Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Timey

    Timey Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    Anyone want to help me with my fleet? I've got:

    A Pearjet-M
    Aeroeagle M, P, and C
    Two Equinox-Ms
    Two Sea Knights
    A Huey
    A Mohawk-M
    A Birchcraft-M
    A Kangaroo-M

    I'm only level 18 so no Sequoias (unless anyone wants to trade me a couple) and they're all fully upgraded. My two hubs are London and New York, if for some that helps anyone
  2. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    I'm ever so happy to see nokitano charging up the leaderboard last night. I was getting worried as #3 on global leaderboard seemed to be closing the gap to TA1. Now happy to see you and Number1Ump above me. Jiayou all ... the gap between TA1 and #3 is still a bit worrisome. I have seen the speed at which they overtake. Remember the Paris event when they closed 12K job gap in 4+ hours (read my newsflash) and how hard we worked to get back our #2 spot?

    I have 4 areo-Ms doing roundtrips between Paris and Barcelona and 2 areo-Ms doing roundtrips between London and Barcelona. I have 2 cyclone-Ms dedicated to collect barcelonian jobs from either Tehran, Lima, Kinshasa or NY (depending on which city has the most number of jobs when the plane is there.)

    London and Paris are the twin-city hubs where all planes fly to. Barcelonian jobs layover at Paris while bux jobs layover at London. My other class 3 cities are LA, NY, Tehran, Tokyo, Lima, Kinshasa and London. At each city, there are at least 2 planes sitting there collecting bux jobs. When a plane is almost full of bux jobs (e.g. 5C3P), I pad the rest with global event jobs and send the plane off to Paris (to drop off global event jobs) then London (drop off bux jobs). I then fill up the now empty plane with bux jobs (padded with coin jobs to get 25%) to whichever city that is short of waiting planes.

    This setup works really great, except when Paris was closed, followed by London (happened a few days ago. GRRR !) I've made almost 2k bux yesterday alone. I've just passed the 25k mark, which is amazing, considering that I did the 25K bux exchange (with about 700 bux after the exchange) on 17 Nov, barely 2 weeks ago.

    Jiayou all :cool:
  3. heavenlystriker

    Nov 23, 2012
    administrator assistant
    Orange county, ca
    So what type of p/c's do u have. And what do you use for class 1 events.
  4. Gus172

    Gus172 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Today I streamlined my airports going down to 10 class three plus Barcelona

    It has worked very well so far. I am hoping to break 20,000 bux tomorrow

    Thanks Vic for the advise!

  5. coastcat

    coastcat Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2012
    #9565 coastcat, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
    Good question, I don't actually know what planes I have right now! Let's see...

    Cloudliner: 1 M, 1 C, and 1 P (the Cloudliner M is very unbalanced - 5 cargo, 12 passengers)
    Cyclone: 4 M, 1 C, and 1 P
    Sequoia: 7 M, 2 C, and 2 P
    Mapple Pro X10: 6 (all Mapples are M)
    Huey: 1
    Blimp: 2
    Sea Knight: 2
    Kangaroo: 7 M, 3 C, 3 P
    Mohawk: 6 C, 6 P
    Hot Air Balloon: 1
    Birchcraft: 1 M, 1 C
    SuperGopher: 1 C
    Aeroeagle: 7 M, 3 C, 4 P

    I think that's everything! I've stopped using the Mohawks now that I have Mapples, but right now I can't afford to get more Mapples since my new (level 12) GC ID is set up on the Mac. I'll send a couple Mohawks to you as they're very handy for events. (FYI, the Mapple carries 4 jobs and the Mohawk carries 3 - otherwise they have similar stats)

    Okay, event strategies... my standard setup is to leave a long-distance route open: Los Angeles, New York, Istanbul, Seoul, and Tokyo. For an event in a class 1 or 2 city, I'll open the closest class 3 city as a layover point with Cyclones and Sequoias bringing in jobs from my five always-open cities. I may open additional class 3 cities if necessary; for example, if the event is in South America I'll open Lagos and something in southeast Asia (Mumbai, usually) so I can bring in jobs more easily from Seoul and Tokyo. For this event, I opened both Paris and London. I also have Lagos, Delhi, and Tehran open because the Aeroeagle can make direct flights to Barcelona from those cities. Chicago and Bangkok are open, but I can't remember why. That's 12 red cities plus Barcelona, which is a lot more than I like having open. Too lazy to change my setup, though.

    My strategy is not the most effective - there's no point in making the long flights from LA and Tokyo to bring in Barcelona jobs when I could bring in more jobs more quickly from closer cities. But I do it anyway!

    Remote class 1 cities are my favorite. It's a long trip from Norilsk to the nearest class 3 city...

    So anyway, the planes that get the most use are the Sequoias and Cyclones. I bring out Aeroeagles for events in class 2 cities, and the Roos/Mapples for class 1 cities. My other planes are just taking up space but I'm too sentimental to scrap them all. :p
  6. green_paper

    green_paper Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    A lot of veterans have said that they like -M planes, but nobody has said why! Here's the likely explanation:

    When jobs are generated, you'll get a mix of jobs for one particular city - both P and C. It's easier to load up your plane with P+C jobs to one city to get the 25% bonus, than to wait for all P or all C jobs to get the bonus. Alternatively, if you're collecting Bux, having a M plane means you won't miss any Bux jobs (i.e. a P plane will miss the C-Bux jobs).

