Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. MacSym42

    MacSym42 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2013
    Before starting this setup, make sure to have a few million coins to pay the flight cost of your planes and to buy and upgrade your airports, because you will not earn any coin before your bux exchange, except if you want to have a coin fleet at the same time, but I think it´s unnecessary.
  2. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA
    For the sake of clarity I'll try to explain these as well, but recommend Castlepage's advice! :)

    1) Collect bux on the far east or far west, not in the middle like Teheran. That way you pick up 7's and 8's not 5's. So it should fly to Seoul, start collecting bux there, then fly back and forth between Seoul and Tokyo, only.
    2) BUX-M in Tokyo drops all the non-bux jobs. When full of bux jobs, hop over to Seoul, and swap places with the BUX-M sitting in Seoul. When a delivery plane flies in, "ALYDELIVERYBIRD", and notes there have accumulated 4 bux jobs to Teheran, she'll pick all them up, fill up the remaining slots with coin jobs, and fly to Tehran, then to another of the bux hubs for more deliveries.
    3) BUX-M in NY should pair up with another nearby city, perhaps Chicago. Place another Sequoia Bux-M in that city. When either plane is full of bux(only) jobs, they swap, drop, and start collecting again.

    I hope that's clearer now. But until you have 20 slots and a lot more sequoias, stick to LA-TK cash runs with 25% bonus.
  3. 3wapp

    3wapp Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    #11803 3wapp, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
    Well, just spent over 250 bux upgrading my planes to be able to reach kinshasha... for a 30 bux prize.

    Good economics there :)

    I have added a picture with my highlights from the last few challenges.

    I'm not sure how you guys get the good size pictures. Mine come out HUGE like wallpaper sized. so i made a collage and sized them down to more normal size (look at the KK for an idea how big my pics come out...)

    The first two pics are obviously from the christmas event. First is my Pearjet known as "UPS" delivering last minute holiday packages. The second is my gifted Cloudliner decked in holiday colors (As I have done with my other gifted planes - see the Tetra later) with the message signifying I delivered the mystery box I needed to get my first KK! Then of course is the KK with Santa at the reigns taking.. Dino DNA to San Jose!

    In the second column you see I have put my gifted Tetra to use. At the time I wasn't even at the level I could buy one, but now I have recently got there, so now its less exciting :) First you see it loaded with Champagne to Paris, then Guitars to Las Vegas (via LA).

    In the final picture, my brand new picture, of the starship I built today thanks to TA1 Crew I have the Star captain piloting and along with he has the King of the Renaissance Faire, his trusty armour suit; and, a Mexican taco billionaire who is financing the trip to Kinshasha (with 4 Bux :D)

    Attached Files:

  4. MishaK-R

    MishaK-R Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    Montreal, Canada
    Hey everyone!

    I'm going to close my PP game, and I will send all planes to the first person to inbox me. Good luck! I will post a new comment once the winner is chosen. BTW, due to uselessness to keep the PP GC IDs, I will delete them too once I am done. Good bye and good flying!

  5. MishaK-R

    MishaK-R Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    Montreal, Canada
    Contest finished! (that was quick) Good bye! (3wapp is the lucky winner!)
  6. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant

    OK guys, I'm back. Just got back from the ER (a whopping 3 hours!) :p

    Idk if my problem was/is really that serious, but I was seen in triage right away, and instead of going to wait in the waiting room, I went straight from triage (checking vitals, getting info) to a room! The only time that's happened to me is when I went there coughing up blood. :eek:

    Long story short - the doctor looked at me as if I was a dope fiend faking issues to try to score some crack. Never in my young (22) life have I seen such a nasty look of disbelief from a doctor!!! :eek::mad: She basically said, "Um, is there a reason why you can't drink fluids?" Uh, no? I've been drinking all day and night and eating sodium-rich foods and drinking fricken PICKLE JUICE!!!!!! :rolleyes:

    So, as she was leaving, she said, her back to me, "We'll give you fluid." ugh. How rude. So, the nurse came in and gave me 500mL of fluid (saline) via IV. She took my BP afterwards; wasn't all that great. In fact, it was lower than it was when the nurse took it right before the infusion!!! I can't remember what it was then, but I took it at home just now...


