Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. RLangley91

    RLangley91 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    #11001 RLangley91, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
    Oh Nimblebit, what have I done to annoy you? I see other people getting Concordes and C-130s, and what do you give me? Bux - for the fifth day running! And before that were planes that I can't make use of or parts of those planes.

    Edit: They've also annoyed me - New York's currently shut. Meaning I've got a half-dozen flights from both London and Paris waiting to cross the Atlantic on their way to Chicago.
  2. boomerkidd

    boomerkidd Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    #11002 boomerkidd, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
    Tehran is more centralized on the map. I use Cairo as my centre-of-the-map hub for my sequoias to fly from NA to Asia or SA to Asia.

    Anyway, to accumulate lots of bux, put a plane in each airport that you have opened, for the sole purpose of collecting every bux job that is generated. The trick is to pick up EVERY bux job. Once the plane is full/nearly full, send it somewhere else for another plane to pick it up to the destination city with the 25% bonus. There are several strategies that have been shared before.

    This is what i've been doing:

    I'm using Vic's twin hub strategy for bux collection!

    I have Rio, Sao Paulo, NY, London, Paris, Seoul, Shanghai and Cairo open. One sequoia-m sits at each airport collecting bux jobs at each job refresh. Rio/SP, London/Paris, SH/Seoul are the so-called twin hubs. So once a plane is either P or C filled, i swap the respective planes and unload them. For example in Rio/SP, the sequoia-m in Rio is P full, so i fill up the rest of the slots with SP jobs and send the plane to SP, and i will fill up the sequoia-m at SP with Rio jobs and send it to Rio. Once the planes land, unload all jobs and repeat the process!

    For NY, once the plane is P/C full, i'll fill the remaining slots with jobs to either Rio, SP, Paris or London, depending on the availability of jobs to these cities (whether i can fill up the whole plane to recupurate some losses). For Cairo, i'll send the plane to either Paris or London to layover the bux jobs.

    Another strategy from Castlepage is to send the planes to a central hub (eg Cairo or Istanbul) and from there, fill the sequoia/cyclone with the 25% bonus and fly to the destination city. In this case, there's no twin hubs and each plane functions on its own.

    Take note that bux strategies often involve flying planes at a negative profit. I'm losing a couple of thousand per flight with sequoias filled with bux jobs even with the 25% bonus. And it can go up to 5-6k with a cyclone. So if you're in need of coins to open/upgrade airports, go for the coins strategy first.

    To gather coins quickly, have a main route set up ie LA-NY-London-Tehran-Tokyo, Rio-Mumbai-Shanghai/Seoul/Tokyo (this is a straighter route) and then send planes from one end to the other with the 25% bonus. You should get around 13k-16k per flight with a sequoia. Aeroeagles and sequoias are excellent planes to use.

    Bottomline is to just enjoy the game however you want :)
  3. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant


    my head is spinning.......
    ...MAKE IT STOP!.....

    The twin-hub thing I TOTALLY don't get. :confused: I've got a headache, it's 3am, I've been on my iPod all day and 24-7 since the event started, and now you're typing a bunch of arkjlrauiruafa0ofa73rh hari73300r2 on the screen!!!


    *ahem* This is what I DO understand: keep Sequoia-M at London, patiently filling it up with 10 bux jobs, earning the 25% bonus. Fly that plane to NY and unload. Send 2 Sea Knights (just an example) to pick up the 10 bux jobs, and take them to, say, Chicago.

    Ok. Now what do I do? Fly the Sequoia-M back to London with regular London jobs? Or do I now wait patiently and fill it up with bux jobs back to London?

    (p.s. I forgot about the straight line thing. Got it. Tehran it is.)
  4. Flying Duck

    Flying Duck Active Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    So the Kringle started to fly mystery presents to Chicago.

    Attached Files:

  5. Flying Duck

    Flying Duck Active Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    ...and then the Sequoia got in on the act.

    Still waiting to fill a cloudliner!

    Attached Files:

  6. callme_jc

    callme_jc Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    Haha, Black Santa gets in on the act.

