Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Changing your flight crew will RESET your event statistics. I believe it is a reset so even if you go back to the original crew after changing the job count will return to 0. (can someone verify this?)

    Also - if you change your flight crew after an event ends, but BEFORE your prize arrives, your prize will not be awarded. Please wait until your prize from the previous event arrives (can take up to 24 hours after event end) before changing crews to avoid missing it.

    More details here: http://support.nimblebit.com/customer/portal/articles/656748-flight-crews---missing-reward
  2. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Sorry too lazy to edit out most of the quoted text from my iPhone. I just wanted to answer your question about switching flight crews.
    You should wait until AFTER the current is over and AFTER you receive your prize for this current event.
    If you switch crews now, you will lose all the jobs you have delivered so far and will start thr count over from zero.
    If you switch crews after the event ends but before the prize arrives, then you will not receive the prize at all. (you need remain a member of the crew to receive the prize)
    Add me on GC (Faye Valentine QOH) and I'll send you something so that your lonely plane has some company.
  3. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    LA Seoul in 47 minutes with a Concorde (fully upgraded speed)
    And I breaks even, but not by much lol
  4. RLangley91

    RLangley91 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    I have a similar tale like that - the first person I put on a plane bound for the event city was called "Katy Perry", who did a song in 2008 called Waking Up In Vegas.
  5. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    I think one of those links , thr advice from a level 41 player link, has some good advice for people just starting out. Perhaps we can expand on that with some additional basics for the newer players, you know, suff thr higher levels don't think much about anymore, and stuff the feels like common sense that may not seem so obvious to a newer player.

    Basic stuff like:
    The early levels should focus on building coins/bux. It is a grind thru level 20, then the game really gets more interesting. Try to fully load jobs going to he same city for a 25% cash bonus.
    Don't rush to buy/upgrade every airport/plane, there's better stuff to be had later on.
    Upgrade weight to make more profit.
    Upgrade range as needed (don't need to do all 3 levels in one fell swoop)
    Upgrading speed will cut into profits.
    Don't scrap all the class 1 and class 2 planes as you upgrade to class 3 planes. There are some class 1 & class 2 workhorses that are great to keep around for global events (mapple, sea knight, kangaroo, Mohawk, Aeroeagle to name a few)

    (I've reached my limit typing on the itty bity keyboard on my iPhone. LOL)
  6. Geebeeweebles

    Geebeeweebles Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
    Thank you very much! :D I'll wait until the end of this event before joining TA1 then!
  7. goffy3

    goffy3 Member

    Jan 2, 2013
    Hi! I'm a level 23 with:
    2 Cloudliner-m's
    1 Fogbuster-M
    3 Pearjet-Ms
    1 Equinox-P
    3 Birchcraft (2P, 1C)
    2 Mohawks (1P, 1M)
    4 Kangaroos (1P, 1M, 2C)

    My airports are:
    LA, Dallas, Chicago, Mexico City, New York, Miami, Bogota, Lima, Rio, Salvador, London, Madrid, Lagos, Cario, Tehran, Istanbul, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo, and Manila.

    My current hubs are New York and Beijing. I also use Chicago and Tehran as Bux Hubs. In addition LA and London are "focus cities"

    My stratagy is as follows:
    Kangaroos and Birchcrafts bring a half New York and half Beijing load that flys to either of my hubs. I have 2 kangaroos in Asia and 2 in America. My 2 Cloudliners then fly New York-Istanbul-Beijing and return always with a full load. My Fogbuster usually flies from LA to London. My Pearjets and my Equinox all fly wherever they want as long as they fly full load.

    I need tips on making my airline better and more efficient. I want to get rid of South America and Dallas but I don't have the guts to. Especially Lima. Also should I replace my kangaroos with something else?
    Thanks for your help!

