Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. sdo62

    sdo62 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
    Thought I'd repost this warning for those who may have missed it over Christmas:

    I restored my game OK from my iTunes backup on my computer (lost a couple of days progress), then "bit the bullet" again yesterday - did an iTunes backup, exchanged 60K bux for 1830 million coins which kept my total coins well under the magic 2,147,483,647 limit (which is 2^31 - 1 for the geeks out there) and now have 50 plane slots, 854 million coins and 16K bux.

    The take home message is that there appears to be a hard limit of 2,147,483,647 coins after which your coins are reset to ZERO, so be careful when exchanging bux not to exceed this limit.
  2. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    If I fill it with full 25% bonus freight, from LA to Paris I make about 2000 coins.
    Agree about Vic!
    I will add a link in the list on the spreadsheet. You're welcome, it's nice to be able to contribute something to the community :)

    LOL!!! Too funny. And I happen to be watching Episode IV right now too.

    sdo62, I think we should make sure that information is on the Pocket Planes wiki as well. Have you emailed Nimblebit about it? I don't think they will plan on making changes as I believe a similar bug is reached in Pocket Frogs for the XP level. (I am new to Pocket Frogs... I finally downloaded it when Nimblebit started up the 2 weeks of gifts) :)
  3. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    LOL! It's all good! I don't see this doc til a month from now; it's weird though: usually I have normal BP (thank God!) but when the chest pain began, I had high BP. I didn't want to go back to the hospital and spend Christmas there, so I took 40mg (1 pill) of my mom's BP med that I swear I have taken before. Six days later, my BP is STILL low! Like 80/whatever. So, my guess is that I need to take something to spike my BP (and undo what that BP med did) and then the gabapentin will have better results. Heh - Anybody here know how to raise my blood pressure super high? :p

    What is a "HARD LIMIT?" Does this apply to just the bux exchange or in general? ...what I'm asking is, if I have 2,147,483,647 coins and I'm watching my plane fly...if I click on a coin, will my coin-count return to 0 (zero)? Or, are you saying that if I have 2,147,483,647 coins and try to exchange some coins for bux, my coin-count will return to 0 (zero)?

  4. thecyberprince

    Dec 26, 2012
    You on iOS. I can send you the Sequoia P. :)
  5. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Welcome Montana! I understand the map limitation, but sometimes think about how cool it would be if we could send a slow plane around the globe.

    {waving} Just letting you know I saw this post. :p

    I hope you feel better soon!!!

    Take it easy, you're not missing much on the current global event. In fact, you'll make more coins/bux through a regular 25% bonus route. The cost of working these global events impacts higher level players less. We take a loss working them and only really do them to break the monotony, otherwise we all would have quit the game a long time ago out of boredom. It helps to build up and have more plane slots, then you can divvy up your fleet for different purposes (coins, bux, event).

    I remember that screenshot. That link does not appear on my TA App.
    I'm using iPhone 4 and IOS 5.1.1.

    BTW, I'm stealing your sig ... well, when I figure out how to change it again, tomorrow cuz I can barely keep my eyes open right now. Need to go get my beauty sleep. :D

    You are right, there are lots of people here who help out other players, new and old. And people have also received help getting back on their feet when their PP game got wiped out and they had to start again at level 1.

    My little girl watched Episode IV for the very first time on New Years Day. She loved it and wants me to do her hair Princess Leia style. :) She can't wait to see Empire Strikes Back.
  6. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    User CP in the upper left, then Edit Signature on the left hand menubar.

    That is so exciting!! :)
    My son was watching it earlier today. Santa brought him a toy lightsaber and he was waving it around just like Luke in the scene where he was practicing while on the Millenium Falcon. Heehee.
  7. sdo62

    sdo62 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
    I have just sent an email to Nimblebit support, but have no idea how to go about getting the information on the PP wiki - more than happy for someone else to do it if they know how.
  8. sdo62

    sdo62 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
    Hard limit means that the game can't cope with any number of coins over 2,147,483,647 - so I'm pretty sure that however you exceed it will cause a reset to zero coins.
  9. Dudley1uk

    Dudley1uk Active Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    If being real is wanting to make the experience for everyone enjoyable, then yes. I do agree with some of the replies though, a lot of newbies do come on and just say give me stuff!
  10. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #11610 CastlePage, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2013
    LOL this is so funny.

    I agree with Snowbird and Faye. Until you have a decent number of plane slots, you might just want to concentrate on earning coins via 25% flights. You need a decent number of planes for the bux strategies to work.

