Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA
    #11701 ltbaxter, Jan 5, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2013
    I'ld be happy to add you on GC - I'm ltbaxter, same as forum name here (that's a lower case 'L')

    I've never had more than 10 of same plane type, so I don't know :) Probably SQ11M. I've started to name a few for their specialized task, like BUX.P or BUX.C. I personally would never name them all the same thing, as mentally I'm thinking "Ok, when 4M arrives, I need to layover and grab that bux next door"

    As I understand it, P and C planes are popular for two reasons: i) they're easier to load and you avoid the frustrating of using an M plane with jobs you can't grab. Auto-load has decreased the pain of loading M's. ii) for bux sitting you simply wait until full with a P or C then go. With an M you might easily get 6 P and 2 C in a Cyclone-M and be forced to swap cities early. People prefer M planes for several reasons: i) they never miss being able to see and pick up a big bux job; ii) it's faster when filling on refresh cycles to score two half-loads of each type than a full load of one type; iii) having M's is less punishing on layover limits, iv) it's easier when shopping to only look to buy one type; v) one plane can cover a city instead of needing a pair.

    All that said... I prefer M's with just a handful of P's and C's in reserve for special events or to balance things out when the M-plane is unbalanced (like the cloudliner).
  2. Som yung gai

    Som yung gai Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the warm welcome! Also, I am positive that they are the same.I'll send you a request on GC. Can I have the link to the spreadsheet?
  3. johnwinning

    johnwinning Member

    Mar 7, 2011
    Lots of airports?

    Has anyone experimented with a large number of open airports with lots of plane slots? I'm approaching the 65k bux ceiling (glad I saw the post about the 2B max coins!), and I'm pretty bored. Earning coin and bux is no longer a motivator, and I probably have a couple more weeks until I finish out all the events. I'm not sure what I'll do next...

    I was thinking about opening all the airports that my 51 level will support, and then using most of my coin to open plane slots. Will I end up with a mess, or are there interesting challenges with that? Is being able to open all airports something that's achievable?
  4. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    ^This is great. Added to the FAQ.

    I think I used to see you when I was lurking, long before I ever started posting. :)
    The link is in my signature. (You can only see link when logged in).

    Sounds fun. I want to try it when I run out of things to do, which sounds like where you're at. At the same time I would want to reserve 10-20k bux in case a future update comes with some missions where bux might be needed.
  5. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Hey, cool! This actually makes a lot of sense to me. So, once I get a P & C Sequoia, I'll put them both in Tokyo with an M, wait and fill each with their respective items, then fly them both to LA while the M sits there to gather bux jobs. Am I understanding this correctly?

    I agree on the half-load thing....kinda sucks sitting around through several cycles... >_<
  6. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    I haven't been able to play much but I know I spent much of the day in 5th. All of a sudden I'm in 11th! What a close race within the top 15 or so. :)
  7. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Merlion, I think we're the only two sua gu here. I asked more or less the same question.

    I name my popular planes (xx is the number):
    SQMxx - sequoias-M
    CYMxx - cyclone-M
    MAPxx - mapples
    SKxx - seaknights
    Santa - kringle kruiser

    I like to keep track of how many planes of a type that I have :p

    Grats on getting 146k coins. Forget about bring las vegas jobs from tokyo or anywhere. Forget about Tehran jobs. Just focus on running LA-Tokyo jobs for 25% bonus and earn more coins for one day. I think by tmr you should have a healthy coin earnings.

    As for Las Vegas, use class 1 planes to fly them fr LA and NY.

    If you really REALLY want to collect bux, station one plane in Tokyo collecting bux while you run your 25% coins flight.

    How's your BP today? better? Are you able to see better ?

    LOL Nimblebit allows us to trade bux, then we'll be pestering you for bux donations :D
  8. PondusFM

    PondusFM Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    You'll probably end up with a mess. More airports open means the job pool is shared amongst more destinations, which in theory means you'll have to wait longer to fill your planes.
    That beeing said, play the game as you see fit. If you want to try it, go for it and please share your experience with us :)

    As for opening every single airport in the game, I don't think its possible, due to the amount of available airports, and the fact you need a rediculous high level to have that many airports available to be opened...
  9. green_paper

    green_paper Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    I've been flying sequoias with fully-upgraded range for weeks, if not months now, and I just realized they can fly from Sao/Rio to Lon/Par direct! Previously I routed them through Kinshasa! :eek:
  10. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    With range upgraded cyclones you also can fly Rio/Sao directly to Istanbul/Cairo (and then one hop more to EAsia).
    I like the Rio/Sao hub, they provide a healthy 6/7 Bux jobs, and are within range of a lot of class 3 airports in US, Europe and Africa. Nice way to add distraction to the straight line LA-Asia routine ;)