    The only drawback is that you'll spend a lot of time scrolling through both types of jobs in the job screen.
  7. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    I'm jealous of your Mapples :p
    You only have 2 sea knights? I stopped using kangeroos and switch to sea knights + mohawk-P. Mapple is of course faster, so perhaps the number of jobs balances out in the long run, plus Mapple is an even 2P 2C distribution.

    If you're short of coins and want to expand plane slots, bux strategy IS a must.
  8. heavenlystriker

    Nov 23, 2012
    administrator assistant
    Orange county, ca
    Ill soon be there too!! Haha thx for the hawks btw.
  9. heavenlystriker

    Nov 23, 2012
    administrator assistant
    Orange county, ca
    Bux strat?
  10. kassdog

    kassdog Member

    Oct 23, 2012
    So just got to level 28. Are cloudliners worth it or not. I don't think I will have a problem filling them.
  11. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    TA1 is now in #3, with about 700 jobs behind #2. Are we going to try and reclaim #2?
  12. Angelxz

    Angelxz Active Member

    Jul 19, 2012
    Heck yeah we are gonna try to reclaim that spot!
  13. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Dude, I got to sleep!

    About the discrepancies between crews:

    we have at TA1 a more worldwide and dispersed crew, and fewer members (50/80 depending on the event).
    we have a lot of players able to pull thousand of jobs if they have time, and not many freeloaders.
    the average job per crew member is thus very high.
    so the TA1 jobs go up by bursts during the whole day and is more dependant of some big guns participating in an event or not.

    Whereas TA or NimbleWiki look more US centric, and are obviously bigger in crew members (around 3/400 and 3/4000).
    Many freeloaders doing the minimum jobs requirement and a few Dark Lords. So, smaller average, most jobs during the US daytime.

    About the sudden burst by NimbleWiki in the Paris event, I dunno if they did it on purpose. It looked like 10k old jobs suddenly syncing with NimbleBit's servers.
  14. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    If you're below level 20, aim to get coins and level up.

    Vic Sark and others posted their strategies for collecting bux/mystery parts a few weeks ago (in fact, Vic regularly posts his strategies.)

    Train 2000 recapped some tips for new comers to the forum

    Here's my strategy:
    I have the following 9 airports: LA, New York, London/Paris, Tehran, Tokyo, Lima Kinshasa, Jakarta. It developed into this strategy due to the Paris event, but it's proving to be quite effective so I have kept it.

    Bux jobs:
    I have about 2 sequoia Ms/cyclone-Ms in all airports except London/Paris, dubbed primary (color yellow) and secondary (color white). The primary planes collect bux jobs. If P/C slot is full, I'll use the secondary plane to collect that bux job. When the primary plane is about 5C 3P (or vice versa), I'll pad the remaining two slots with Paris jobs and send the plane to Paris. The secondary plane is promoted to become primary plane and colored yellow.

    All bux planes go to Paris and unload all their global event jobs as layovers. They then fly to London to offload the bux jobs. As a result, there are many bux jobs of a single city. I will then send a mix of mostly bux + some coin jobs (25% bonus) to whichever city that needs secondary planes. I also have a plane collecting bux jobs in London, and a plane collecting bux jobs in Paris. London bux plane layover in Paris and vice versa.

    Global event jobs:
    - I have two cyclone-Ms (color blue) dedicated to fill up global event jobs in neighboring cities (e.g. Tehran, Lima, NY etc) and fly to Paris.
    - I have 4 areo-Ms doing roundtrips between Paris-Barcelona and 2 areo-Ms doing roundtrips between London-Barcelona.

    For each job refresh cycle:
    1. Fill and send off areo-Ms to Barcelona (I send off half the areo-Ms at one job refresh cycle, and the other half at the next job refresh cycle).
    2. Check the 7 yellow planes for bux/mystery part jobs. If there is no empty slot of a job in the yellow plane, use the secondary plane to load it.
    3. If the plane is almost full, pad the remaining ones with global event job and send it off to Paris. Promote the secondary plane to primary plane status.
    4. If a bux plane arrives in Paris, unload the global event jobs, then fly to London to unload the rest of the plane (i.e. bux jobs).
    5. See which city is low on secondary plane count, fill the now empty plane with bux + coins job (to get 25% bonus) for that city and send it on its way.

    This routine takes about 2-3 minutes unless there is a lot of steps 3-5. Generally there's 1 minute left to check out secondary plane count, check the leaderboard, dispatch plane from Paris to new city etc. before the next cycle comes along.

    Jiayou :D
  15. Merlion

    Merlion Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2012
    #9575 Merlion, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
    Different strategy

    I seem to have a setup that's quite different from most people here. Let me explain.