    Have no worries, guys, it got up to 108/somethin' today. I'll get some Powerade (electrolytes) and continue drinking to hydrate myself and bring my BP up to normal (120/80). I've got pickles, pickle juice, Ramen (which I eat like 2x a year at most-blech), energy drinks, plenty of water/soda/sparkling water, etc., etc. I'll try to keep y'all updated of any MAJOR changes, good or bad.

    NOW - back to business. I just got home so I am just now reading all your wonderful responses. HOWEVER; I have NOT made any flights since I posted the question. I have only been adding bux jobs to the plane, so, things are a little different. *see next post*

    To be continued...
  7. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #11807 vicsark, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
    Sorry to hear that mate. :(
    Amuse toi bien!

    @Aly : Take care and take it easy.
  8. MishaK-R

    MishaK-R Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    Montreal, Canada
    J'ai réalisé que vraiment, je ne jouais presque plus, et je n'avais plus le goût de jouer. Donc, au lieu de mettre tous ses avions dans la "corbeille", je me suis dit qu'il serait beaucoup mieux de laisser un personne chanceuse avoir la chance de posséder beaucoup d'avions utiles. De plus, je suis bien content de savoir que cette personne n'a pas un niveau très haut. Au revoir! (inside conversation, haha. If you don't speak french, just go on google translate...)
  9. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #11809 vicsark, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
    Sympa de ta part Misha ;)
    A plus!

    Otherwise, I just updated the top 10 leaderboard in the spreadsheet as I see many new names, and I don't think many of us have added them on GC yet.
    Welcome dudes and dudettes ;)
  10. Squint17

    Squint17 Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    Ok I'm in first for now! It will end soon though as my completed jobs when i go to bed tonight will be about the same as when i wake up on tuesday morning. I'm an electrician and took a job in Ottawa 465km (289miles) away and work there monday to thursday evenings. I rent a room in Quebec. And I'm not allowed any electronic devices at work (CSIS job).
    Oddly enough, in reference to above posts, one of my resolutions was to learn to become fluent in Quebecois french. I'm building on 10 years of public schooling with a french class each year, but the last year was 22 years ago. So getting a room in QC was part of that (and rooms are cheaper there.)

    I imagine when I can get on PP I will just run planes back and forth from LA to TK again.
  11. PondusFM

    PondusFM Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    Really nice pictures :)
  12. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA
    Changing GC ID

    @Fullquiver13 - If/when you change your GameCenter ID on an iOS device, you'll get a warning message every time you open Pocket Planes (about no updating achievement until [oldGCID] logs in). Also, I'm pretty sure gifts to the new ID will not work. To complete the switch you must go into 'Settings' and Reset Awards. This won't affect your game, just the achievements. Once you do that, quit and restart Pocket Planes, you'll now be fully active with the new GC ID. Many of the achievements (like 500 passengers) will come back immediately. (You can reset the whole game, but that's not necessary). If you do, update your GCID on the spreadsheet - also, you'll need to re-friend anyone you want to connect/trade with using your new GCID.
  13. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Help! (Updated)

    Hey all, I just got home from the ER and I've been working on my fleet this whole time. I posted a large question at like 9am, and here is the update.
    *Note: I have not sent ANY planes on ANY flights since I posed the original question. This one, will not be as fancy.*

    So, here goes....:

    #1: "BUX M" in Tehran
    - 4 bux jobs to NY ($5 each)
    - 1 bux job to Tokyo ($3)
    - 2 bux jobs to London ($2 each)
    - 2 empty spots*

    #2: "BUX M" in Tokyo
    - 1 bux job to LA ($9)
    - 1 bux job to NY ($7)
    - 1 bux job to London ($5)
    - 4 bux jobs to Tehran ($3 each)
    - 3 empty spots

    #3: "BUX M" in NY

    - 3 bux jobs to Tokyo ($7 each)
    - 1 bux job to Tehran ($5)
    - 3 bux jobs to London ($3 each)
    - 3 empty slots

    #4: "BUX P" in LA
    - 1 bux job to London ($4)
    - 2 bux jobs to NY ($2 each)
    - 7 empty slots

    #5: "BUX C" in LA
    - 1 bux job to Tokyo ($9)
    - 2 bux jobs to London ($4)
    - 7 empty slots

    I want to know if the advice you guys gave me earlier still applies.
    This time, I have more bux jobs per plane and ONLY bux jobs or empty seats, no regular jobs.

