It's random what part you obtain. Just keep on doing the jobs and you might be able to get your Warhawk before the event ends!
yeah I think ill get adelaide. same amount of coins. Sydney and melbourne are too expensive for me now
are the mystery parts the pay (instead of coins or bux?) Or how do you get the mystery parts you speak of? I am level 9 right now and have never seen a mystery part before. Thanks in advance for the answers!
Mystery part is an item (cargo category). It looks like a golden box warhawk part is an additional reward for delivering it to brisbane
Ouch I guess that's what I get for not updating to a new version that's primarily bugfixes right away? Or something? My 3 days of progress and nearly-level-9 game just vanished into thin air, and it's asking me to re-start with the tutorial. I guess it's time to update, re-boot, and give things another go. Now I just have to decide whether to start over with Africa or just jump whole-hog to Australia . . .
Sounds like a good plan. I need to start making up lost money from the australian expansion though. Maybe once I unlock some birches I can get from Sydney to Broome? Or does that not work because Broome is a gray city? I might consider abandoning Australia (or just keep Sydney and Melbourne and have one plan man it) and start a new chain from japan or china.
Although I'm not as screwed as you are, I'm pretty annoyed myself. Atlanta is my chaining city to Mexico City (which also happens to be down, but for not as long). I give my sympathies to you, brother. This is a tragic day indeed. I wonder how often they'll have massive (24H+) disasters like this one. It could be really bad— like New York closing down for 2 days and such.
I strongly agree. Slow level progress speaks toward the longevity of the game. The game just came out, I'm glad the leveling is at this pace. I also put in mega time into TT, played it daily from release til about two months ago. I'm hoping PP last me as long, and indications are good. Game ROCKS!
Yeah I just saw that. 24 hours is crazy. If you don't care to pay a few bucks you can rescue them by sending them to the hangar and then "revive" them in another city.
The worst I get is thunderstorms it would suck if suck if goose bay got something like that because I need it for Nuuk and iquluit and for getting to Europe one I start expanding.
My guess is these parts only show up when the events giving limited-edition planes are on. Quite fair to people who are not in an awesome crew like us here.
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunatley for me, that would be almost 20 bux, not exactly cheap. If anyone else is as frustrated by this as I am, I would appreciate if you would +1 my report on getsatisfaction so the devs can see it.
Haha nah Luke just sorted me out, but my problem is now my Rythm is gone... Had a nice system and now I have a higher class plane (blue airports only) I can sort my traffic out lol... Got loads of layovers..... What do you guys do about this??? Had to close loads of airports to open Seattle
Sydney to Broome is right on the cut-off line with a Mohawk (1000 range) so yes, you can make it. Broome is a is a tier 1 airport so Birchcraft (1517 range) won't work; that's where Jakarta/Singapore come in to bridge into Austrailia for your tier 2 and (in the future) tier 3 planes... Once the event is over, I plan on shutting down Brisbane, possibly Alice Springs for an open slot towards the next event. I will then opening up Melbourne, and more than likely keeping the others as they have served me well so far. I should be set in Austrailia then as I work my way through Asia gradually.
I need some help. I've got a Class 2 plane and my only Class 2 airport is Detroit. I'm trying to earn more money to either upgrade or get Class 2 airports, but I don't really know what to do. My airports are: Detroit, Montreal, Quebec, Thunder Bay, Goose Bay, Iqaluit, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver, Las Vegas (which I have trouble getting to, I need to upgrade some of the planes' range.), and Cincinnati.
Nope, but I should be well prepared when the time comes. Ouch! I would keep Vegas and shut down pretty most (if not all) the other tier 1 airports. Try stretching out you airports with Seattle, Phoenix, Dallas, Atlanta, and Boston; Detroit is safe to keep. These tier 2 airports should give you a good expansion east to west and be able to work your way south slowly when your able. Don't shut them down all at once either. Slowly open the closer tier 1's for the tier 2's and you should be back up to speed in no time. Also, I wouldn't worry about upgrading any planes or airports as (I strongly feel) they are not needed this early in the game given you have the right planes and airport placements. Most importantly, always think ahead when planning in all aspects of the game.