Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    Hope everything is sorted quickly for you PT. A car is replaceable. Glad you came out f te accident ok :)

    I know it's not the right place but does anyone have a couple of spare seaknight controls please? I have 2 bodies I can trade.
  2. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    I'll send you 2 controls for the 2 bodies mate
  3. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    #9223 rebartsch, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
    So I am wondering if I am the only one experiencing these problems:

    Game crashes everytime I receive a gift.
    Game freezes/sticks everytime I receive the New Jobs/Plane Landing Notifications.
    Game freezes/sticks everytime I receive coins/bux when a plane goes by a waypoint.
    Scrolling through passengers takes a second or two or three of four to refresh.

    I believe this all started with the New Ads..but I could be wrong....

    Yesterday I added 2300 Bux now up to 55,744....

    Cheers all and Nimblebit if you are reading this...Please fix my game....I want to fly...I got to fly...Please let me FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    perfect_trumpet...Sorry to hear about all your problems..I wish you luck in your journey forward!!!!
  4. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    Thank you :) will get the bodies sent in a second :)
  5. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    Sent the bodies over. thanks a lot :D
  6. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    I have the game closing when recieving a gift, and the blank spaces on jobs when scrolling too fast, have had them since before the new ads though. Not noticed any of the other problems...

    Wouldn't mind the bux 'problem' if that's what it is though lol.
  7. Som yung gai

    Som yung gai Well-Known Member

    Glad you're ok PT.
  8. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    You know you're a Pocket Planes addict when... you read about Perfect Trumpet's car accident and your first thought was to see if you had extra car controls/body/engine to send him.
  9. Perfect trumpet

    Perfect trumpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012

    A PT Cruiser :p
  10. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #9230 CastlePage, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
    Morning all!

    I'm in the Livingstone global event ! Started at the bottom with 3 jobs at #37 and working my way up. I have created a new Livingstone sheet for the TA1 leaderboard (see link in my signature, click on Livingstone tab at top left of the sheet). I'm updating the sheet as I go along. Unfortunately, Nimblebit (or whoever doing the job count) is very slow at updating the server.

    The advertising company for the Timbuktu event did a good job. However, Nimblebit has engaged the previous advertising company for the Paris global event :( The job generation is skewed again.

    Edit: back in the bux chasing strategy. I wish I'm earning money in the real world as fast as I'm earning bux. If so, I'll earn bux for coin exchange to buy PT a new car :)
  11. fazstp

    fazstp Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    Melbourne, Aus.
    Got a Birchcraft-P now it's sitting idle because it can't land at most of my airports. Dang :(
  12. zekeamf

    zekeamf Active Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Ontario, Canada
    have created a new Livingstone sheet for the TA1 leaderboard (see link in my signature, click on Livingstone tab at top left of the sheet).

    Whenever I try to click that link everything crashes. Can't get in there at all.
  13. Bluebear88

    Bluebear88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    The link worked for me:S
  14. Slightlynorth

    Slightlynorth Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    The last few events, I have only had one lone SeaKnight running jobs from the nearest city to meet the minimum jobs requirements. I'm still here thought! Just been busy IRL and working on BUX in the game. I'm at about 24,000 bux now.
  15. Bluebear88

    Bluebear88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    #9235 Bluebear88, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
    Ok guys and gals, I've got a game for everyone! The reward is one blimp, one hot air balloon, one seaknight, and one regular plane(you pick the model).

    Anyone that guesses where the next global event(Thanksgiving) will be located will take home the prizes!

    Only one person can win, so if you think you know the city, you better be the first to post that answer.

    As bonuses:
    You can also guess what the first place prize will be.
    You can guess my favorite number(good luck though it is a weird favorite number)
    You can guess what track event I focused on college(random I know)
    You can guess how many planes I have in service.
    You can guess my college major/focus(I am currently studying for the MCAT to get into medical school)

    Bonuses are only rewarded if you get the original question correct, except for my favorite number. Each bonus answered correctly, will give you one more plane(you pick from the three I mentioned above and any regular plane including a Mapple).

    I will make guessing my favorite number worth three seaknights or three sequoias! Each time you guys run out of guesses and request a hint I reduce the prize by one plane, but after two clues the prize will remain at one of the aforementioned prizes. You can make multiple guesses towards my number. You get only one shot to guess the rest of the bonuses and the global event city! Make them count!

    Oh and in case no one guesses the correct city there will be a consolation prize(to be determined). I will try to pick the person that guesses the closest city to the actual event city.
    I hope I've explained my rules clearly enough =S
    Good luck to everyone!

    I will announce when someone guesses my favorite number, until then assume you are wrong(because you are wrong) ;)
    I will not comment on the rest of the answers until the next global event begins.
  16. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    #9236 rebartsch, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
    City - Boston
    First Place Prize - C-130 Hercules
    Favorite Number - 23
    College - Biology
    Planes in Service - 32
    Track Event - 1500 Meter race

    Edit to add Track Event/ new info for Medical school
  17. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    #9237 Faye Valentine, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
    City - Philadelphia
    First Place Prize - C-130 Hercules
    Favorite Number - 8192
    College - double major computer science/electrical engineering
    Planes in Service - 26
    Track & Field - Hurdling

    Edited to add:

    I haven't been able to give PP my full attention due to the holidays, family & work (and I'll be off 2 weeks on vacation next month), so, I don't expect to have the time until after the holidays. :( I'm hoping nothing too exciting happens in the game, don't really want to miss out on a never-before-released rare plane event (c130? Concorde?)

    Edited again to add Track & Field event guess. Sorry, wasn't completely sure what you meant and followed rebartch with a college major guess. :
  18. Bluebear88

    Bluebear88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Ooh I meant track and field event! We'll add a new bonus question, guess my major/focus/whatever you wanna call it.

    You two that already guessed on the major can take a stab at the track and field bonus. :)
  19. boomerkidd

    boomerkidd Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    City - Washington DC
    First Place Prize - Blimp part + 10 Bux
    Favorite Number - 87
    College - Biology
    Planes in Service - 24
    Track Event - 100m sprint

  20. green_paper

    green_paper Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    For those that update the Global Event spreadsheet, could I suggest that the last column be "time remaining" instead of "time of update"?

    The reason for this is that the "time remaining" is the same regardless of where you are located, whereas the "time of update" can be confusing depending on which time zone you are in. :)

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