Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. bgrim2day

    bgrim2day Active Member

    Nov 20, 2012
  2. lewishenson

    lewishenson Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    That's just showing off. :-D

    I like the idea of the "bux train". Or conveyor belt. Whatever you want to call it. Seems simple - and the best ideas are.
  3. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    lol, no, TEN. The subject of my post was SEQUOIA, not Cloudliner. (I needed to use what I know). I still don't understand. I really don't. Oh well. Guess I gotta learn this bux strategy thing on my own. (Unless someone can really, REALLY, R-E-A-L-L-Y!!!! dumb it down for me. Like, talking to a 5-year-old. No lie. I'm simple. XD

    Haha! I notice like NO ONE names their planes! Am I the only one who does? (I name all the same types w/ the same name - even whenever I get up to 40+ planes)
  4. dandtpaul

    dandtpaul Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    Hi All, also using the BUX Train.

    Hi All,

    I read the forums and play a bit, but only in spurts. Wanted to say thanks for the BUX TRAIN idea too. I had been working on something like that, a spin-off of the twin cities, but it didn’t become clear until I read about the loop. I currently have 21 planes in play, 24 perm airports and am level 36. I use three fleets at a time.

    My first fleet is the Event Fleet composed of 2 SK and 2 Hueys (NB gifted me a Mapple to add to this fleet when I can add another slot). These are all named C1 xx where xx is People/Cargo. I paint em black and cameo because they are for special ops (events). They fly from the nearest C3 airport to the event city unless I can get them to swap back and forth with another C3 airport. For this event, I have Mexico City and Lima. The planes pick up any green Bux and fill the remaining spots with San Jose then they fly to the other city (MC to Lima or vice versa). At the end of the flight they layover the green Bux for a BUX plane to pick up the next time through (sorta like a mini twin city for 3D 12h with the event city in the middle). Which brings me to…

    The next fleet I have is the BUX TRAIN fleet. It is composed of 4 Seq P, 3 Seq C, and 1 Seq M (which I will replace with a Seq C when I can. These are all named BUX x where x is P/C/M (so I can tell if there are two of the same in an airport. I paint em green because they bring in the green. They fly counter clockwise to whatever the next C3 airport is when they are full (choooooo choo). With so many airports there is a bigger spread of green ticket guys so – for example – the plane leaving Rio might skip Lagos and go to Cairo if there isn’t any Lagos guys on board. (Hope that made sense). This is my "slow moving, BUX making, (non)action fleet".

    My last fleet is my Coin Fleet. It’s the remnants of my original empire and brings in coins. This fleet currently makes just a tad more than the BUX fleet costs to operate so I don’t lose coins. It is 9 planes composed of AeroEagles, Seq M’s and a Cyclone. These are all named EA xx or A xx for Europe/Asia or Americans. They are all painted gold because they bring in the coins. It uses Chi/NY as the Americans hub and Paris/Lon as the Europe/Aisa hub. When headed towards a hub it takes BUX and people headed to the other continent. When headed away from the hub it is delivering full plans to local destinations for the 25% bonus. The Seq M’s and Cyclone ferry back and forth between the hubs over the ocean and sometimes venture out to deliver full loads for the 25% bonus because the system isn’t balanced quite right and sometimes the hubs fill up faster than the local planes can deliver. The Coin fleet gives me something to do while waiting on BUX planes to fill up, it's the "fast action".

    Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for letting me share my strat. I’ve learned a lot from here.

  5. turakm

    turakm Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    When I get to level 22 and can buy sequoias, should I buy a mix of p's and c's or all m's ?
  6. BlueWater27

    BlueWater27 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Lone Star State
    Look, if I can't survive in Pocket Frogs level 22 without an advice and discussion thread, then I'd be stewed without a thread when I'm only on Pocket Planes level 5. :D I've been lurking off an on for a while and finally decided to jump in headfirst. :)

    I got out a high level plane from NB today to find that it only served class 2 airports. All I have are black-dot airports. So does that mean the plane is basically stuck until I save enough cash to buy a higher-class airport?
  7. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    #11187 alyssacroacia, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
    MAKE-SHIFT TRADING POST: Updated @ 19:32 12/27/12

    - bobcat engine (1)
    - hot air balloon controls (1)
    - huey engine (1)
    - kringle kruiser body (2)
    - kringle kruiser controls (3)
    - kringle kruiser engine (3)

    - bobcat controls
    - p-40 warhawk controls
    - sea knight body
    - sea knight engine
    - sequoia-m engine <--------thank you: SUPERMOMOF13 & DANDTPAUL!

    please PM me and/or add me on GC if interested! Thanks!
  8. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    #11188 alyssacroacia, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
    Bux plane

    :DAT LAST!!!!:D

    I have finally filled up my S-M (Sequoia-M) bux plane with 10 bux jobs.

    It is sitting at the NY airport.

    It has:

    - 1 job going to London (3 bux)...
    - 4 jobs going to Bergen (3 bux each; 12 total)... <------unloaded the London job in exchange for another Bergen job
    - 4 jobs going to Tehran (5 bux each; 20 total)...
    - 2 jobs going to Tokyo (7 bux each; 14 total).
    - yay! 46 bux!

    I also have 1 S-M now flying to Tokyo and several C1 (class 1) planes doing the Medical Conference in Bergen.

    So anyway, here's my question: should I send my S-M from NY to Tokyo without stopping (a whopping -7,798 coins profit!)? Or should I make stops at one of the other airports (London or Tehran) to reload?

    ^with the edit, I now have NO jobs going to London. Just Bergen, Tehran & Tokyo.