    Attached Files:

  7. Batdive

    Batdive Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Ok heard everyone mention sequoias so have to ask I'm level 21 ATM what level do they become available?
  8. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Snowbird is describing her bux collection strategy. I call this "advanced strategy" ;)

    From what your past posts, I gather that you don't have much coins and bux at the moment (correct me if I'm wrong). I don't know how many plane slots you have currently, but certainly not many airports opened. Given this scenario, your goal would be

    1. Make enough money to buy the airports for your semi-permanent long distance route, buy a decent number of plane slots (say 18 -22? Some can make do with 15. I had about 22 plane slots before I embarked on my bux strategy).

    1a. When you have your set of semi-permanent airports, you can upgrade the airports to level 3, starting from the two ends of that line, so that they generate more jobs.

    2. Earn enough bux to invest in a good set of planes - sequoias (class 3), areoeagles (class 2), sea knight/kringle kruiser/kangeroo/mapples/mohawks (class 1). You probably have your own set of class 1 planes.

    Embarking on a bux strategy is much easier if you have achieve goals 1 and 2. Currently if I work on PP all day, I can make about 1.5k in bux a day. I am currently at lvl 46 and have 46 plane slots with 10 cities opened (all class 3). I exchanged for 25000 bux when I was either at late 2x or early lvl 3x and expanded from 23 to 37 plane slots (I think). Last week, I exchanged 40500 bux and expanded to 46 plane slots. I was down to 250 bux after the exchange and slowly worked my way to 5500 bux now. Potentially I have enough coins to buy up to 49 plane slots (the 47th plane slot is a whopping 85,514,424 coins :( ) A few people here have 60 plane slots I think ... I cannot imagine how much the next plane slot costs :p

    You don't have to wait until 25000 bux before doing a major exchange. It is much easier to run long distance 25% runs AND do global events if you have enough planes. Some people exchange at 5000 bux just to get a decent number of plane slots.

    Very nice pics :) Can't wait to see your cloudliner full of mystery parts :)
  9. boomerkidd

    boomerkidd Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    LOL you could actually fly the Sequoia directly to Chicago from London. No need to layover at NY :p

    Okay I'll try to be clearer. Rio/SP, London/Paris and Seoul/SH are the partner cities. I have one Sequoia-M sitting in each city, and I'll load them up with bux jobs only, doesn't matter the destination, as long as it is a bux job, it'll be loaded onto the Sequoia-M.

    Taking one pair of cities as an example, let's say Rio and Sao Paulo: Once a Sequoia-M in either Rio or SP is P or C full, I'll fill up the remaining slots on the Sequoia-M with jobs to the other partner city, and swap both Sequoia-M planes.

    So let's say my Seq-M in Rio is filled to 5P/2C, I will fill up the Seq-M with jobs to SP, and fly this Seq-M to SP. Then, for the other Seq-M at SP, even if it's not either P or C full, I'll fill it up with Rio jobs and fly it to Rio. This way, I'm swapping the Seq-M planes to ensure that I will have a Seq-M sitting at Rio and SP at each job refresh.

    The Seq-Ms land at SP and Rio and are fully unloaded, creating layovers in each city. They start picking up bux jobs again, and once one of them is P or C full, they swap cities and unload. Repeat! This swapping process is the same for the other partner cities, London/Paris and Seoul/SH.

    So what do you do with all the layovers? Well, I've around 15 other Sequoia-M planes that fly all over. Going back to the Rio/SP example, I'll probably have a Seq-M at Rio, and it will pick up the bux jobs to another city, eg Shanghai, and if bux jobs alone can't fill up the plane, I'll fill it up with coin jobs to make the 25% bonus and fly to Shanghai (via Cairo). When this Seq-M reaches Shanghai, I can probably fill it up with bux + coin jobs to another city with the 25% bonus, eg London. And the cycle repeats.

    Hope it's clear enough!
  10. boomerkidd

    boomerkidd Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    Sequoias will be available in your market at level 22 :)
  11. Batdive

    Batdive Member

    Dec 21, 2012

    Thanks cool close to 22 now
  12. ifwhalescouldfly

    ifwhalescouldfly Active Member

    Dec 18, 2012
    Hey everyone,

    I'm level 22, and trying to get sequoias onto my fleet, but the market isn't being my friend and after about 5-6 refreshes I've only got 2 body of Sequoia-Ms. If anyone has spare Sequoia-M parts (any of them) / would like to trade for KK/Huey parts, do drop me a PM/respond to this.

