Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Flysher

    Flysher Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
    Yeah so far the jobs aren't blue for me as well
  2. Dsolender

    Dsolender Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    A Child Tax Credit
    New York
    Got one from alyssa (THANK YOU) but thanks anyway.
  3. Dsolender

    Dsolender Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    A Child Tax Credit
    New York
    2 things:

    1.The prize for this san jose event is really not inspiring. Winner and top ten get the same and its all just bux. I'm probably going to get up to fifty and then sell my san jose airport. I like contributing but it really takes me out of the way unlike chicago or iqaluit.

    2. Just wondering, how many plane slots do some of you guys have, because they go really high in price and I really don't want to spend half my money on a slot unless its extremely valuable. Whats a good stopping point for slots. or at least at level 17. i currently have 220,000 and the slot costs about 110,000.
  4. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #11104 CastlePage, Dec 27, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2012
    Your next plane slot is 110,000 coins. My next plane slot is 85,514,525 coins. There's no way I can earn the coins through 25% bonus. In fact, once I reached 2+ million coins, I wasn't able to earn more (my next plane slot at that time was 4+ million). I went for bux strategy instead, saving and exchanging 25000 bux for 325million coins.

    I didn't participate the global events at low level ... I concentrated on earning more coins so that I can expand to a decent transatlantic route and amass a decent number of plane slots/planes. You need a decent number of planes and a good route first.

    My suggestion to you is: Don't buy San Jose first. Buy the plane slot and buy a class 3 city (forget about class 1 and 2 cities). What are your current cities? Plan your transatlantic route so that you know what airports to buy when you have the money. Don't spend bux on upgrading planes ... save them to buy plane (areoeagles and sequoias). I can send you a sequoia M to help you out on the transatlantic route if you don't have one. I think if you work on earning money and planes and transatlantic route today, you'll be in a more comfortable shape to participate in San Jose tomorrow. :)
  5. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    I received your Starship on Android. Thanks!!

    You're welcome. Please call me aly :)

    I have 12 slots; 9 of which are currently in use. The 13th slot costs 174,525 coins.

    I have a question: are you guys using Sequoias as bux planes ONLY?
  6. Dsolender

    Dsolender Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    A Child Tax Credit
    New York
    Idk how, but I have chicago, Lima, NY, paris, delhi, and seoul already. I have a cloudbuster from the christmas nimblebit daily gift thing, and a seqouia from a GC donation. I have two aeroeagle-M's, an equinox-M (Gonna sell), A mohawk-C and M and 2 P's. (Probably gonna sell a P), a Kruiser, a kangaroo-M, and a Birchcraft-P (Currently in Hangar). I already have transatlantic capabilities with every plane except equinox and Birch, my aeroeagles can go from boston to madrid, my seqouia and Cloud can obviously cross, and I have rek, nuuk, goose for the class 1's. I have airports in all continents and all my planes can access just about any except the equinox. so what planes/airports should i buy/sell.
  7. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oh alyssa, you're so sweet. Thanks, I got the KK control :) :)
  8. Dsolender

    Dsolender Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    A Child Tax Credit
    New York
    wait, in use as in: have planes in the slot, or in use as in: have planes currently in flight. if its the first one, why keep slots empty

    and I use my sequoia for whatever is going to the town i want to send it to. Whenever there is a bux job i will put it in place of a coin job, but idk what a bux plane is so that is my answer to my guessed definition of bux plane.
  9. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant

    You're very welcome! But please, call me aly ;)
  10. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant

    "in use" as in, 9 of those 12 slots have planes in service that are carrying cargo.

    Why keep slots empty? Well, even with advertising going on in San Jose, there aren't enough jobs to warrant 3 more planes in flight.

    I have 2 sequoia-Ms going from London - NY taking bux jobs (I'm not very patient so there's only 1-3 per flight); London jobs and event jobs to NY. Those are my only airports atm.

    bux plane = when you keep a large plane at an airport for the SOLE purpose of collecting bux, usually earning a negative profit but many bux. I'm wondering if any of the [more] experienced players are doing that with sequoias and/or aeroeagles (of which I have none)
  11. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oh you're quite nicely set up in terms of airports :) In fact, if you buy another Asian airport (tokyo, shanghai, anything near seoul), you can experiment with the twin hub strategy that snowbird suggested yesterday. Seoul/Tokyo (or shanghai or something) on one end, and NY/Chicago on the other end. Get your cloudliner to fly back and forth between Seoul and Chicago. You can dedicate 2 areos to do each twin city layovers (say build up a good layover of chicago jobs in seoul/tokyo, and a good layover of Seoul jobs in Chicago/NY). So when the cloudliner lands in Seoul, it can simply suck up all the Chicago jobs in Seoul and Tokyo and be ready to take off. It's a real thrill to see a cloudliner hit 25% bonus in one loading.

    You might want to concentrate on getting more plane slots and planes. I'll send you a sequoia-M. With a cloudliner and 2 sequoias doing Chicago-Seoul run, you should be leveling very fast. Hmm how about this challenge? If you get to lvl 22 by tomorrow, I will send you a sequoia and a sea knight ? :D (a seaknight is a great class 1 plane).
  12. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    I'm still trying to clear the Chicago layovers and close Chicago airport. I don't like this part as it always takes me a long while.

    San Jose hmm ....
    1. fly roundtrips from Lima to San Jose OR
    2. open Mexico city and fly roundtrips from Mexico city to San Jose. And have planes flying San Jose jobs from LA and Lima to feed the class 1 planes at Mexico city.

    I think option 2 is better for mass delivery. And while I'm ho-ing and hmm-ing here, Number1ump has delivered 676 jobs to San Jose !! LOL
  13. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    I have 12 "bux planes", all Sequioa M's. I also currently have 7 Sequoia M's serving as delivery planes combining bux jobs with regular jobs for the 25% bonus.

    That leaves me 3 slots for whichever planes I need to add for the current global event - for the San Jose event I'm using 2 Mapples and a KK.
  14. Dsolender

    Dsolender Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    A Child Tax Credit
    New York
    currently, i send my cloudliner on 25%'s between chicago and seoul. i haven't sent it on a single non-bonus flight. it always takes a while but makes tons of profit. i'll try your challenge but i'm on vacation so not much free time. lots of activities. thanks for the sequoia, i'll use it wisely and i'll attempt to do your strategy.
  15. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    How rude...!

    OK. Is it just me...or does anybody else find it a little rude when somebody PMs you to say "give me xxx-part" or "I could use a xxx" without so much as an introduction or a hello?

    This random person - who I have not seen in the forums - just PMs me like we're old buds asking for a part! :eek: :mad:

    Sure I've got plenty of those; I'm willing to give and/or trade, but come on! That's just rude.

    I'm a lady. . .please treat me as such! :rolleyes:
  16. xmaster8621

    xmaster8621 Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2011
    It really bothers me that they have LOTS of Australian cities, but they decided to leave out the CAPITAL!
  17. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant

    That's pretty lame. Pfft.

    I guess no one at Nimblebit is from Canberra?

    (I always think "cranberry") :p

    GLRYRDR Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    What's going on with this Dino Theme Park event? The flight crew menu says it's in San Jose but there aren't any jobs for it. The events menu says Livingstone and there are Dino related jobs for it but they aren't blue. Are the devs on Christmas break or something :)
  19. seattleheli

    seattleheli Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    Everything seems to be working fine for me. Are you on Android?
  20. dantt99

    dantt99 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Same issue here? You on Android?

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