Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. seattleheli

    seattleheli Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    Haha, I've been working hard overnight that's why (in 7th right now)! :p Level 16, almost 17. I'm sure I'll drop down when I turn in for bed (3am here).

    If only we got everyone to try their hardest for these events, there's a chance we could overtake TA. It'd take everyone though.
  2. seattleheli

    seattleheli Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    I logged into GC on my computer, went into account info or something like that, and just retyped my name.
  3. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Haha! Fair enough - I've only just got out of bed so should have a good blast today.

    IT would be interesting. If we beat them once, then lots of their players would instantly want to join the new winning team
  4. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    not gonna happen, due to the sheer inertia of 4000 players doing at least 50 jobs.
    And I don't see how TA1 could manage 500 members all Gc friends, it's not the goal I guess.
    If it would happen, we'd build a TA2 crew to overtake Ta1 lol
  5. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Yeah true. Think they definitely got that aspect of the game a little wrong, but at least they've basically made the top 10 prize the same as the top prize to deal with it.

    So i've learned this time playing, that M planes are a LOT better than combinations of P + C! Trying to manage a route, and having to dedicate 2 planes to do a job instead of a single M is just crazy
  6. Fullquiver13

    Fullquiver13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Avionics engineer
    Michigan, USA
    wow you guys are serious night owls or crazy early birds

    I'm up a little early to play with PP before I get ready for work and noticed you guys going strong. I'll prob pop in and out and play a little doing the work day but can't get too serious until after 5pm (EST).
    Do you guys never sleep? LOL
    Let me know if for some strange reason you need a part I can supply (I have a couple Huey parts for getting in the top 100 and a LOT of mystery cargo deliveries) or if any future parts - I'm pretty easy.
    Wife and I share the same GC account so she is the Supermomof13, I'm just the overwhelmedDadof13...but she got me started in the game apps.
    Guess it's fair, I got her addicted to World of Warcraft 6 years ago and we just got out of that <snicker>.

    Take care and have a good day
  7. Flysher

    Flysher Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
    Good luck with the quitting wow thing (I'm serious) I played it for about 6 years and it took a good 2 years for me to fully quit it. Even then I STILL log in sometimes. Luckily though it's changed enough to where I don't really like it anymore anyway. :)
  8. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Dear all, I'm back.

    I've been busy for the past 10 days or so. Completely sat out the Hobart and Bariloche event and joined the Jerusalem event for a short time. I was on and off PP today, and was trying to clear all the Cairo and Jerusalem bux jobs (yes, took me this long). Now I can finally get started on the Chengdu global event.

    Welcome to TA1 and thanks for adding me in GC. Jiayou and level up to lvl 22 and sequoias !
  9. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Thanks man! Got a Seq. already thanks to vicsark for that, otherwise just growing my fleet and plane quality over time. Getting some good event jobs done!
  10. Chewbacca

    Chewbacca Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    I've had to sit out the past 2 events also. Busy time at work. I'm back in it for this event, but with limited playing power. Can't wait until holiday break when I can go full force again!

    I see some new faces. Hi all! :)

  11. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #9971 CastlePage, Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012

    Disclaimer: this post is for entertaining purposes and bears no ill-will towards anyone/gender.

    This is the TouchArcade 1 Broadcasting station. Wan shang hao (Good evening.)

    This is CastlePage reporting from Chengdu. The city is abuzz with businessmen arriving from all over the world. Graphs are literally flying everywhere. Unlike in the past when there are all-cargo or all-passenger global events, this time the differentiation is the gender -- it's an all-men event. We predict that there will be a shortage of females in Chengdu when the event is over.

    Elsewhere in the world, there's a military exercise in New Orleans and a fight championship in Johannesburg. Sailors and parcels are flowing into Recife although the event is called "shipping out". Weatherwise, Cordoba is closed due to fog while Goose Bay is out of action due to computer failure. No other cities are experiencing any other weather, so it is an unusually uneventful hour.

    And now for the global event crew news. Here's a look at the world leaderboard:
    #1 65,447 TA
    #2 8960 TA1
    #3 8362
    #4 8155
    #5 6591
    #6 3899
    #7 1720
    #8 1389
    #9 1355
    #10 1145

    TA is leading as usual. TA1 is ahead of #3 by less than 600 jobs. #4 looks poised to overtake #3 (perhaps they already have done so). #6 is 60% of #5, and #7 has done less than half of the jobs completed by #6.