    Gamecenter is KEVSTEVTRE.
  8. 3wapp

    3wapp Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    My personal strategy would be to remove some unnecessary airports, so the jobs you get are more focused and you fill your planes faster :)
  9. tfrichards92

    tfrichards92 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    which is a lot better than the old alternative of -2.1 billion with the 32nd bit is activated. :)
  10. Batdive

    Batdive Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    I agree with him since I started the game only about a month ago and now my wife is playing, I gave her this advice and seems to work good. Build one hub and split a couple Lvl 3 airports from that to make the jobs more concentrated. Don't do any airport upgrades and a only a couple of airplane slots until you can by a Lvl 3 airport with in range of your hub. Then a couple more airplane slots a and better planes u tip you can start to expand to another Lvl 3 airport.

    IE San Francisco as hub build up to get LA then move to New York with a Lvl 3 in between as a jump point to get a ash quicker. Bux jobs as you can.

    This seemed to help my wife level a lot quicker than I did.

    Hope it helps someone...
  11. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Whoa, what's goin on here?! I don't think I've seen any newbies post in the forum asking for stuff. Do they ask for the rare planes that even the experienced players don't have? I have, however, been PM'd by a newbiee asking for a plane...

    Haha! Thanks! :p I have chosen to NOT have a lock on my iPod. If I lost it in public, or if it was stolen, or if my mom like played PP and ended up deleting it (and/or any other game) OOOOOOHHhhh my goodness! *feels BP rising* I'm a lady, but I'll tear open my shirt like theHulk if something like that happened. Unfortunately, I'm now feeling the effects of taking BP medication. I've been on much more BO medication in the past; once I was on 200mg/day of a med. Thing is - it was different than the drug I took. And now I'm paying for it; I just spoke to the PD nurse who say I could end up with chest pain because of my heart not getting enough oxygen. GREAT. :rolleyes: The very thing I wanted to avoid!!!

    *sigh* Oh well. I'll get better with time. My BP this morning is 65/39 with a heart rate of 35. (Yesterday it was 50/35).

    The reason it's taken me so long to write a post it because I can hardly see my computer screen. Imagine this: it's summertime, a hot, bright, sunny day. You've been outside for hours! Now, you come inside. It's dark as a cave! You stumble around because it's so dark. You can't see! That's what it's been like for me. When I look at something bright like my bedroom light, or my white curtain in front of my window, I get that "blinding sensation" and I can't see. As a matter of fact I have it right now! I can BARELY see! I've got one eye open and I'm squinting.

    OK - Time to go have some cereal & play more PP!
  12. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA

    Hi Goffy3! I'll share a few thoughts on this (keep in mind I'm a mid-lvl player, not one of the top ones here!)

    Planes: Kangaroos are good to keep for class 1 cities/events. For class 2 the best plane is really the Aeroeagle (and the Equinox the worst); so you might swap over those as bux allow. For class 3 the Sequoia is a favorite here because of the high profit rate (low speed). Cyclones are better but only if you play a lot. Those Cloudliners are causing some imbalances in your Cargo-Passanger mix but it's good you're flying them full load; you might pair them with an Aero or Seq-C.

    Airports: That's a good amount of reds but a lot of blues. With no class 1's open you can probably lose the Mohawks. Do you play class 1 global events? If so keep the Kangas but otherwise Hangar them (don't scrap) and get some Aero/Seq-M's.

    Regarding South America, shut it down; including Lima. San Paolo/Rio/Lima/BA is a powerful set up hubs, but with your investment up North you'll see better results from focusing up there. Get rid of Dallas and a few more blues. Tell yourself "it's an experiment, I'll buy them back if I miss them" :)

    Strategy - see the recent post with the strategy links and look up Pezmages "Sequoia" strategy. Many have found it to be a lot less micromanaging the planes yet higher profit. It's a matter of taste of course, if you're happy with your current plan.

