Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. figment

    figment Active Member

    May 8, 2012
    Great idea. And they already do that in Tiny Tower so it would be something like that.
  2. jamesfish30

    jamesfish30 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Ooooh. I can feel it in the air already, I can sniff out a massive christmas update coming, with about 50 brand new cities, new planes a 20 seater, and a 25 seater, or capacity,and a ton of mini games so we can earn bucks easier, come on Nimblebit it's christmas you know you want to. And you released a christmas update for tiny towers so you know you have to. Anyway I am currently on Level 33, and about just under 2,000,000 to go until Level 34. So I should get there just in time for Christmas. When I get there I will reinstate Oulu, and open up Hammerfest.
  3. tfrichards92

    tfrichards92 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    it's so different to see other people in the leaderboard with you. i'm at 19 on ta1.
  4. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Oh man I'd love a christmas update. More upgrade levels on airports would be great to accommodate bigger planes if they go that route - different event prizes etc. etc. Would add to it for so many players and maybe even bring some back
  5. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    It's been slow going playing at my leisurely pace. I only have 3.5 mil coins and 26k Bux (I think I had 12k Bux when this started). And like a typical girl, I can't help going shopping at the Market. ;)

    Gus is leading with 3860 jobs!!!!!!!
  6. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    I have about 68,000 bux but only 28 slots because I haven't cashed in anything yet. To be honest, 28 slots already seems like enough for me. When I pick up the game, it takes long enough to get all my planes up in the air, and when I hit the "steady state", planes are landing about the same rate as taking off again. I think I'd just have more idle planes with more slots.
  7. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    I have 28 planes. 9 planes sit idle. 2 slots are empty. I have my hands full trying to keep all my other planes in flight. So I'm in no need to adding more slots.
  8. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #10028 vicsark, Dec 14, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
    Ok good to know, and welcome!

    Sorry we can't help you by gifting a few parts to your Android game :(

    How did you know we were, here at TouchArcade1, professional Pocket Planes players, members of the WPPL (World Pocket Planes League) ;)

    So some of our blank names on the leaderboard may come from Android players.
    You're all welcomed in the forum though :)
  9. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    After being burnt with excess layovers a couple of times, I now assume they all end in 12 hours, so I plan accordingly.

    I took a couple of snapshots a few weeks back to document this bug. Here is what my event list looked like just prior to the refresh. You can see I was working on the Lima event, which should have had 12 more hours. You can see on the same screen that events in Kiev and Recife are just about over.


    A minute later, you can see that the Lima event also disappeared!

  10. Fullquiver13

    Fullquiver13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Avionics engineer
    Michigan, USA
    Competition with Jdrawmer

    LOL not much of a competition, pretty sure he's going to drum me pretty well. I'm guessing he is going to be level 22. I got off work early today and am on vacation now until the first of the year so I can commit some time to PP, but 13 kids will take up some time no matter work or not....LOL.

    I know my events start over but that's ok. I figure it takes them away from TA as well...LOL. Going to line myself up for next event. I thought I saw someone say something about the Kringle Kruiser is ALREADY a prize on another event? Hope not, I'd like to get that. So I need to get to level 22 before I see Sequoias, good to know. I saw in Airpedia an aircraft called X10, is that a prize aircraft or do they eventually pop up? They look like a good replacement fo Kangaroos if they aren't prizes I think.
  11. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    It's not a competition to see who can reach the highest level the fastest - we just have to guess what each other's level will be! :)
  12. no_kitano

    no_kitano Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    Kringle is not a prize in another event... I think... We all hope it will show up in the event around Christmas.
    X10 Mapple is only available on the Mac version of Pocket Planes. If you play on iPhone or iPad, you can only get one by trading parts.
    The competion with jdrawmer is not fair! He already got some Seqs from Vic. Add me on GC (no_kitano) and I will send you a couple. Then you can compete with equal weapons.
  13. Perfect trumpet

    Perfect trumpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    Good to see people back and new ones joining TA1.
    Sorry I havent been more active on here, I tried at the start of this event but I'm just real busy.

    Everythings up in the air after we got back a day late from Frankfurt xmas markets. Claims and stuff

    Now in 9 days i go to maldives so just had 3 jags and a typhoid tablet yuck!