    I did get rid of Kinsaha/Lagos and Mumbai though and do not miss them. Using Cairo is good enough for me, a few less coins but 3 less permanent airports :)
  11. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    LOL I don't have Sao/Rio. But I fly from London/Paris to Lima direct, and from Kinshasa to NY direct. It's a great feeling. A very big pity they are slightly too short to fly London to Mexico City direct.
  12. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Cyclones man!
    I had Lima for a long tome too, used it as the layover hub between SA and NA. Don't miss it now

    So anyone else has begun to upgrade speed?
    I'm not playing much now, but I guess for the next full plane event it will come in handy.
    spent a few thousand Bux already, but as I started from scratch again afer my Bux exchange, I don't feel too bad about it :)
  13. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    Yup. :)

    I also recently discovered they can fly direct from Mexico City to Lagos when fully upgraded. Makes it slightly more profitable to fly via Lagos (and Delhi/Mumbai) when going from Seoul/Shanghai/Tokyo to Mexico City.
  14. MacSym42

    MacSym42 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2013
    Do you think we can have another Concorde part for this next event, even if I know that the chances are low ?
  15. Ninjaboy292

    Ninjaboy292 Member

    Jan 4, 2013
    leveling up.

    Been playing pocket planes for 3 day about 2 hours each day, do you think level 10 is decent? :confused:
  16. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA
    Sounds like you're right on track! You'll now be offered some fairly so-so planes. The next really good one, the Aeroeagle, will show up at lvl 16. The Birchcraft/Equinox/Pearjets can't land in black-dot cities, so don't go overboard buying many of those (if any). The Kangaroo is going to be your best friend for the next several levels, and you'll keep several throughout the game.

    At that level I was working on getting a nice long straight line going, and building up more coins and bux to expand the flight network. Enjoy!
  17. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    That's really good! Leveling up gets rarer and rarer, but some of us still find it satisfying...but much more so at your level, where being able to purchase new planes is a big incentive. Anyone remember when leveling up used to be so essential because you could only build one new airport per level? I was usually dying to expand...
  18. Fullquiver13

    Fullquiver13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Avionics engineer
    Michigan, USA
    Growing Ta1 Flight Crew

    Ok this may sound silly but I have always been utterly fascinated with talking with people from other countries, their insights about where they live, good things and bad things, hobbies and such. So this flight crew just fascinates me. We have crew members from Scotland, Singapore, France, Japan, Holland, Austria, UK, Hong Kong, and even that really foreign land Canada (LOL if I walked too far I could probably almost walk into Canada from where I live - ok maybe a short drive). Anyway anyone who is interested in a US viewpoint on things or wants to just chatter about things add me to your friends list and I will be more than happy to chat back and forth.

    GC Supermomof13
    (I share a GC account with wife and we have 13 kids adopted from all over the world)

    And thanks to all these people on TA1 who have helped me, coached me, and pulled me through the trials and tribulations of learning how to earn coin and bux and gifted planes and just basically put up with me. You all make this Flight Crew the outstanding fun it is.

  19. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Great answer ! I've added your reply to the FAQ :)

    Oh, I only upgraded my cyclones' range to lvl 2. Should have done some homework in the previous event when I was using Mexico City. But I was too busy to play much PP anyway.

    I've upgraded my sequoias' range fully. I don't designate which planes fly where (except for a couple of global events plane). I just see which city is short of plane and assign them there. I upgrade a sequoia if I happen to need it to fly far. Somehow, all sequoias got upgraded in the process. And then I phased out 60% of them for cyclones :(

    I've upgraded all my class 1 permanents (mapples, seaknights and a couple of mohawks. Kringle kruiser too.) They're cheap to upgrade. Cyclones is another matter. I don't do anything to cloudliners ... 73 bux per upgrade (heart pain).

    Bux come slowly this time mainly because I don't have much time to play.
  20. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA
    #11720 ltbaxter, Jan 5, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2013
    Thanks CastlePage, the FAQ will be a useful resource, especially to newer players. On one MacMini account I've started a brand new game (and not sending myself any gifts) to take some notes on early level play :cool:

    I have pretty much same approach as yours to the upgrading of planes.

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