Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Jmacjmac

    Jmacjmac Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2012
    #9641 Jmacjmac, Dec 2, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2012
    Rare auction in Hobart. A lot of work for 35 BUX
  2. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Ok, that was weird. I started replying to this. Yes, it took a while. Then I hit the "preview" button and was prompted to log in again. :-/ Guess I need to type faster.

    (waving back) Hi Castle! I saw you there too, so started updated from the bottom up so as not to step over what you were updating.
    It's kinda neat when several people are editing a spreadsheet at the same time, I see that sometimes when several of us are looking at the same spreadsheet for Mafia Wars (uh, don't ask ;) )

    I was wondering that too, it's blank for me.
    I added #9's job info (3440 jobs) in column H of #8 so we have that info until someone steps forward to claim that position.

    I also added the Global Leaderboard info as a comment in cell 1H.
    Just hover your mouse over that cell and the comment will popup. :)
    I thought this would look a little neater than typing all that info into one cell.

    LOL she keeps asking when she can "help" me in Pocket Planes. She'll ask where we're going next and I show it to her on the map. She doesn't recognize all the planes yet. I've been renaming them something obvious so she knows what it is and then I can just tell her to send the AeroEagles to Barcelona.

    Barcelona was a fairly relaxing event for me. I used these planes:

    6 AeroEagles for Paris-Barcelona

    8 Cyclones dedicated to bringing Barcelona layovers to Paris: LA-Paris, Chicago-Paris, NY-Paris, London-Paris, Istanbul-Paris, Cairo-Paris, Seoul-Paris, Shanghai-Paris. Why go as far as LA and Shanghai/Seoul for layovers? I wasn't trying to maximize jobs to Barcelona. I would have assigned all these planes to much closer airports if I wanted to do that. :D

    5 Cyclones dedicated mostly to going wherever they can fill up for a 25% bonus full load. I'm not out earn Bux or Coins at an aggressive rate (don't really need it), however it is nice to make a little bit of profit to offset my negative-income flights.

    9 Sequoias dedicated Bux collection. The intention is to check on them every time I play. Unfortunately I usually don't get around to it so am not collecting as many Bux as I potentially could earn if I gave them a higher priority. These planes spent most of their time grounded and neglected.
  3. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Why do people spam the forums?
    Identical posts in 4 different discussions here.
    Do you really think we are going to click on your links???
  4. callme_jc

    callme_jc Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    Waving hello. Finished up in Barcelona ranked #24 within #TA, so figured I'd join the #TA1 crew for... Hobart?! That's thousands of miles away from my nearest airport, so I'll probably just commission my one and only Sea Knight in Melbourne and make the minimum this time.

    I'll add my info to the spreadsheet after I switch.
  5. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    Rare Auction in Hobart!!! That's my home town folks. I'll roll out the red carpet for the TA1 crew.

    I only live a few minutes from the airport and drive past it every day on my way to work, so I'll look out for your planes coming and going. :)
  6. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Hey guys,
    Nice to see TA1 finished 2nd in Barcelona :)
    Impressive numbers for a class 2 event
    Bravo everybody, and welcome to our new members.
    I couldn't play a bit in the lat 48 hours so glad to still finish in the top 10, hope it was fun for y'all to overtake me ;)

    Hobart is tricky. For massive numbers, you'll have to open Jakarta for class 3 planes layovers. Then use aeros or other class 2 planes to send layovers to Melbourne and Sidney. And finally good ol' Sea knights or Roos or whatever class 1 planes to do round trips to Hobart!
    Quite a set up and a lot of planes needed for big numbers!

    Or just open Melbourne and Hobart for minimum distraction.

    I dunno yet which one i'll do, seems like an interesting challenge.
  7. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Watch out for a blue mapple with a bright pink nose named Bear. That's mine. The seaknights with code SKMxx (x is a number) are mine too. If i decide to fly to Hobart. How do you get from the island to main island Australia?