    BTW what planes are you flying?

    My suggestion is: Fly long distance with your sequoias LA to Tokyo on 25% bonus. It takes 2 hours to fly. So in the meantime, you can do the LA-Vegas little trips (and give Vic and Number1Ump a run for their money) if you have time to babysit PP. Try your best to get enough coins so that you can comfortably buy class 3 cities at least :p

    And ... don't fly expensive planes for the time being.

    Snowbird: OOh. so you're bringing in blue colored jobs fr Paris to LA ?

    Yes we should add this important info about max coins to the spreadsheet.

    I haven't tried Pocket Frogs though I heard abt it when I was playing Tiny Tower. I don't dare to try it ... PP is sucking up too much of my spare time.

    Fastest way to get your BP up -- we all scold you and make you super angry. Or get your mom to delete PP from your ipod/android and force you to start over again. :D Joking. Maybe 40mg could be too much? My mom's on some BP medication too ... it's a teeny pill and she should take half of it. In any case, do take care. I'm glad that you didn't have to spend Christmas in the hospital.

    I'm using iPad 2 and ios 5.0.1 (I think). And I can't see that attachment button on TA1 forum.

    I loved Star Wars. That was my favorite movie(s) until the Lord of the Rings came out. (Actually, I love the book more than the movie(s). Peter Jackson likes to stage long drawn battles. Anyone here has watched the Hobbit? How did you like the movie?)

    Snowbird, you have to get your son to watch Starwars with Faye's daughter.

    OK, we've already got Darth Vader (Vic Sark), Chewbacca (Chewbacca), Princess Leia (Faye's girl). Snowbird, does your son want to be Luke or Han Solo? We need an Emperor too .... anyone else that I miss? :D

    Edit: I was updating the spreadsheet and realized -- there are only 3 names (myself included) on my leaderboard. I don't think all of them are android players so time for me to add ppl to GC. Please add me if I haven't added you.
  11. Dudley1uk

    Dudley1uk Active Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    My post.

    Sorry if my post got a few peoples backs up, that wasn't my intention. My intention was to simply highlight the fact I too feel we need another feed, and to see what can be done to make this enjoyable for EVERYONE!

    Its a shame there couldn't be some sort of newbie feed where bone questions could answered, it doesn't help that when you search on the internet the first flight crew that pops up is touch arcade.

    I'm currently at level 20, only been playing 2 weeks, so picked up the basics myself and learnt a great deal through trial and error. I really enjoy it and rather addicted too.

    Sorry if people have tried to add me and haven't been able too. For some unknown reason people cannot add me but I can add them.

    If people want to add me send me a private message and i'll add them as a work around, until I get my GC issue resolved.
  12. Mxboyles

    Mxboyles Active Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    #11612 Mxboyles, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2013
    Cheers for the offer, but I just traded for one, and don't really have the need for another, haha. Thanks anyway! :)

    And to everyone that's asking how to upload a photo, I come on the forum through safari on my iPod, and it is simple to do it through there, so give it a to if you are stuck with the App :)
  13. thecyberprince

    Dec 26, 2012

    Finally got my Concorde! So happy! :)

  14. thecyberprince

    Dec 26, 2012
    Awww. That's cool.
  15. Mxboyles

    Mxboyles Active Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Vic! Clear your private message inbox, it won't let me send you one and its important, haha! :)
  16. Dudley1uk

    Dudley1uk Active Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    Lucky you, I'm not jelous much lol
  17. tfrichards92

    tfrichards92 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I think your GC is "Dudley 1uk" without the quotes. There's a space between Dudley and 1 as I received your GC request just fine.

    I discovered here at about level 18 or so and much like you learned through trial and error on my own with some minor hints from another game forum. Learning it was fun but annoying especially after reading strategies here.
  18. tfrichards92

    tfrichards92 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Where we are today at 415 am local time. Thanks, my beloved child.

    Attached Files:

  19. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    You just reminded me. I took a look at our strategies that Faye and Snowbird compiled and realized that they seemed to be for higher level players (bux strategies, twin hubs, train loops etc.) Perhaps we should detail some for say below lvl 18 so that they have something to follow :p

    Congrats ! We're still waiting for ours to come (for some reason, they're not flying at Concorde speed ... more like kangeroo or blimp speed :( Hopefully not hot air balloon speed although better late than never. )

    Thanks for the info. Just added Dudley.
  20. Dudley1uk

    Dudley1uk Active Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    You may be correct, strange though as it doesn't look like there is a space in between on my GC and I never put one there intentionally.

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