Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Dudley1uk

    Dudley1uk Active Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    Jealous, how come people get some decent presents from Nimblebit? I always get crap presents lol.
  2. sir_robert_72

    sir_robert_72 Well-Known Member

    Good day to all TA crew members, and our brothers and sisters over at TA1.

    I think Vic Sark is right and this is where TA1 steps out of the shadow of the TA crew to be No1. Have we original TA crew got enough to hold off the big game players over there, I really don't know. I'm prepared to give it a go though and if this moment for TA1 to step up lets make them work for it. :)
  3. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    That's the spirit!

    Currently we have
    #1 TouchARcade 10828
    #2 TouchArcade1 7491
    #3 NimbleWiki 3829

    Let's go for it! :D

    I will be happy to help new TA1 members for this event, as will other high level players, with a Blimp or a Sea Knight.
    Add me on GC : Vic Sark
    Tell us what you need!
    (offer reserved for TouchArcade1 crew members doing the Geraldton event and registered here)
  4. ifwhalescouldfly

    ifwhalescouldfly Active Member

    Dec 18, 2012
    gah vic I'm leeching of you again could I have a starship please? Thanks so much for your generosity :D but if there are other people on a lower level who need it more than I do (I already have 1), just give it to them, my fleet can do without it :)

    thanks again! yes I'm participating in this event, though only 123 jobs so far >< going to step up my efforts soon :D
  5. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #10445 vicsark, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
    -Imperial March humming-
    54 slots, done.
    Got to fill'em now :)

    Kind of focusing on class 1 planes gift the help with the event now.
    And also trying to spread the rare planes, so that everybody gets one ;)
    Sorry and happy flying!

    Attached Files:

  6. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    I'm definitely aiming for top 5 this time! Some of you guys (vic, faye, slightly north) will destroy me (i notice vic has SHOT up), but i'm holding my own with a measly 16 plane slots!
  7. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #10447 vicsark, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  8. ifwhalescouldfly

    ifwhalescouldfly Active Member

    Dec 18, 2012
    No problem! It's fine, i think I am picking up some speed with my measly 12 slots anyway :) great to be part of the team and great to be helping out!

    happy flying to you too :D
  9. Dudley1uk

    Dudley1uk Active Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    Hiya all,

    I've been trawling the internet for tips on upgrading airports, and the general consensus is to wait till level 15. I'm almost at level 15, what happens then, and what do people think on here?

  10. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #10450 vicsark, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
    Useful tips for global events (reminder):
    More difficult if you're in levels below 20, and poor, but it's doable in parts

    - Buy and fully upgrade the closest class 3 airport (Jakarta)
    - ADVERTISE all the time the event airport (Geraldton). No need to upgrade it.
    - use your big class 2/3 planes to send Geraldton jobs from around the world to Jakarta and drop them as layovers.
    - dedicate a few class 1 planes do take the jobs from Jakarta to Geraldton (Kangaroos and Mohawks are good, Sea Knights and Mapples if you have some).
    - DO ROUND TRIPS (ie fly to Geraldton and back) with the class 1 planes. Useless to stop there.
    - optional but useful if you got too many layovers in Jakarta : BOOST your class 1 planes on the way back to Jakarta, depending on the planes, it cost 1 Bux only when the trip has 10/12 minutes left.
    - if you're rich, buy nearby class 3 airports (Bangkok, Manilla...), and have dedicated class 3 P and C planes just loading up Geraldton jobs and dropping them in Jakarta. Flying them back half empty is not a big deal.
    - always send one Jakarta job along the Geraldton jobs so it's easier to drop the layovers in Jakarta (you won't have to scroll down the list to unload)

    The fine tuning of how many event class 1 planes in your fleet depends on your setup.

    I got about a 1/4th class 1 event planes (12 mapples), 1/8th class 3 event ones (2 Cloud P and 2 C in Seoul and Shangai, 1 cyclone P and one C in Bangkok) another 1/4th of plane doing Bux sitting in class 3 airports (12 cyclones/sequoias M waiting to load Bux jobs only and rotating in pairs) and the rest is class 3 planes flying all around.

    There you go ;)
  11. Flysher

    Flysher Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
    This would probably be the final straw for me if so. Would it be crazy to buy an iPad just for pocket planes?! ;-)

    Also, we don't even get to trade the Mapples, it's totally off limits to us!
  12. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Never thought to do round trips! That's such a simple but great idea for removing that wasted time for SOMETIMES a single passenger or two!
  13. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Vic - you'll be storming past me in no time, leaving me trying to hang onto a bronze medal!!
  14. PondusFM

    PondusFM Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    #10454 PondusFM, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
    Traffic jam at Jakarta, my class 1 fleet can't keep up with my feeders lol. Theres constantly 4-7 seq/cyc parked eager to move on.

    Got 9 sea knights, 2 mapples and 2 kangaroo P's taking care of frustrated passengers and their cargo. :)


    Currently 5 seqs and 2 cyclones stranded with 60/60 layovers, and half a dozen planes inbound. Think I need to hire in some more class 1 pilots :)
  15. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    THink i've struck a nice balance between feeders and layovers.

    Got Mumbai, Delhi, Dhaka on the west and Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo on the east all with 1 x Seq-M feeding Jakata and chucking back whatever it can in return.

    Then I have 10 class 1 planes finishing the job (3 x Sea Knight, 1 x Mapple, 6 x Kanga)

    Seem to have a nice steady flow and never a need for a plane to be left hanging!
  16. PondusFM

    PondusFM Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    I use class 3 from all over the world atm for feeding. I like your system tho, but with 33 planes it gets to hectic :p Going to chuck 5 or so more seq Ms into the hangar and hire in some roos :)
  17. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Come on man, we need you for this!
    Hop on and let's all try to make TouchArcade1 #1 crew for the first time!
    David vs Goliath style
    I know you secretly want that bearclaw part deep inside :D

    Boost all the class 1 planes sometimes to clear the log (see useful tips above ;) )
  18. PondusFM

    PondusFM Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    I usually do mate, but I'm currently at work, and alltho its slow due to the upcomming holidays, I can't focus to much on plane flinging :)
  19. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Yeah, I can see how taking a coffe break every 12 minutes would look a bit suspicious :p
  20. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    So glad I work from home :D

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