    I'm wondering if Melbourne and Sydney will generate enough jobs. The nearest class 3 city is Jakarta i think.

    It happens to me a lot (when I tried to post). Had to re login etc. Luckily the forum saves what I've typed when I press the "back" button.

    I assume Mafia War is your full time job and PP your side excursions :)

    PP is giving your little girl a lesson in geography (actually for me as well). I haven't heard of Hobart nor Livingstone nor Kabut. I've heard of Timbuktu but don't know where it is (and actually has forgotten it now that the global event is over.)
  8. thisisina

    thisisina Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    I forgot to say thank you earlier! Plus this is my first time trying out the multiple quote feature. Very handy!

    I upgraded Paris for the last event, made a huge difference in how quickly I was able to fill up my Sequoias!

    So wait until I hit 25,000 bux before I exchange? Not sur if I'm that patient, since I'm only at 5K. Is there an intermediate number that would work? Like 10K maybe. What's the exchange rate difference per bux between 10K and 25K? And is there a way for me to compute it myself so I stop bugging you guys with all these questions? :D

    Haha, how fun! Do we get a tour of Hobart in between returning flights? What's there to see in your hometown?

    I need a strategy for this one. Nearest red airport is... Jakarta? I already have Manila open (my hometown, it'll be my turn to roll out the red carpet when we have an event there), but I don't think it will be efficient to layover in Manila then make the long solo trek back. Or use a class 2 airport, Melbourne, and use AeroEagles to bring the layovers? Hmm.
  9. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #9649 vicsark, Dec 2, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2012
    I posted a small strategy on the former page.

    The formula for Bux exchange is simple :
    ALL the Bux are exchanged at this rate:
    Ie if you exchange 9000 Bux, the rate is 9000/2+500=5000
    so you'll get 9000*5000= 45m coins
    For 19000 Bux , the exchange rate is 10k a Bux and you'll get 190m
    For 29k, 15k and 435m.
    For 49k, 25k and 1.225 billion

    As you can see, the number of coins you get for a single Bux more increases exponentially.
    When and where to do the exchange depends on your level, your need of coins and mostly your number of slots.
    Because the cost of a plane slot also increases exponentially.
    I did 3 trades 1500, then 5000, and last one 25k
    All were helpful.
    I guess it's useful to do a first trade in to get enough coins to upgrade fully all your class 3 airports and get to around 25 slots.
    Don't wait cash strapped for a magical number.
    After that, you should be able to do very profitable routes and increase a lot your Bux harvesting.
  10. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    Tasmania is a beautiful part of the world, so plenty of places to enjoy for lovers of the great outdoors. Hobart is a quiet little city with great scenery. And the local beer is pretty good too. :)

    I've opened Jakarta for this event as well as Port Hedland to get the straightest possible line between Jakarta and Hobart for my Mapples. I only have four slots for class 1 and 2 planes in my current line up (the other 16 are Sequoias ferrying bux around the place) so I've ditched my Aeroeagles and put the 4 Mapples on return trips from Jakarta.

    I'm not sure that's particularly efficient with only four class 1 planes, so I'm tempted to open Melbourne for the quick trip down to Tassie to bump up the numbers a bit.

    The event has only just started, so I'm not yet at the point where I put a Sequoia or two in the hangar to pull out a Sea Knight or Roo and bolster the job count that way. However, I probably should be trying my best for this particular event...
  11. thisisina

    thisisina Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Thanks Vic! I missed your strategy post while I was typing out my post.

    I suspect my planes are going to be in a bit of chaos for this event. I'm not exactly the most efficient player, especially when it comes to multitasking and chasing bux and event jobs simultaneously. At least when the events were in the middle of the map, I could bring along any bux jobs with the event jobs, and with all the planes going to the hubs, the bux jobs would get sorted out along the way too.