    I agree with the cries for nimblebit to make things better to keep us interested
  14. Fullquiver13

    Fullquiver13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Avionics engineer
    Michigan, USA
    Some Advice from the Masters

    Ok since I started with overseas missions (across the Alantic) I have been noticing some trends I'm hoping someone can tell me are true or advice how to modify what I'm doing. I'm noticing that when I pick up fares say in Europe or Asia with destinations in the US or South America they obviously have large fare amounts. But when I group them up in a coast city like New York or Boston/ or London / Madrid and ship them across the ocean that trip goes negative dollars (or barely positive if I take up a couple slots with destination fares when I can find them. So I am stuck in this cycle of going negative 1000 to 1800 coins to get them across hoping to deliver them and pick up a profit. I watch my coins go down then come up and never seem to make much foward movement. Is this truly a "no progress" process and I should only try to bring full aircraft of the same destinations (bonuses) and not haul them across the "Pond"? Is it a good thing to haul them back and forth? Do I need to stay local on fares and not haul them across the ocean?
    When I was hauling them across land even North to South America I could make a lot more money each trip. I have tried the polar circle route and it would work if there were more jobs but alas, there are not. Any advice or

  15. spineth

    spineth Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    I've googled several times looking for help in figuring out the whole Pocket Planes thing. The first time I had a bajillion airports and a bunch of crappy planes and I was hardly making anything and couldn't ever fill a plane for the 25% bonus.

    This forum doesn't show up immediately, and I don't remember what I googled that finally got me here, but once I found it, there was so much to read!
  16. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Yes that's normal when you're ferrying jobs across large distances and not reaching their final destination. The benefit is that, when you DO make that final step and group them together for the final leg of the journey, that specific flight will make a massive profit which should dwarf the cost of getting them across there - you just have to make sure that the final journey is grouping them all together for the bonus otherwise it's a waste of time.

    I have a plane at teh minute that happens to be making a loss just because it takes jobs across 2 airports but never to their final destination. That loss is countered by other planes that 'finish' these jobs and make a lot more money.
  17. Fullquiver13

    Fullquiver13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Avionics engineer
    Michigan, USA
    Thanks No_Kitano

    thank for the aircraft assist. It is making a difference already. Let me know if there is anything I can ever do for you. I also have some parts that I am willing to gift but they are probably only useful to someone lower than level 12 or so. Let me know what you need and I will do my best to help out or anyone else out too.
  18. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    I have four colour schemes for my planes. My Class 1 planes are green and gold, and my Class 2 planes are shades of pink (although right now they are all in the hangar).

    My current Class 3 planes (all Sequoia M) are colour coded by job. Planes whose only job is to sit and gather Bux are shades of red, while the rest (who deliver those Bux to their destination or help out with bringing in event jobs) ate shades of blue.

    My naming scheme is similar. The first two characters for all my planes is a unique, ascending identifier. My Class 1 planes started at AA and are now at BD. My Class 2 planes started at DA and have reached DL, while my twenty Class 3 planes range from GA to, you guessed it, GT.

    The last 3 characters in the name for Class 1 and 2 planes are simply the capacity and type. So my six current class 1 planes in action all end in 04M.

    My Sequoia naming is slightly different. The last 3 characters for my red Bux gatherers (I have 11 currently) are BUX while the 5 blue planes are each allocated a home city and their name reflects this - eg. GHRIO, GOSEO.

    So my current setup is 22 slots with 16 Seq M, 4 Mapples and 2 Roo M. The Class 1s are simply there for the events. I haven't bothered to bring in Class 2 planes for the current event in Chengdu simply because I don't want to spend the extra Bux.
  19. RLangley91

    RLangley91 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    I've just been looking through the achievements and I noticed that there's no way that the "Regional Headquarters" one can be done: you need to open a 10 million population airport in all six regions. What makes this impossible is Oceania: its largest city is Sydney, and they've "only" got a population of 5mill. Or is there a different city that makes this possible?
  20. Gus172

    Gus172 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012

    Enough posting on forums for all of you there are planes to fly!


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