Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. thecyberprince

    Dec 26, 2012
    Thanks for the quick reply Sir Robert. Am at about 24 airports at level 19 so I guess I should trim down and focus. Just one quick follow up question, what did you mean by you wish you built at my level. What did you mean by that?
  2. PondusFM

    PondusFM Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    Hoping for a slow paced event next. All this talk about bux strategies makes me want to experiment some with my normal routes, and an exciting event will only "get in the way" :)

    Been a good holiday event for me, even tho I haven't been able to play much I've collected 24 mystery boxes and collected 3621 bux :)

    How has the event been for you guys and gals?
  3. thecyberprince

    Dec 26, 2012
    Thanks for this, going to remove some of my airports to avoid the dilution you are talking about. What's a reasonable number to maintain? And thanks for the tip. Will save up and wait for the Sequoias I hear from everyone that they are indeed high performers.

    Not sure I have the best planes in the biz but I guess I can wait till the I get to 22 and modernize my entire fleet. I enjoyed being glued to the game but for it to be sustainable, I'd rather have them fly hours at a time.
  4. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant

    Class 1 planes usually in service:
    - 9 Kangaroos (3 of each kind)
    - 3 Sea Knights (anybody got a spare SK engine & body?)

    I was so graciously gifted a Mapple by HARMONIAMUNDI; can those be bought? Or only gifted/mystery boxed?

    *sigh* >_>
  5. <(TIMO)>

    <(TIMO)> Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    95 mystery boxes in total and 7k ish jobs done. Glad it's nearly over!
  6. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    It feels good to be coins rich right? At least you don't have to worry about making losses in the flights in the quest for more bux. :D

    It's 2H 48min hours before end of event. This has been a very tough competition in that it's the first time I'm actually in the teens (high teens) on the leaderboard :p (I have been anywhere from #6x to #3x all the time) Granted, I've been rather busy these few days to play for any extended period of time, but the horrible advertising agency isn't helping at all. But it's REALLY hard to climb up the leaderboard which goes to show that people really put in hard work for the KK. :)

    I'm currently at #15, and I think I managed to get here because many people have stopped their Chicago deliveries. I actually see Vic Sark at #12 (wave hand). So surprised !
  7. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, what I meant was I wish I'd built carefully and with a plan back at level 19 or 20. Instead I continued to grab every new plane that came along with little idea what I was going to do with them. I was quickly running out of cash and bux. I actually withdraw the bigger, more expensive to run planes, concentrated on getting my airline sorted and having done so and put a plan into place I can now make money more the big stuff. Had I had a structure earlier i certainly would not have blown so many coins/bux in the way I did but hey there you go.
  8. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant

    Excellent. When I finally stopped playing I was ranked #3 with 2,352 jobs! Now I'm 5th and likely not going to be overcome. I played PP 24-7 for 2 days; I swear I literally did NOTHING but eat, sleep and PP. :p:D

    by far the hardest I've ever worked in this game!
  9. thecyberprince

    Dec 26, 2012
    Ah YES. Even at this level I know that I wasted a lot of BUX earlier on in the game on planes and what not (because I was in a hurry). I don't even think I have the most fuel efficient planes in my fleet. Good thing I was just told to skip FogBuster.
  10. callme_jc

    callme_jc Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    Holiday festivities prevented me from making the most of this event, but I always aim to make it into the top 20 in TA1 and I'm glad I managed that. Also, yay for a personal best!
  11. PondusFM

    PondusFM Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    Nice job dude :)
  12. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I brought in 3 fog busters, one of each sort. I saw the parts in the market, my eyes lit up and well .. I withdraw all 3 shortly afterwards. I did replace them with sequoias, but to be fair all 3 are now back in my no 2 fleet trawling the world looking for bux jobs. I lose money on those anyway so the lack of profit in the fog buster is not such a big deal.
  13. thecyberprince

    Dec 26, 2012
    Trimmed down to 16 airports. Took out Honolulu (although thinking of reopening it). My longest flight now is from LA to Tokyo although profits are still in the 4K-6K range only.

    Going to start phasing out my Birchcrafts so a majority of planes can fly the transatlantic route. Keeping the remaining Birchcrafts in Europe/Asia for the London to Tokyo/Manila flights.

    Am I on the right track?
  14. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Originally Posted by CastlePage [​IMG]
    From what your past posts, I gather that you don't have much coins and bux at the moment (correct me if I'm wrong). I don't know how many plane slots you have currently, but certainly not many airports opened. Given this scenario, your goal would be

    - 94k coins
    - 141 bux
    - 9 planes waiting for the next event (1 of which is your Sequoia-M; thank you!!)
    - 12 slots (just bought #12)
    - 2 airports (NY & London)

    semi-permanent long distance route????

    Class 1 planes usually in service:
    - 9 Kangaroos (3 of each kind)
    - 3 Sea Knights (anybody got a spare SK engine & body?)

    I was so graciously gifted a Mapple by HARMONIAMUNDI; can those be bought? Or only gifted/mystery boxed?
  15. Slightlynorth

    Slightlynorth Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Can be bought on the Mac version of the game only.
  16. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    Firstly I should say that I can't speak with absolute authority, only from my experiences, but if we're to suddenly have my pocket planes time again but still knowing what I know now then I would indeed concentrate on the transatlantic route. I was very slow to get to going transatlantic and lost out as a result. I was very euro centric and that really didn't help pull the coins in. I always tried to build complete sets of airports in each area which could support class 1 through to class 3, which when I look at it now was a dumb. The best thing I ever did was cut back to key hubs and get rid of all the fluff. This then gave me much more direction and allowed me to allocate all my top planes to the main routes.

    I should say there are other guys on the forum probably much better qualified than me to give advice, but I'm more than happy to share my experiences in this game if its of any help to anyone. :)
  17. thecyberprince

    Dec 26, 2012

    Thanks for your help. That was what I did at the start. Building hubs in areas that I had travelled too. It felt like I was a airline mogul and for my ego it felt great to open up in different countries. After reading through your advise I cut down to 16 airports. Will see if I can cut down some more. I removed all but a few class 2 airports and and now concentrating on flying my aero eagles as far as they can in a straight line. Up to 7K per flight now. Looks like you are right. I should just focus on that...maybe get feeders in eventually, but from the looks of it I can let go now that I don't need to fly those silly short legs. :)

    Thanks again for your time.
  18. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    No worries, happy to help. :D
  19. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Have any of you spent real money on PP?
  20. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    Not likely, that's my primary rule, play the game within the free part of freemium. Same with the Tiny Tower. Maybe I'm tight, but that's the accountant coming out again :D

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