Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    I'm more tired than I realized.

    At first I didn't know what's so special about these 3 passengers and y u were so upset with them. THEN I realized. LOL So how are they ? Still in Rio? If you remove their layover status will they disappear in the next job refresh?
  2. boomerkidd

    boomerkidd Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    Yupp you are. But i would suggest that you follow Castlepage's advice a few posts back and focus on coins first before bux.

    I only started going for bux jobs in mid level 30, when i had at least 20 plane slots open and enough sequoias to fill them up with a couple spares lying around.
  3. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    I'm going to add to this with the main thing I waited for before starting really focusing on a bux strat, I waited until I had 1 million coins. I felt that was enough 'in the bank' to not mind if I make losses on bux sitters. (I do still run coin flights LA >Tokyo, just to make sure I'm not going neg all the time)

    Slight difference to Boomerkidd for me, I was level 28, with 18 planes (it's enough for me atm, but I've only got 7 airports (sometimes 6)) next on the agenda is the next slots.

    Most people do go for the 20 slots first though, makes sense.
  4. Dudley1uk

    Dudley1uk Active Member

    Dec 19, 2012

    Has Nimblebit stopped giving out gifts?
  5. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    Yes. It was just for 14 days over Christmas & New Year.
  6. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    I'm done with them. They can "Rot in Rio." I'm also half afraid they will crash my game if I get rid of them, and if they just go away, well then they're just gone. Actually, I wonder if I'll get paid if I remove them from layover?
  7. jamesfish30

    jamesfish30 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Just added a 27th plane a 12 seater, so my 2 cities I will open up for level 35 are Lisbon, and Kiev, and then Stockholm, and Oulu, and then a clear up of Europe, and onto Africa.
  8. MacSym42

    MacSym42 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2013

    I just park and wait for bux jobs with my class 3 planes. I only use class 1 or 2 planes for the global events.
    I take ALL bux jobs (the minimum bux value are 2 or 3 with my loop)

    When there are two same plane in the same airport (for example there are two planes C in Kinshasa), I unload the newest plane jobs as layovers and I full load the first plane who was sitting in the city, and send it to the next city of the loop.

    Got 10k bux 1 hour ago. :)
  9. spineth

    spineth Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Sorry, that was me. On an android, so I can't be friends with you guys. I didn't add myself to your spreadsheet for the same reason.
  10. tfrichards92

    tfrichards92 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I don't discriminate just because you have an android, we can still be friends.
  11. spineth

    spineth Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Awww! You so sweet!
  12. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Hey mate,
    You should add yourself to the spdsht, we already have a few android players in the crew ;)
    And a few ppl have both!
    there is a Mobage column next to GC if you use it.
    And feel free to update your job number in the event page ;)
  13. Dudley1uk

    Dudley1uk Active Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    Oh I see. Dammit, never get my Concorde now lol
  14. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    #11834 alyssacroacia, Jan 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013
    Thanks for the tips, guys. I think I understand. I just wanted to make sure. I did what I posted for all 5 of my Sequoias. So now I'm gonna focus on coins, so I can buy 6 more slots (which will equal 18 total). Why 18 plane slots and not 20? Just curious.

    So. According to CastlePage (who's been ever so incredibly kind and helpful), my 5 Sequoias (3 Mixed, 1 P, 1 C), will fly constantly from LA to Tokyo. Not LA to NY, Not Tehran to London. LOS ANGELES to TOKYO. They need to earn 25% COIN JOBS...and bux jobs ONLY if they are going to LA or Tokyo. (Do I have enough Sequoias? Should I get more?) Since my planes will NOT be upgraded, (saving bux), the 2-hr flight time can be spent doing other things...eating, sleeping, going potty, going OUTSIDE! :p working!! and most importantly, playing my OTHER iPod games that regularly get ignored.

    Oh. I read that I need 10 Sequoias. Lemme work this out on paper.....ok so I can have 3Ms, 3Ps, and 3Cs. That's 9 Sequoias. Which Sequoia should be #10?

    What do I do once I have 10 Sequoias?

    "What-if scenarios:
    What if you're at Tokyo and a non-LA bux job appears? You can pick it up, and drop it at Tehran. From Tehran, pick up LA jobs to get 25% bonus. Similarly at LA, you can pick-up non-Tokyo jobs and drop them off at NY (if that's what you have)."

    1. If I'm at Tokyo and the non-LA bux job is for London? Do I still drop it off at Tehran? If so, why?

    2. You didn't mention what I'd do with the non-LA bux job that gets dropped off in Tehran.

    3. What if I'm at Tokyo and a London bux job and NY bux job appears? What do I do?
  15. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    I have 18 as I didn't have the coins at the time for 20. I'd rather have 21 as it would be much easier for me now I've got a 7th airport.