    First of all, to me this is a game, a bit of diversion if you're waiting in a taxi queue or simple have nothing better to do (or if you're a total addict but let's not go there for now). This is my personal issue with hub-and-spoke strategies: you end up doing the same thing over and over again. Good for coins, good for bux, bad for boredom.

    So I've opened a lot of airports. First all Class 3s, then a lot of Class 2s, and finally, in order not to have to worry about Class 1 planes being unable to reach parts of the globe, a lot of Class 1 'transit' airports, such as Belem and Alice Springs. Even Hilo is permanently open so I can reach Honolulu with Mapples if I want.

    Oh and before I forget, I regularly leave event and achievement airports open, since fat bux jobs keep popping up for them. So I'm still servicing places like Port Moresby and Whitehorse, although I've closed a.o. Tikrit and Barrow. So I do close a Class 1 every now and then.

    In short, I have around 75 airports up and running. Most of the Class 3s are fully upgraded; none of the others are. Well, maybe one or two.

    Fleet-wise, this means I've been gravitating towards Class 1 planes. There and back, you could call it. Starting out like all of us with a couple of meagre Class 1s, going to Class 2s as soon as possible (Aeroeagles! Love'em! Still do.) all the way up to Sequoias and Cloudliners; and then finding out there are oodles of 9, 10, 11 bux jobs between places like Whitehorse and Wellington etc. So back to Class 1.

    That's when the Mapples came. Wonderfully versatile little plane, can go anywhere, relatively cheap to fly, and if you have the ludicrous number of airports that I do, still easy to fill up for the bonus. In fact, my 'world' has been set up in such a way that Mapples can go anywhere, with redundancy. So if Belem or Monrovia close, I can still reach the Americas by way of Dakar and Recife. And so on. Only exception is that if Hilo closes I need an Aeroeagle to reach Honolulu. Ah well.

    My fleet now consists of 5-10 Class 3 planes, mostly Sequoia Ms; 8-12 Aeroeagles (mostly Ms); and 10-20 Class 1s, mostly Mapples but I'm getting a bit into Sea Knights as well. I have 30 slots.

    I also have layovers scattered all over the place (except in Class 1 airports, which I keep 'clean'). The reason is bux jobs. If I encounter bux along the way I ditch a non-bux job. I can then use the layover as a 25% bonus 'filler' later, might the need arise. You don't want to be a passenger on my airline. If you don't pay with bux, chances are you'll find yourself living in a place like Kinshasa for a year or so.

    The end result is a game that I can pick up anytime I want, and solve little puzzles of optimising planes that are all over the globe with destinations all over the globe, and layovers all over the globe. Play it for a minute or two and get a few Mapples on their way; or play it for half an hour and get some 'grandes routes' going with a Class 3 and a series of regional Aeroeagle flights, plus an armada of Mapples. Feel like a small puzzle, tackle a Mapple. Feel like a bigger puzzle, map out a Sequoia. Generally for me there's a 'sweet spot' for filling a 4-6 seater, so my Sequoias get a lot of tarmac time.

    Where from here? Well, I've almost 55,000 bux sitting there doing nothing. After all the achievements were done, thought I'd go for 50k but once there, still saw no reason to convert. I have half a mind to convert them all, go to 40-odd slots and add a bunch of Blimps. They're like Mapples, same capacity, class and reach but a lot slower, which may be an advantage when you have 40-plus planes to manage. But I'm open for ideas.

    OK that's it. Sorry for the looong post but a story needs to be told, doesn't it?

  16. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Hey All,
    ^ I do have to say I am starting to feel like Merlion above...Right now I am currently managing 40 planes and 25 Airports and for the last few days I feel like I am just going through the motions...Doing the same thing everytime I log in.

    I am also wondering what exactly I am chasing Bux for...

    On November 20th, I hit 60,000 Bux at which point I traded in 25,000 Bux to build my plane slots up to 40. So on November 20th I was at 35,000 Bux...Now on the 30th I am 51,000 Bux...so i guess I am averaging 1,500 Bux a day...But for what?

    I really can not see me going to 50 planes in the air...Can you see your self scrolling through 50 planes evertime you log in????

    Now before I started chasing the BUX...I was flying 32 planes with around 35 - 40 airports just sending FULL 25% wherever I felt like sending them...I have to say I kinda miss that.......

    So people "What are you chasing the Bux for"? Maybe you can give me some good ideas to do with my next 60,000 bux!!!

    Cheers all and happy flying!!!
  17. dantt99

    dantt99 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Buy me a Cloudliner ;)
  18. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    For you AND ONLY you...Today is YOUR lucky day...
    M, P or C ???
    and please people..This is only for dantt99...:)

    dantt99...Once you answer, be patient...I have to get the parts from the market!!!

    Cheers and Merry early Christmas from ME!!!
  19. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    You're awesome rebartsch!
    And dantt99, flying a Cloudliner for the first time is awesome. Soooo many seats lol. Enjoy :)
  20. heavenlystriker

    Nov 23, 2012
    administrator assistant
    Orange county, ca
    I now have 3 aeros because of ALL OF YOU HERE!! Thank you. I am in ta1 work to get ranked.

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