Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Did you fix it? It looks ok now, at least the few I checked and my own line.
  2. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    It's still not correct. The stuff in the left column (TA name) and right column (GC name) still do not match up correctly.

    It's not simply a matter of the entire list from one column getting shifted up/down x number of rows.

    Some rows are matching ... for example, yours:
    snowbird TA name on row 8, leapingliz42 GC name on row 8

    Some have TA name on one row and GC name on another row ... for example:
    noids__ TA name is on row 11, while noids GC name is on row 10

    Others have an entry in TA name but no GC name, or vice versa ... for example:
    sdo62 : TA name is listed on row 14, but no matching GC name on any row
    vic sark : GC name is listed on row 14, but no matching TA name on any row
    coastcat : TA name is listed on row 17, but no matching GC name on any row
    n.eule : GC name is listed on row 17, but no matching TA name on any row
  3. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    looks ok now,
    we should have local backups in case sone screws evthg up!

    Pfff still working on booting my laptop back, so happy to go back to Dos and Bios...
    apparently I have 745000 files on ly laptop #WTF o_O

    chkdsk C: /F /P
  4. Matt-B089

    Matt-B089 Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    I didn't do too bad in the Hobart event given that I used only one Sea Knight, got into the top thirty! :)
  5. jens_mett

    jens_mett New Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    Hi all
    I need your advice
    I am level 23, have 16 plane slots and around 2600 bucks.
    Should I trade the bucks for money? That would be 4M coins so I could buy 3-4 extra plane slots, but I don't know if this will make me advance in the game or not.
    What do you experts think? Should I wait a little more to get more bucks?
  6. Gus172

    Gus172 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    The more bux the better I would say.

    Go to the exchange bux icon. Hold your finger down and watch how the coins goes up with bux. Make your decision from there. One thing to remember the more planes the more bux you can farm.

    I just changed 28,000 bux in. Hated to do it because they are worth a lot of coin at that point. But wanted to get to the 40 plane slot level.
  7. Matt-B089

    Matt-B089 Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    Having more slots will allow you to earn coins and bux faster but will take longer to fill. Potentially having more slots will allow you to level up quicker.

    It depends on how often you play to be honest, there's no one style fits all.
  8. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Are you looking at the Hobart sheet in the TA1 spreadsheet?

    DOS commands ... Sometimes it's just quicker to type commands than trying to accomplish the same thing with the newfangled "fancy" Windows UI.. :D
    Hubby insisted on a major purge a few years back, I don't think we have any floppies in the house anymore.

    Hmmm... Wonder where the Christmas event will be located. Christmas is on Tues, so I imagine event will start Sat night and run thru Wed noon.
  9. Mr. Ramen

    Mr. Ramen Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2012
    Nope. 10 bux is more useful than a Supergopher to me.
  10. RLangley91

    RLangley91 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    I'm betting it's gonna be Oulu.
  11. PapiChullo

    PapiChullo Active Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    My guess is Jerusalem.
  12. bgrim2day

    bgrim2day Active Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    hello all,

    I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the bux collecting idea and need some help.

    Right now I am at level 18 with
    Pearjet M,M,C
    Brichcraft C,P,P,M
    Mohawk C
    Areoeagle P,M

    I have the following airports open.
    Tokyo, Chengdu, Delhi, Tehran, Istanbul, Paris, London, NY, and LA

    Right now I pick up bux jobs and fill the plane with other jobs going to the same city. It seems to be pretty slow going. Those of you who are doing it, are you just filling the planes with bux jobs and laying them over in 1 city and then filling up a plane with bux jobs to the individual cities?

    Thanks for the help
  13. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Vic outlined a Bux Strategy in this post:
    The challenge for you would be having enough spare Bux-sitting planes, one for each airport (preferably class 3, fully upgraded). You would want to use an M plane to be able to pick up both P Bux and C Bux. If you can't devote one plane per airport, then place some Bux sitters at the far ends of your route so they can pick up the highest paying Bux jobs.

    Yes, it is slow going at early levels of the game, it will pick up in the level 20s. You are doing the right thing by filling your planes with jobs going to the same destination for the 25% bonus. (You won't care so much about the 25% bonus when you reach a higher level, and can have mixed-destination flights later on)
  14. bgrim2day

    bgrim2day Active Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    Thanks Fye
    That's a good read and helps. At what point do the class 3 planes start showing up?
  15. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012

    Level 20 : Fogbuster
    Level 22 : Sequoia
    Level 24 : Tetra
    Level 26 : Cyclone
    Level 28 : Cloudliner

    The Fogbuster is not a good value (expensive to run), try to hold out for the Sequoia. Tetra M has the P/C imbalance.

    Many of the higher level players here prefer Sequoia and/or Cyclone.
  16. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    If I'm not mistaken, it's the first time we have a full plane event whithout a rare plane in Bariloche.
    It's kind of a big deal.
    That's something we've been asking in TA for a long time, argumenting that the tresure hunt for Mystery Parts was adding fun to the events.
    So, even if NB doesn't want to flood us with rare planes parts, they opened the door to more regular full plane events.
    I agree, a SuperDuper isn't that useful and we obviously don't need a dozen of them.
    But what if the reward is a Sequoia or a Cyclone?
    I also think they should implement a really random mystery part (any part of any plane available), that would be fun as you really wouldn't know what you're ferrying!

    TA1 is 3rd, I hop on the event, opened Buenos Aires and put 5 SK and 4 Mapples on it.
    I won't have a lot of time for this one though.
    But we shouldn't fall second for a few hundred jobs!
  17. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    I agree, an "any part" event would be fun.
  18. Timey

    Timey Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    Shipping stuff to Bariloche now, taking forever though. Also working up to 1700 bux, at which that point I'll throw 1500 bux into the bank and get some much needed plane slots and city upgrades. Not sure what I'll fill those slots with though.

    Still looking for Mapples, if anyone has got any.
  19. MishaK-R

    MishaK-R Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    Montreal, Canada
    You should email NB with those ideas! Plus, tell them, if you do, to add new planes every couple months or so for higher level players! And what about an event prize being a MYSTERY PLANE!?!?!?! (i.e. it would be a new kind of plane not yet shown in the Airpedia)
  20. matma92ser

    matma92ser Active Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    I totally agree! This would really give more life to the game past level 28. Nimblebit has continual new events for Tiny Tower - it would be nice if they gave similar love to PP.

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