    I need another 500 bux before I can happily open up to 21, which will be done in the next day or so.
  16. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    I took this screenshot a few weeks ago, but posting it today in hopes that others will find it amusing. I was working on the prison break event, where the incoming cargo is "suspicious cakes" and the outgoing passengers are convicts. :) Here is my chef pilot delivering the cakes:
  17. Bluebear88

    Bluebear88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Those are some smart convicts....
  18. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    We really need a gallery of the best of PP screenshots. :)
  19. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    #11839 Andrwsc, Jan 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013
    Rare planes guide

    I've seen lots of posts on the trading thread from new players wanting to get rare planes. Here is my opinion on the rarity of each one, as of January 7, 2013. I have judged the rarity of each plane on a simple low, medium, or high scale.

    Rare planes are usually only obtained as rewards from global events. If the top prize in an event is a complete plane, then mystery parts are also available for the duration of the event, so not only can you get one complete plane for the event reward, it is not uncommon to get enough mystery parts to build another dozen or two. Also, for two weeks around Christmas 2012, Nimblebit also sent daily gifts, including rare planes, which brought more of these into circulation (personally, I got a Concorde, Kringle Kruiser, Starship and X-10 Mapple Pro).

    P-40 Warhawk
    A complete P-40 was the reward for the second-ever global event (June 17-20) and P-40 parts were also awarded for two other global events. It is unlikely that many mystery parts were collected for the P-40 since the players who installed Pocket Planes on day 1 would still be at low levels for the event. This makes the P-40 still quite rare.

    Huey parts were awarded for three global events before full Hueys were awarded for another two events (Thanksgiving and Hanukkah). Interestingly, a software bug caused the reward to be given multiple times for the June 20-22 global event, so many players received multiples of the Huey part + 35 bux prize (I think I got it about ten times). Because mystery parts have been available twice recently, I consider the Huey as low rarity.

    Sea Knight
    Complete Sea Knights have twice been awarded from global events, and parts have been awarded for two other events. The first global event was on July 4, and unusually lasted only 24 hours, so not a lot of mystery parts were collected. They're useful class 1 aircraft, so although some players have several Sea Knights, they might not be willing to readily trade them. I'd consider it medium rarity.

    A complete Starship was the reward once, for the San Diego event on July 11-13. Since then, parts have been awarded for two other events. I'd say that this was the first plane where lots of mystery parts were collected, since some players had been working on the game for about a month and had progressed to the point where they had lots of planes to collect parts. Also, because the Starship is a novelty (fun to own, but not useful to fly in your regular fleet) some players who own several might actually be willing to trade some. Also considered medium rarity.

    Complete blimps have been awarded for two global events: London Olympics and Canadian Thanksgiving. The London Games 2012 event was unusual in that it lasted 7 days instead of the usual 3½. Also, because London is a class 3 city, mystery parts were abundant. Therefore, I'd consider the blimp low rarity.

    Bobcat parts have been awarded for four events, but a complete plane has never been the top prize, so no mystery parts have ever been collected. Therefore, even high-level players are unlikely to have more than a couple of completed planes, making it high on my rarity scale. Like the starship, it's a novelty to collect, but you will keep them in your hangar.

    Hot Air Balloon
    The balloon has been an event reward twice, once as a complete aircraft and once for a part only. Many players were at medium to high game levels when it was the reward for the Halloween event, so lots of mystery parts were collected. Medium rarity.

    Kringle Kruiser
    Only appeared as an event prize once, for Christmas 2012. Since the event city was Chicago (class 3), a fair number of mystery parts were collected. Medium rarity.

    A Concorde part has only been offered in a single global event, New Year's 2013, making it very rare to have a complete plane. You've either got to trade with other players for their single parts, or have been gifted a Concorde in the Christmas giveaway.

    C-130 Hercules
    The Herc has never been featured in a global event, so the only planes out there are Christmas gifts. This makes the C-130 the rarest plane in the game (as of January 7, 2013).

    X-10 Mapple Pro
    The Mapple is available in the standard market for players using the Mac version of Pocket Planes, and therefore only available for iPad/iPhone/iPod players via gifting (since GameCenter IDs are common between the platforms). Therefore, I'd consider it as low rarity overall, but still obviously more difficult to obtain than normal market planes for non-Mac players.

    Hope this is useful!
  20. green_paper

    green_paper Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    Awesome, Andrwsc! This is going on the Resources list.

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