    A closer look at TA1 shows that the TA1 is fighting hard to widen the gap between TA1 and #3. Gus172 is leading TA1 with 1868 jobs, followed by Faye with 702 jobs. In fact, Gus172 could singlehandedly claim the #7 position in the world leaderboard. SuperDuperUberNorth who was noticeably absent from the Top10 leaderboard in the past few events has made a strong come back, overtaking sdo62 in the past couple of hours to claim #3. (To the newcomers for TA1, there's a reason why North is called SuperDuperUberNorth). Number1Ump who has topped TA1 in the past couple of events is still going strong at #6. PP newcomer jdrawmer is at his predicted #8 and will have to work hard to stay in the top 5. Please refer to the googledoc spreadsheet for a look at the TA1 crew member ranking (see the link in my signature.) Do update your (and those around you) rank and jobs completed in the spreadsheet.

    At the tail end of the TA1 flightcrew is Castlepage at #39 with 1 job with Merlionine with 2 jobs.

    And now for TA1 forum competition:
    1. jdrawmer is currently at lvl 18. Guess what level will he be when the Chengdu global event is over?
    2. Who has the max number of huey parts ? (Feel free to post the number of huey parts that you have collected).

    End of Newsflash​

    Note: Castlepage is now going to fling some planes and slowly move up the leaderboard.

    Edit: The peaceful weather lull has come to an end. Castlepage finished reporting and was start flinging planes only to find out that Dhaka is closed due to tropical storm! :mad: The evil genius at Nimblebit has an uncanny knack of creating obstacles when you have free time to play PP. Looks like I'll have to remain at 1 job since it's bedtime and I have to wake up early tmr morning.
  12. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Haha that's brilliant! Thanks for including me in the little quiz :p
  13. TheShark

    TheShark Member

    Nov 21, 2012
    Couple Questions About BUX Collection.

    I just started BUX collecting and I have a couple questions. My central hub will be in Lagos. What do you do about the BUX jobs that come to that city? I don't have enough planes to sit in Lagos. I can only have one in Lagos, one BUX plane sitting in each city. Do you fly those jobs to a nearby city and back again, making them a layover?

    Also do you advertise in every city, in an effort to increase jobs? My planes seem to take awhile to fill up. I'm using Sequoias-M, with one dedicated to each city.
  14. Merlion

    Merlion Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2012
    Hi All,

    Just to throw in something different: by a sheer quirk of fate I've come into possession of no fewer than 36 Blimp bodies. Don't ask how this happened, but it has to do with NimbleBug. (Hint: ask Vic Sark to send you something. There's a chance you get it 39 times.)

    So anyway, anyone in dire need of Blimp bodies: just say the word. I'll send them off faster than a Blmp can go.

    On th'other hand, if anyone has some surplus controls or engines, don't hesitate. I've got the body to match...

    Blimp Body Man
  15. jdrawmer

    jdrawmer Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    My setup at the minute doesn't have a 'hub' as such - planes basically do what they like. They see a bux job, they pick it up and drop it off wherever it's going (preferably in the correct direction for the job). You can't take a job away then back again - it doesn't become a layover - it remembers where it started.
  16. Harmoniamundi

    Harmoniamundi Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2012
    Huey parts

    I also built 14 complete ones. I normally don't bother, but Huey's re so cute.

    Attached Files:

  17. tfrichards92

    tfrichards92 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    There are people from all over the world on this forum. The interwebs is a wonderful thing. So they play during their daytime/evening times.
  18. Andrwsc

    Andrwsc Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    That's my primary focus for the game these days. If a see an uncompleted event in a blue or red city, I'll open it up (if I don't already have it) and hammer it as much as possible for the 12 hours available. It's too much work to try this with a class 1 airport in the limited time window you have for individual events, but I have about 15 Aeroeagles to complement my Cyclones and Sequoias, so I can usually deliver several hundred jobs to any class 2 city.

    I've completed 15 events so far, and partial progress on the rest. I have an all M fleet, so the passenger-only and cargo-only events take twice as long to complete.

    And I'm still annoyed that events listed for 24 hours disappear after 12. Nimblebit, please fix this bug!

    Finally, I repeat my wish for a better reward than 15 bux for 1000 jobs. I think a mystery part would be ideal, especially if there was a plane or two that could only be obtained via these mystery parts.
  19. green_paper

    green_paper Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012

    As it stands, 15 bux for 1000 jobs just isn't appealing enough. If they increased the reward to Andrwsc's suggestion, I would definitely work on completing these events.
  20. spineth

    spineth Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012

    Hello people! I've been reading this thread a lot and learning so much. I play on Android so I don't think I can friend anyone?

    I played Pocket Planes for a while, and I was so lost, and just lost interest. I started over on Tuesday, and now I'm back up to level 11. I had read several times to join Toucharcade flight crew, but I didn't know what Touch Arcade was. Now that I've read this thread, I quite like the idea of TA1, and when I get a little bit higher I'll add to your team efforts. Probably the next event.

    Anyway, I wanted to say hi, and also thank you guys for being so helpful. I've lurked on a lot of game forums over the years, and I was very impressed at how nice you guys are here. Many forums really beat up newbies, and while I haven't read all thousand pages, I haven't seen beating up, I've seen helping.

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