  9. coastcat

    coastcat Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2012
    Start with a couple Ms, then when you can, pick up at least 1 C and 2 P. Some events are cargo-only or passenger-only, so those Cs and Ps come in handy! You may also want a few C and P Mohawks, Kangaroos, and/or Aeroeagles for events in smaller cities.

    I'm still on a tight project deadline so I will just glide along until the next global event. For New Year's Eve, perhaps one of the cities that will see January 1 first? We've had a global event in Wellington, so I'm guessing Auckland or Christchurch.
  10. Jmacjmac

    Jmacjmac Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2012
    Last two parts that you need sent Aly. Enjoy this wonderful class 1 plane. Comes in very handy in global events.
  11. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    #11191 alyssacroacia, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
    MAKE-SHIFT TRADING POST: Updated @ 23:28 12/27/12

    Thanks a lot to JMAC and everyone else who graciously gifted me the plane parts I needed! I greatly appreciate it.


  12. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    LOL grats Aly for your great patience. I usually wait until about 8 bux jobs and then pad the remaining 2 with coin jobs and send it off.

    Bux planes will almost always be negative profit (with cyclones and cloudliners, the negative is a bigger amount).

    I've hardly time to touch PP ytd and today so I'm at an embarrassing #38
  13. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Don't feel to bad CastlePage... I have been so busy I am still cleaning up leftover Chicago jobs.
  14. Aduckling

    Aduckling Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    Somewhere Over the Rainbow
    Anyone have a good idea what to get?
    Boston, Philadelphia and a plane slot or Chicago and Charlotte
  15. Fullquiver13

    Fullquiver13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Avionics engineer
    Michigan, USA
    Anyone have some Aeroeagle-M bodies I can trade for?

    up to 3 needed - Market has not been nice to me....LOL

    I have KK parts or I might have something else.

    Also would love to get started on the P-40 warhawk - I have none for that.

    Let me know.
  16. Batdive

    Batdive Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    #11196 Batdive, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012

    Sent ya one
  17. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Thank you.

    So anyway, here's my question: should I send my S-M from NY to Tokyo without stopping (a whopping -7,798 coins profit!)? Or should I make stops at one of the other airports (London or Tehran) to reload?
  18. PocketDaddy45

    PocketDaddy45 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    How does that bux train work? If I choose bux jobs only, will more bux jobs show up at that airport like locations? Thanks.
  19. ltbaxter

    ltbaxter Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Software Developer
    Midwest, USA
    Bux running

    Lots of interesting posts on BUX running strategies. I've never felt like I had the slots to have planes lying around idle while also having enough to do the deliveries, and it's not cheap. So I did a little experiment to see how cost effective it is, running two different strategies for several hours, noting what they bring in after getting each to a good steady state.

    Status: lvl 34 with 21 plane slots, mostly Sequoias/Aeroeagle with some Cyclones and a Cloudliner-M/Fogbuster-C. Cash ~2million, bux ~2500. Main Airports are class 3, upgraded.

    Test 1: Coins - normal long-dstance cash route: LA-Mex-Chi-NY as the NA circuit with self-feeding Sequoias, thru Lon/Par and Teh/Mumb to EA core of Sha-SE-TK-BJ
    --> brings in about 95,000 coins, 35 bux per hour. Without a bux hoard the bux are worth 500 ea, that's a total profit of 112K/hr (85% from coins)

    Test 2: BUX - four Cyl-M's parked in SE/TK, LA/Chi (leaving my cash hubs of NY/Sha intact) When near full they swap. A pair of Sequoia P/C haul the ones for the opposite continent over for local delivery. Six Aer-M or Seq-M make the deliveries. The remaining nine planes running the cash loop to try to keep me about cash neutral.
    --> brings in about 24,000 coins, 160 bux per hour. (net profit equivalent: 104K/hr)
    The Bux strategy was not very time intensive, each cycle I only checked the four Cyclone sitters and had about one other plane (cash or delivery) per cycle to manage.

    Wow, those are almost identical results, with the coins strategy slightly winning, but only *if* you're getting about 500 per Bux exchanged. Those able to amass a horde and cash in a lot would do better with bux. Note I still had 9 planes making cash runs. That could have been decreased to run at a deficit. In each cycle I was picking up about 6 jobs worth 18 bux. If those all get delivered that's worth about 200 bux/hr. Basically, if the rest of the fleet can deliver them your steady-state production rate on BUX should equal what you pick up. To increase Bux production significantly I need more planes sitting at large airports waiting for them. Next coin slot costs me 2.6M. I could probably cash in all bux for ~8M and buy two more slots and start sitting in Bangkok/Jakarta.

    * For those chasing Bux instead of coins, at what level and/or how many planes/coins did you make the switchover?

    * How do these numbers look to you guys with similar "mid-level" fleets of about 20 planes? Anything obvious I'm doing poorly? :)
  20. Taylorpunk17

    Taylorpunk17 Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2012
    *Airline Strategy*

    I have 4 airports, Sao Paulo, Kinshasa, Mumbai and Tokyo. This is a straight line running just under 8000 miles. My fleet is 6 Aeroeagles, 4 Sequoias and 2 Cyclones. The Aeroeagles fly sao to kinshasa, kinshasa to mumbai and mumbai to tokyo, 2 for each route at each end. The sequoias run from Sao to Mumbai, and Kinshasa to Tokyo, 2 on each route at each end. Then the cyclones run sao paulo to tokyo. each plane is a M and I am planning to get rid of the sequoias soon to replace them with cyclones, and have the cloudliners on the SP TK routes. Can easily be bux or coins

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