Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Jobs come and go, cars run and crash, but PP's gonna live forever mate!
  2. DannyTheElite

    DannyTheElite Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
    Forum poster
    Area 51
    Doubt it
    I'm a pp fan but the new ads have ruined it.
  3. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    They are annoying aren't they?
    They are causing it to crash I think - it occasionally crashes to homescreen when I press 'fly', and the ads appear when I press fly, so I assume the ads are causing it to crash.
  4. Bluebear88

    Bluebear88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    #9204 Bluebear88, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
    I've decided to model my airline strategy after your setup aiming for bux. I'm using the same concepts but my central hub is Paris/London. One city receives eastbound jobs and visa versa. I haven't quite organized my planes yet, I'm only occasionally able to play so it is a half-hearted effort so far but I think your setup will suit me well!

    I'm right at 10k bux, I don't expect to make more than a couple hundred bux a day though due to my infrequent play. I'll probably play a ton during the thanksgiving day event if it is a full plane as I suspect.

    Few hours left in Timbuktu, who's ready for a Watermelon Crawl in Kalgoorlie?!
  5. Train2000

    Train2000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Since this next event will take us right up to the day before Thanksgiving (US), I'm guessing we get a Bux only one. But the big question I have is, will they do the Kringle Kruiser over the Thanksgiving holiday so we can use them all month leading up to Christmas, or will they wait until Christmas to roll out the Kringle? And, if they wait until Christmas for the double K, then might we be getting a Concorde of Hercules for Thanksgiving? (Fingers crossed)
  6. Bluebear88

    Bluebear88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    #9206 Bluebear88, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
    I don't expect the KK until Christmas Day, but I could see a C-130 delivering frozen turkeys to Afghanistan soldiers xD

    Edit: As CastlePage would tell you dant, jiayou!
  7. dantt99

    dantt99 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    I sure hope we can get a full Concorde or Hercules (with mystery parts of course!)

    As for the current event, I'm in third, and 4th is 100 behind me, and 5th about 500 behind that. Hopefully I can secure my first top 5!
  8. thisisina

    thisisina Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    #9208 thisisina, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
    Oh no! Glad to hear no one was hurt though.

    All done with Timbuktu. Finished at #16, is it true that Perfect Trumpet beat me by 1 job? :p

    40 bux for a gold rush at Livingstone. Still in Africa, it will be easy to transfer my Roos and Sea Knights.
  9. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Whew! Finished 7th with at least 2440 jobs.

    When I went to bed last night I was in 4th, woke up this morning in 8th o_O

    I was out for a good portion of the day, but I played when I could. Tried really hard to beat out the person in 6th tonight at 2526 but ran out of time.

    Not entirely sure I want to play Livingston. I run a northern route and have no infrastructure that far south... hmmmm
  10. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Oh no!! Well I'm just glad to hear no one, including yourself, was hurt. May the flying of planes sooth your pride.
  11. Perfect trumpet

    Perfect trumpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    Thanks everyone, got to deal with insurances etc later. Oh yeah and my excess which I can't afford :( since lost my job.
    Ina sorry about the extra job :p I had 2 mapples 2 Mohawks 2 blimps and a seaknight running
  12. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    #9212 HLW, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
    They're normally OK to deal with, they want you to insure your next car with them too so will want to be seen to give good customer service.

    Re: the excess, if it works where you live like it does in the UK, you don't have to hand any money over, they just deduct it from the value of the car so you get less money back. That's what happened when I wrote my car (and the other car...) off.
    If it doesn't work like that then :(

    What's a Mapple plane, it's not shown in the Airpedia?
  13. Jmacjmac

    Jmacjmac Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2012
    Does anyone know if you can do events and get prizes if you have no internet access? I'll be traveling and will miss the end of this event and the whole next one. The 40 bux from this one doesn't bother me, but if the next event is a rare plane I might be out of luck.
  14. Chewbacca

    Chewbacca Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    For those who didn't notice.....Livingstone is a small, straight shoot to Class 1 Mahajanga. I plan on buying both and getting my achievement for Mahajanga while I'm at it this event. :D
  15. KitFisto22

    KitFisto22 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
    Daily News

    Daily News​

    Hello and I'm KitFisto22 reporting the Pocket Planes daily news. I apologize for not getting it in sooner but I will make it up to you guys somehow. Lets look at the weather and events...

    Yeeehaw! There's gold in 'dat there city! Russle up your planes as Livingstone is currently hosting a Gold Rush as the global event! Abra! Kadabra! Alakazam! There's a Magic Competitions going on in Trondheim. don't forget your top hats and rabbits. $20! $25! $30! $35! SOLD! Chengdu hosts a Rare Actions for the next 11 hours. Rawwwwr! The Dino Theme Park in San Jose once again attracts people from all around with its life-like dinosaurs. Bawk bawk bawk! winnipeg is being over-run by the national Chick-Con! Detroit has an Air Show going on. Go ad show off your planes in a frenzy of flight! And finally, Hammerfest has a Museum Opening. Remember, don't touch things that say don't touch.

    As for weather:
    • Bangalore, Panama City and Dhaka currently closed due to Tropical Storms.
    • Minnieapolis is closed due to a frightening Thunderstorm.
    • Oulo is having a Snow Storm but it is not severe enough to close the airport.
    • Fairbanks is having Fog problems but still remains open.
    • The beautiful Paris skyline is now hidden under the cover of Fog.
    • And the people in Katherine are stranded due to a Computer Failure.
    Featured airline Manager Is...

    Perfect Trumpet​

    Sadly, Perfect is struggling in real life as he has gotten into a car wreck, thankfully no one was hurt, and paid off his job. We here in the Pocket Planes/TouchArcade support you 100% and hope that your new car is twice as better, and your job pays twice as much.
  16. KR4UT

    KR4UT Member

    Nov 7, 2012
    You know you are a Pocket Planes addict if you're reading this right now.
  17. Bluebear88

    Bluebear88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    #9217 Bluebear88, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
    A Mapple is also known as an X-10, it was introduced alongside the Kringle Kruiser to celebrate the release of the Mac version of PP. That being said, the Mapple is only available in the marketplace in the Mac version of PP, but you can find people on the trade forum who have a Mac and will trade a Mapple to you.
    As for the plane's stats, it is basically a Mohawk with a capacity of four jobs, 2c and 2p.
    I believe you have to connect to the Internet for your jobs to be counted on the PP servers:(
    If the next event is a rare plane you do not have, just let me know. I normally get way too many and would be more than happy to send you a few.
  18. Perfect trumpet

    Perfect trumpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    The X10 Mapple Pro - it's in the airpedia

    As for the excess the ins co haven't asked for any payments or anything yet so you might be right and I'm in the UK too Scotland.
  19. Perfect trumpet

    Perfect trumpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    Thank you Kitfisto22 I'm going to admit that brought a tear to my eye as well as made me smile.

    I finished 15th as Ina said which is my highest position yet!
    All of you are great and this is an amazing community. Thank you so much for your comments and good wishes, I am lucky to be alive. Both cars spun onto the hard shoulder both cars are a mess and write offs..
    By the damage you would probably ask how I walked away. It was my fault I went to overtake and clipped Their rear bumper which spun them and me.

    Thanks again to all of you

    Much love

  20. coastcat

    coastcat Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2012
    Don't worry, we'll hook you up with rare plane parts if you're offline during a plane event.

    Not sure I can put a lot of effort into Livingston since I have a ton of writing to do in the holiday-shortened week. But hey, I finished #3 in Timbuktu so I've had my moment of glory for the week. :p

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