    Best wishes!
  13. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA
    Happy New Year Geebeeweebles :)

    Here are a few assorted thoughts from a mid-lvl player (35):

    Airports - that is a lot. I have the same problem. Had 34, shut down 14 when I got a big cash hoarde because I knew I could buy them back, and have not missed them at all. If you're fond of the Sea Knight, you'll need more cities for it to fly around the world, but since you use it as an Event plane you can always hangar-unhangar to get it anywhere it needs to go, then it will fly non-stop hub-eventCity.

    So to be more efficient, do shut down several airports and get rid of the planes that don't have good range to crossover (keep the SeaKnight).

    Planes - as you noted the Sequoia is super efficient due to its low speed, I would definitely shop for more of those. You have quite a mix of P, C and M. I used to hate M's, but now that's almost my whole fleet (when I saw they could pick up any bux job). The Birch's are at the end of their useful life for you I think, and the Pear's are far less efficient than the Aero's.

    Your strat sounds fine, and you might want to trade/ask for a Mapple or get a Kanga-M to help out your Sea Knight with events. Sounds like you're on target flying with 25% bonus. Don't overspend on airports or upgrades, and slowlly make your route more streamlined and buy more efficient planes over time. Most of all... enjoy!
  14. lisianne

    lisianne Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2010
    Somewhere else
    Thanks, Snowbird. This would be a question that newbies have asked again & again & will continue to ask. Plus, whether "selling" the city (but not changing crew) would affect getting a prize. Reading the posts here, if I was paying careful enough attention, selling the city is unimportant; just don't change crews. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.
  15. Batdive

    Batdive Member

    Dec 21, 2012

    You and I are about the same level and have the same slots. One thing I saw is your fog busters there money killers right behind the cloud liner with cost per slot and to many airports. I have 21 ATM and some are blue feeders for,the current event. The less airports the more jobs for the airports you do have open. Got that strategy from a post here and it helps. Making money and bux a lot quicker.

    I would start moving away from those fogbusters to seq's definitely or aeroeagles. I do the straight line approach with LA, NY,Paris/London, Tehran, Tokyo and my cloudliner only does la - Tokyo runs because of the expense. With mix of seq's and aeros for pick ups elsewhere or feeders for events. Lvl1 like the mapple best, the kk next and then kangaroo and Mohawks next. As for planes I found is chart helpful especially the far column.


    I sent you a GC request and do like TA1 for the friendly competitiveness because you can see those around you. Been trying to beat number1 and tater for the last two days and worries ya to see how quick others Vic and Faye can move up so quickly hahaha
  16. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #11656 CastlePage, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    LOL gratz Vic on FINALLY owning a concorde :D

    Thanks for organizing the strategies page, Snowbird. BTW, after Vic's comment that your GC name is different, I looked you up on the TA1 member info and realize that you are leapingliz LOL.

    Looks like we also need a FAQ section. I'll start creating one, others please pitch in. :)

    Edit: I've started a FAQ section on the strategies spreadsheet. Please pitch in with other questions/answers.

    How many hops LA seoul and at where? For comparison, LA - Tokyo (via NY, Lon, Tehran) is 2 hr and a few mins (forgot how many is the few).

    I believe there's a lady hulk or female hulk somewhere in that comics series .... :p

    Hugs Alys. Do get better soon. My mom recently became very sick. Now I have some first hand experience with chronic illness, I have much more empathy for long term illness.
  17. sdo62

    sdo62 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
    Response from Nimblebit re coins limit:
    Tim R replied:
    Thanks for letting us know. We will look into fixing this in a future update.
  18. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #11658 CastlePage, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    Welcome back :)

    Did you put J. Ryan through the loops while flying the plane ? :D

    Imagine if we end up with -2.1 billion coins ... how to settle this debt? I imagine we can't fly a plane at all.
  19. tfrichards92

    tfrichards92 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Exchange lots of bux?
  20. Som yung gai

    Som yung gai Well-Known Member

    :D Thanks for the (re)welcome!

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