. Some people may fill the bux transport planes with bux jobs for various citiies, some may want same city jobs (to get 25% bonus). It's your call. For me, I fill my transport planes with bux jobs of a city and pad it with coin jobs to get 25% :)
    3. It takes a LONG time for bux transport planes to fly from one city to another. What to do in the meantime? Work on the twin hub planes at each job refresh :D

    1. Upgrade Shanghai. Then buy more plane slots.
    2. If you want to save coins, replace tetras with sequoias. I totally skipped tetras because they have a much lower range. I had many sequoias (27 ... yes, I'm kiasu (you'll have to get a singaporean to translate that for you)). Cyclones are used because they have a slightly longer range than sequoias, and they're almost the speed of tetra. I am in the process of upgrading sequoias to cyclones.
    3. Your current airports are more or less in a straight line. It is cheaper to fly in a straight line. I'd vote for more plane slots now and open rio/SP later. It is much easier to experimenting strategies when you have more planes (i.e. more plane slots) and more coins. :D More planes earn more money ... more airports don't.
    4. In any case, NY/LA seems like a very long distance twin hub. How about Chicago/NY ? (just saying .... this is not a very strong comment).
    5. Trusty rusty snowman's calculator shows that cloudliners have a large profit and fly fastest (amongst the big capacity planes). A cloudliner will beat a sequoia in bringing in profits if you fly long distance (e.g. LA to Shanghai) constantly at 25% bonus. At short distance, the faster speed is not as significant, and the increased operation cost is VERY significant. Second point to consider is -- how fast are you able to fill a cloudliner? Without the 25% bonus, cloudliner is a big money loser. Cloudliner-M is 12P/5C (kind of stupid split), Cloudliner P/C are 17 slots each. Do you have 17 P or C jobs of the same city waiting for you? If you need to wait for several job refreshes to fill a cloudliner, you might as well use a sequoia which is cheaper to buy, cheaper to fly, easier to fill. Bottomline - compare cloudliner flying+waiting time and seqouia flying+waiting time.
  8. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    "the message you have entered is too short." uhh, okay?
  9. seattleheli

    seattleheli Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    Wow, excellent breakdown, CastlePage, thank you. I'll respond to each of your points in turn:

    1. Shanghai is now fully upgraded based on the advice of you and green_paper. I'll now start buying more plane slots - this definitely makes sense to me.

    2. That's a good idea, and something I've been thinking about. However, I have just been letting them run because I don't exactly have an excess of Sequoias to replace the Tetras with, and when I buy another Sequoia it will probably align with when I get another plane slot. However, I'll get rid of my Tetras sooner rather than later.

    3. Good plan - I'll follow it. Rio/SP would be more for bux strategy than coin strategy, so it doesn't make sense right now. I'll wait until I have about 18-20 plane slots or so, and am ready to make the strategy switch.

    4. LA/NY isn't an ideal twin-hub situation, I'll definitely concede that. However, LA is in the equation to get the high bux/coin jobs to Seoul/Shanghai. Chicago could work...but that's more coins. However, if the consensus is to open Chicago as well, I'll do it. I'll wait for more feedback on that one.

    5. Ew, that Cloudliner split is startlingly bad. The Sequoia job-fill time is more in-line with what I'm looking for than a longer Cloudliner wait. Great commentary on the differences though, thanks!
  10. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #11870 CastlePage, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
    Faye, I must be too long-winded. there are 3 new pages while I typed my reply. :)

    I have Lima as a permanent airport :D Opened it long ago when I wanted a second line (Lima, Kinshasa and Jakarta). I didn't close these airports because now I have quite a good coverage and can quite easily reach the various global event cities that Nimblebit has been dishing out so far.

    Edit: Yes, Faye is the one who gifted Aly a cloudliner earlier on. She's a sweetie with a cute little girl that sends planes all over the place (in opposite direction to the jobs). She's also a powerful plane flinger that "flings a few planes" and gets herself into the Top10 leaderboard. Oh, and also plan wonderful birthday and Christmas parties :)

    Aly is a sweet, excitable girl that has a low BP that gets all of us concerned. And is generous with gifting planes out of what she has. Obviously with her limited bux, she's not able to buy much from the market. But I've seen her giving kringles and other planes to players who did not manage to get enough enough mystery parts. That's a generous spirit indeed. Jiayou towards getting the million coins :)
  11. tfrichards92

    tfrichards92 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    all of your text was within the quote/quote tags so it didn't look like you entered anything.
  12. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    If only Nimblebit would upgrade San Francisco to class 3. Think how perfect SF/LA pair will be :D

    In reality, is LA population that much bigger than SF? Coz flying across the Pacific, LA/SF are usually the two cities that we enter into the US. I'm under the mistaken impression that both are big cities.
  13. seattleheli

    seattleheli Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    #11873 seattleheli, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
    They are both big cities, but LA is definitely bigger and more populous. SF is actually really just an extremely population-dense city because it is geographically smaller.

    The city of LA has a population of 3,792,621 and the LA Metro area has a population of 12,828,837.

    The city of San Francisco has a population of 805,235 and the SF Metro area has a population of 4,335,391.
  14. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    P and C planes were easier to load in the days before the Load/Unload All feature was implemented. And as others have said, less scrolling.
  15. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Cute write-up on two of our favorites within the TA1 crew :)
  16. Flysher

    Flysher Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
    Any droids not able to log into the game tonight? I've been trying for the past 3 hours and I don't get past the screen right before the game loads.
  17. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    If you want to break up your response to one person...
    ...copy/paste the quote tags ...
    ...at the beginning and end around each text section.

    So it would look like this...
    [quote="alyssacroacia, post: 2618611"]"the message[/QUOTE]
    If you want to break up your response to one person...
    [quote="alyssacroacia, post: 2618611"]you have entered[/QUOTE]
    ...copy/paste the quote tags ...
    [quote="alyssacroacia, post: 2618611"]is too short." uhh, okay?[/QUOTE]
    ...at the beginning and end around each text section.
  18. dantt99

    dantt99 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    I'm not having any problems.
  19. seattleheli

    seattleheli Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    In the game menu, under the "Awards" tab, what kind of points are awarded when you accomplish an achievement (such as Nome to Wellington)? Are they PP coins/bux, or some sort of game center point thing?
  20. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant

    Awwwweeee!!! :3

    Thank you for quoting that! I had not seen it! I'm one of your favorites?!:eek::cool: :3

    I feel so loved!!! ^____^

    I.....I....I don't know what to say!!! :)

    (>^_^)> hugs to all!!!!


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