    *this is weird, and I have the pix to prove it (see pix below of #1). No matter how many times the game refreshes, or I manually refresh, or I shut it down, or turn off my iPod, it remains the same. And it only happens with #1. At first this blank item spot was at the bottom. Now it's at the top. You'll see in the 1st picture that where there is normally a city, name, icon, coin amount, and "load" button, there is nothing. At least, maybe there is, but it's invisible, and takes up space. Meaning, no matter if I unload all or load all, one of my items loaded is this invisible person. I'm guessing it's an invisible normal person and not a bux job. Anybody here ever have/see this problem? Will it affect my profits?

    Attached Files:

  14. CJJ

    CJJ Member

    Jul 14, 2012
    Hawaii, USA
    Hi there. I had this same issue. Nimblebit is aware of this problem and said they are working on fixing it in the next update. They said that you can get rid of the ghost cargo/passenger by sending it to your hangar and then recommissioning it. This is pretty costly on the bigger planes so hopefully they fix the bug soon!
  15. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    3wapp: Think of it this way -- the upgrades will last you beyond the global event until you decide to scrap the plane. And it's nice to be able to fly a straight line from Jakarta to Kinshasa to Lima (if you have those cities). Then next upgrade from Kinshasa to NY, and Lima to London/Paris. :D

    Nice pics and story. How about be our TA1 reporter and/or story writer? (pls say yes ... I'm looking forward to your next illustrated story).
  16. PocketDaddy45

    PocketDaddy45 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    Question, do you transport the bux jobs to the class 3 airports with smaller planes or do you just park and wait for the bux jobs?

    Do you take any bux jobs or do you try to get say 6bux +?

    Do you have to bypass airports when you are full at times?
  17. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA
    With that setup, LA/NY, and Tokyo/Tehran are your twin hubs. (Note, they're rather far apart for this purpose :) ).
    When a BUX-M gets full of either P or C, it fills with whatever jobs are available for the sister city, and those two planes swap.
    Specific example: Your Tehran plane gets to 5P/3C with bux jobs. Grab however many Tokyo jobs you can and immediately fly it to Tokyo. Switch to the Tokyo BUX-M, fill it with random Tehran planes and send it to Tehran. Once they arrive, unload all, and repeat the process. You're going to need a lot of extra coins to be running bux with this setup; your twin hubs are really far apart. Consider opening Seoul and Chicago.

    Regarding your pic... You have a ghost passenger, and must remove the plane to the hangar and recommission it.
  18. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    I don't care if it's a bug: I'm never going to take these three passengers anywhere ever again. I don't think they ever knew where they were going, and they clearly don't know where they are.

    Attached Files:

  19. dantt99

    dantt99 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Nice! That's pretty funny.
  20. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    #11820 alyssacroacia, Jan 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013

    I think I'm maybe kinda sorta starting to understand it?

    1. Sequoia-M in Tokyo gathers 5 bux jobs for Tehran, 3 for London, and 1 for NY.

    2. Sequoia-M has 9 bux jobs, fill the last spot with 1 regular job for Tehran.

    3. Send this Sequoia-M to Tehran and unload EVERYTHING; Tehran now has 3 London layovers and 1 NY layover.

    4. Now the Sequoia-P that was waiting in Tehran with bux jobs of its own (say, 7 London jobs), picks up the 3 London layovers.

    5. Sequoia-P, with 10 bux jobs to London flies to London and earns lots of bux :), but negative profit :(.

    Am I on the right track?

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