    Thanks so much!

  13. Batdive

    Batdive Member

    Dec 21, 2012

    Fullquiver thanks =)
  14. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    #11014 sir_robert_72, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
    I would strongly suggest that at the moment you forget about bux collection. From what you have stated you are short of planes, slots and basic currency. As has been stated to really adopt such a strategy can see flights run at very significant losses. I did try to go that way but the accountant in me came out and said I had to stop as I was going to make too many losses :)

    My solution was to split my fleet, the biggest and brightest in the fleet run the front line routes between LA / Mexico City and Tokyo / Guangzhou. They always carry full loads and do take some bux jobs provided they are going to the end destination to ensure the 25.% bonus. I have about a dozen planes doing this making big profits and bringing in the bulk of 1million coins a day in revenue. The older and lesser planes form the number 2 fleet which run all the other jobs. They do collect bux jobs and from time to time stand sharp losses. If I push the oldies I can bring in between 300 hundred and 500 hundred bux a day.

    Obviously at the moment you don't have enough planes to follow such a strategy nor indeed would you probably want to. I'm simply offering up my experiences as I would say at this point you would be better advised concentrating on the first part of this and then look to go out harvesting bux when you have more planes and more if the basic game currency to keep your airline ticking over.

    Apologies for the extended post but as my game plan seems to be different to pretty much everyone else I though I'd share it. I'm not saying its right, I'm not even saying it would work for anyone else just that it works for me :D
  15. KitFisto22

    KitFisto22 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
    NimbleBit hates me... I want a Concorde before 2012 is over with!! *sob*
  16. boomerkidd

    boomerkidd Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    Just exchanged 24k bux and increased plane slots to 40 :D super bux poor now at 200 bux but it's well worth it ;) Next slot at 46m!!!!
  17. thecyberprince

    Dec 26, 2012
    #11017 thecyberprince, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
    Hi there. Read your posts and want a more efficient flight plan, will try and stick to your suggestions re straight routes. I can fly from Honolulu to Tokyo now using souped up Aeroeagles and Pearjets. I have two questions...

    Assuming I'm flying with 25% is it more profitable to fly the really long routes than many short ones? Sometimes I feel like in terms of time spent, I could do more small jobs and earn more.

    Second question, I worry that I have too many airports. Would it be good to close down those not on my straight routes so that I get more jobs for the routes I need? I have 24 airports most are Class 3. The rest are Class 2 (only in North America).

    Am on level 19 (one away from Fogbuster). Earn about 228K a day and have saved up about 600 bux.
  18. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    I have to say I used to fly a mixed bag of routes and had anything up to about 40 airports and that was fine I thought I was doing well enough. Since then I've trimmed down to a dozen of or so upgraded class 3 airports and concentrated my best planes going end to end I have found I wasn't doing as we'll as I thought. As in all things in life different things work for different people but my experience is that concentrating on longer front line routes really brings dividends. I'm almost in a position to add plane slot 29 and 30 out if profits rather than bux exchange which I'm pretty pleased with. I wish I'd started to build at your level, I would probably be further ahead now had I done so.
  19. boomerkidd

    boomerkidd Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    #11019 boomerkidd, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
    it really depends on how you play pocket planes. Most people like the long flights from end to end with the slower sequoias because it allows them to check in a couple of times a day to send the planes off, whereas those who can afford to play frequently throughout the day may prefer shorter flights or faster planes. So it's really up to you :)

    Having more airports open means that your job pool will be diluted. And it will take more job refreshes to fill a larger plane.

    And i would recommend that you skip the fogbuster ;) the high speed makes it costly to fly. Wait for the sequoias to appear at level 22 :) but, to each his own, if you like the fogbuster and can make it work for you, go ahead :)
  20. Slightlynorth

    Slightlynorth Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Trying to run away from No_Kitano as fast as I can!!!!

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