Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    Having just been to Tiny Towers again I'm wondering why Nimblebit gave us nurses, surgeons or whatever they are for the flight to Chicago. Would it not have been better to use the Elves that are all over Tiny Tower at the moment? Santa with Elves and presents would seemed rather more natural, don't you think?
  2. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #10882 CastlePage, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2012
    FYI, a cloudliner part costs 73 bux to buy, plus another 3 bux to send to you. The sale value? 9791 coins. I don't mind helping a fellow crew mate who puts a cloudliner to good use. But I personally draw the line at sending one to be scrapped. Although I can accumulate bux quite fast, but it still takes time and effort to accumulate 76 bux.

    One of your posts said you are at lvl 23 with 4xx bux. I think you should rethink your strategy. There are several ppl (vic sark, faye, coastcat, myself amongst others) who regularly post our strategies. One common consensus though is that we mainly rely on sequoias until we have earned enough money/bux to try other things.

    As someone else suggested, transatlantic flight is a good way to start making money. A sequoia can fly from chicago to London. Beyond that, different people open different cities. I open Tehran, some people prefer Istanbul etc. I strongly suggest you invest your bux on sequoias rather than upgrading kringle kruiser.

    Jiayou snowbird.

    Well done seattleheli. I have been very busy today and yesterday, so didn't get to play much PP. It's been harder than usual to climb up the leaderboard :) I climbed to some #3x, away for a few hours and find that I'm down to position #6x LOL

    Waving to Faye (#29), a totally unexpected position ...

    WOWOWOW Relharn, this is great ! We all thought that Nimblewiki had beat us, but turns out that it's Jayisgames! Great spying.

    Santa Nimblebit is biased! I was given an airvan. Which is a little better than the two anan that nimblebit gave me. Grats to both of you :)

    Edit: To whoever that's complaining about the advertising agency for Chicago, I support your complaint. It's doing a horrendous job, especially in New York.
  3. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    If any of you guys are still short of a part to finish a KK I've now got a few spares built up which I'm more than happy to hand out. Just give me shout, tell me what you need :)
  4. DannyTheElite

    DannyTheElite Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
    Forum poster
    Area 51
    Have to sit this one out any chance of a full KK
    I've got a tetra c that I got from nimblebit
  5. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    #10885 sir_robert_72, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2012
    No worries, hey it is Christmas after all ;). Send me a GC friend request so I can't get the stuff to you and I will get the bits straight to you.

    Probably should add my game centre I'd is sir_robert_72
  6. RLangley91

    RLangley91 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    I'll take a body off you if you're offering (my username here is also mine on GC).
  7. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    On its way, :D
  8. RLangley91

    RLangley91 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    And happily received. Thank you. :)
  9. jamesfish30

    jamesfish30 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    I nearly did a HO for my new cities this morning, I almost added Hammerfest, and Oulu, but I decided to add Hammerfest, and Houston instead, I am now on Level 34.
  10. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Great mate!
    We definitely need to add an Intelligence report page to our spreadsheet.
    I like the spying thing lol. After all, we publish it for all to see!

    I won't have time in the next few days, but ist's on my todo list for sure!
    I guess we should just have a template and do a new one for each event, but no need to keep the old ones, we'd just scrap them.
    Usual top 10 crews names
    Crew position, #1 #10 and approx. number of ppl playing in the event (doing one job for the crew to get that)
    The few of us who have a second iOs device/GC could each spy on 1 or 2 crews.
    Anyway, happy holidays y'all ;)
  11. jamesfish30

    jamesfish30 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    It would have been my perfect christmas present if they had updated this before Christmas, but I'm sure many updates, and new cities are on their way somewhere.
  12. PocketDaddy45

    PocketDaddy45 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    I can send the Kringle Kruiser controls and body to anyone who needs them. :)
  13. FebruaryXVI

    FebruaryXVI Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    I have a KK body if anyone needs it.
  14. KitFisto22

    KitFisto22 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
    Since NimbleBit has been giving out planes, I'm curious to know, does anyone have a Concorde yet?
  15. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    All the parts you need have just been sent, hope they came through OK :)
  16. dantt99

    dantt99 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    I'll do some spying. I can't really participate, only level 9 on my new Android but I can spy till my fleet's good enough
  17. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    Got mine this morning, and she been working hard ever since :D
  18. Lorena

    Lorena Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    I'm looking for controls. I have one body for someone. My GC is xgarriga
  19. alyssacroacia

    alyssacroacia Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Personal Assistant
    Relharn is correct. I can see the top 10; the reason I asked if anyone here is on the TA flightcrew (it being the TA forum, afterall), is because I can't see the NAMES of anyone on TA's top 10.

    (btw how on earth am I #7 with 10 planes, level 23, and 900-some jobs?)

    Why would I need bux for expanding? Don't I just need coins? (btw I'm down to 300-some bux....and no real $ to spend. I gotta save my bux!)

    yeah...I didn't get any respsonses in time so I upgraded my Mapple & KK...*sigh*

    I'm playing PP on iOS & Android. Just started on Android.

    I believe we decided those are people in PJs and sleeping caps!
  20. lewishenson

    lewishenson Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Initially you'll use the bux to buy (and upgrade) the longer range planes. Later you'll trade them in for coins.

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