    Oh well, it's 2:30am, done feeding the baby and savoring my short lived stint at #1 on the leaderboard of TA1 with 24 jobs. :p Jmac will probably overtake me with the next plane or two that lands in Hobart.
  12. Matt-B089

    Matt-B089 Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    I've jumped ship into TA1, looking forward to doing my bit! ;)

    How can I get myself onto your spreadsheet? Feel free to add me, my GC is the same as my name here.
  13. Timey

    Timey Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    Well I woke up, switched flight crews, and crashed from getting a Huey Body. Then I see what the event city is. Think I'll be sitting this one out.

    Good thing is that New York has an airshow for a day. I'll be sending planes to that.
  14. Merlion

    Merlion Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2012
    Your next bux makes you a lot richer than you think

    Vic, this is one way to look at it. For exchanging 25k bux you get 325 million coins, which is as you say NBux/2+500 equals 13k coins per bux.

    But now you've decided to exchange 25k bux. You've tapped the counter till your finger hurt, and it shows 325 millions coins. You're about to get rich!! Your finger is trembling with excitement. But suddenly you remember Merlion's post. You tap one more time. The counter now shows 25,001 and you net 325 million and 25,500 coins. That one extra tap got you 25,500 coins. For just one more bux.

    The rule holds at every number: your next bux gets you your current number of bux plus 500 in coins. (So strictly speaking it doesn't rise exponentially but rather linear.)

    Which puts that next 5 bux job to New York in a different light :)

  15. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Yep mate, good point ;) the value of a single Bux in coins is always increasing (delta).

    But at one point, I'd still advise to trade in, because it is way easier to collect Bux with 25 planes than with 15.
    And you have more jobs, thus more Bux opportunities with upgraded airports.

    So don't be shy of trading your Bux.
    I'd advise though an all in approach (keeping only a few hundred Bux for adding planes) after an exchange.
    And doing always bigger trade ins. Because the relative value of a million coins is plunging with your number of slots.
    So don't trade 5000 then 5000 then 5000. Do 1000 then 5000 then 15000 etc

    For the optimal number of slots, I guess it's about 25. Having more just helps you dedicate some planes to specific tasks like Bux collecting or event planes.
    Of the 41 i got now, 9 sequoias are sitting idle for Bux collecting if I'm in the mood. 4 Cloudliners P/C for events mass transfer. 5/10 are class 1 or 2 planes for events depending what's needed.
    That leaves me with 20/25 Cyclones/Seqs m for the regular routes.
  16. RLangley91

    RLangley91 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    1 - Click "Go to spreadsheet view".
    2 - Go to the last row.
    3 - Add your details below it.
  17. coastcat

    coastcat Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2012
    A strategy recommendation for the Hobart event:

    You could pile up layovers in Jakarta, lay them over again in Sydney or Melbourne, and then finally send the jobs to lovely Hobart. Or... Aeros with full range upgrades can reach Melbourne directly from the following cities:

    Red Class 3

    Blue Class 2
    Hong Kong

    The upgraded Aero can fly directly to Sydney from all of the above cities plus Tokyo and Osaka.

    This strategy would require a lot of class 1 planes clearing out the Sydney/Melbourne layovers as they can't handle a lot (30 if you upgrade the city the maximum amount). You'd also be sending back a lot of empty Aeros, so not a great coin strategy!

    Not sure I want to put so much strategic thought into a low-reward event like this, though. But every time I say that, the competitive urge takes over and I keep sending jobs anyway...
  18. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    My little guy can't read yet but he is having a blast loading planes with pirates and treasure (for the Pirate Party in New York!)
  19. Angelxz

    Angelxz Active Member

    Jul 19, 2012
    Thanks for posting about the bux, everyone! Very helpful. I am at level 29 with 15 or 16 plane slots. I want to expand my fleet but the next slots will wipe out my coins. Chasing bux will surely help up the coinage!
  20. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Man you're little airport is going to busy over the next 3 days!! :-D

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