Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Someone posted a screenshot of the TouchArcade app on ipad, showing a link to add an attachment. I, and many others, don't seem to have this link. Very strange. For now I'm limited to posting on my computer.
  2. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    Ah, mystery solved. I think I must be using either a newer version of the app, or using a device which supports that function of the app. For example an iPad 3 or 4 may have the capability, but not an iPad 2. I bet the iPhone 4S and 5 do, but possibly not older phones, etc. can we take a survey to see which iOS devices support the attachments? I'm guessing not the iPod, unless its iPod 5? Anybody know?
  3. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Good point. I am on an iPad2 running iOS 5.1.1 with the latest version of the TouchArcade app.
  4. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    Think we worked out you need iOS 6 last time.
  5. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Honestly, Snowbird's post is a lot more clear, because he began with the first step: taking the photo (Snowbird, thank you SO much)! I used that tip to upload a pic of a SK flying during a beautiful sunset! Harmonimundi, is that for iPad only? Or does it work for iPod Touch, too? Cuz right now you're explanation IS clear as mud!:confused:

    Attached Files:

  6. Perfect trumpet

    Perfect trumpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    Hope your ok :)
  7. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    How are you going to post a pic that you haven't taken? Seems sort of obvious.
  8. PocketDaddy45

    PocketDaddy45 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    Kind of fun being in 1st place for a while. :)
  9. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    Of course, makes perfect sense. Did anyone establish that is the only requirement? Because some devices that can be updated to iOS 6 still don't have the same capabilities, both native and in app. For example, iOS gives you a lot on iPad 2, but not Siri and some things that go along with apps, graphic capabilities, etc. it would be dumb if you couldn't do something as simple as what we are talking about with this TA app, though.
  10. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    why thank you. I am feeling better, but I still need help going up and down the stairs and my hands are still twitchy; they have been for days now.

    50/35 is a ridiculously low blood pressure! So, I had my mom buy me an energy drink while she was out because normally it sends my BP through the roof! I also had some chicken noodle soup, some salty popcorn, and I may eat some pickle spears later. I'll check my BP again in the morn.

    It takes me a long time to post a response brcause i make so mazy errors! So if i misspell your b\name, i apologize. My arm is tired from typing...whew
  11. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Grats Snowbird ! Have fun with it :) Is it a profit or loss plane to fly?

    Vic is one of the backbones of TA1. He sets the tone for the warm, cosy, helpful and family-like atmosphere that we're experiencing now on this forum.

    LOL, acknowledging your post now :D

    Snowbird, pls add this post to the list of impt posts that you have at the end of your signature :) You're sweet for taking time to do this.

    Enjoy it while it last.

    I've been terribly busy. Paris event was supposed to be custom-made for me seeing that my central hub is London/Paris. But I've been too busy to do much. (Yeah, i haven't even closed Sao paulo airport and my class 1 planes are stranded in Mexico City. Just as well that the new global event is at Las Vegas :) )

    I've been away from this forum for a couple of days and only came back and waded through 10+ pages of posts :)

    I want to say that this community is very warm, cosy and generous. I stumbled upon this forum when I was googling for a pocket plane crew to join. I read through a couple of hundred PAGES of posts getting to know the game, strategies and starting to know the people before I registered and started to post.

    There were people who gifted me planes when I was starting out that I'm very grateful to. To date, I've given out many more planes than I've received of course. But that's because I'm so thankful for their help when I was in my low levels. Some of them seldom come online now, and I'm excited to hear from them again (Teodore2004, Train 2000, Bluebear, coastcat come by and say HI)

    I don't see the generosity exhibited by this community often in other places. Bluebear gifted me a mapple when mapple was first launched. He had two and gave me one. I don't know if I can be equally generous. Vic arranged for a mapple to be gifted to quite a few of us. North did that too. Faye gifted a cloudliner (3 x (73bux (part) + 3 bux (send)) to help a member raise coins. Vic and many others regularly gift planes to lower level players to help with their game play. None of them HAVE TO or are OBLIGATED to do any of these.

    It just makes me mad to read posts demanding for this or that. I certainly do not have Faye's great heart to write a welcoming post. I confess that my initial reaction was to write a blistering fiery reply to warm up the frosty reception, but I decided to ignore it because I don't want to upset the rest of the forum and I'm also not good at writing blistering posts which I definitely will regret later :p :(
  12. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Aly: what happened to you? :eek: Why are you on this medication?
  13. schnaffman

    schnaffman New Member

    Jan 3, 2013
    Hello people,

    I've been a member of the TouchArcade flight crew (on Android) for a while and I've been browsing this thread and I got some interesting pointers to optimize my airline.

    I figured I should join the conversation and so I joined TA1 to help boost it to #2.

    I also had a question after reading some of your conversations. I was wondering how some of you manage to get many (or even any) mystery parts in your global events? I haven't seen mystery parts for a while. Heck, for the New Year in Paris, I delivered over 750 jobs and I haven't got a single mystery part for all that event. Are mystery parts like one in a thousand, or is there some combo I haven't figured out yet? Maybe there are no more such parts on Android?

  14. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Mystery Parts only appear in global events where the top prize is a full plane. The mystery parts will be for that same plane.
  15. green_paper

    green_paper Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    And to add to Snowbird's reply, for the events where the prize is a full plane, many of the higher level players can afford to leave planes at airports for the sole purpose of collecting mystery parts. Upon every job refresh, they go through their list of airports. Upgrading class 3 airports to the max can help increase the odds. You can sometimes see the mystery cargo in the airport screen - a golden box with a big question mark on it - but it doesn't ALWAYS show up in the main airport screen.

    The last time we had a full plane event was around Christmas (2-3 events ago), for the Kringle Kruiser.
  16. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    That's how I felt about the last event :) Then Vic Sark started playing and Number1Ump went zoooooom over my head... LOL
  17. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Well, I've got a lot of health issues...long story short, the painkillers I was on for so many years no longer helped my pain, so one of my doctors put me on gabapentin for chronic pain. Definitely helps, but the side-effects...goodness! I need to decide if it's all worth it..!:confused:

    And in other news, I'm short on coins that none of my C3 planes can really go anywhere! I'm still in Europe (as there's an Elvis Convention in Paris so I didn't have to make any changes). So I'm saving up to get some planes into Las Vegas.
  18. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Game Center

    hey all, Aly here:

    Since things in PP are going slowly, I'm gonna take a 'break.'

    I'm going to send GC friend requests to everyone on the TA1 spreadsheet. If you're not on there, add yourself!

    my GC is alyssacroacia; get ready to get a request from me.

    OK yeah?

  19. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    #11599 Snowbird, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2013
    Can I suggest... I don't know if anyone will disagree with me, but I think it might help to take a break from one or two events, especially these slower bux only prize ones. Playing events for me at least in the low-mid 20's level, most often lowered my income. Focus on filling planes for the 25% bonus and getting some cash generated so you will be in a stronger position when a good event comes along.

    Edit: Oh I must have been typing when you posted that you were taking a break. Hope everything will be ok and they can find a med that will work for you without making your blood pressure so low..!
  20. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Dude it's because when I read a post from you, all I hear is :
    "Chewbacca: Gggggaaaaaaarrrrr. Arrrrhhhn! Ggggr gaarrr grrn rrhnn. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh! "

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