Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #9181 vicsark, Nov 17, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2012
    Hey mate, great read ;)
    It sure is one thing reading about the power of Bux versus coins, but you can't really apprehend it before you actually do a massive exchange I guess.

    You realize how meaningless coins are in the end game.
    What surprises me is how it was difficult to get Bux before lvl 20/25 and how easy it is if you focus on them after that.
    Sequoias are key, because you can actually make both a lot of coins and Bux with them. So you don't have the coin pressure any more and can focus on Bux.
    Nimblebit surely didn't expect one could gather 2k Bux a day!

    Swapping sequoias for cyclones is the logical follow up, because you don't care about making a few more thousand coins any more, and speed is important for the events if you play a lot.
    I even hesitate now to upgrade speed on my planes!

    Btw, final stats for the Paris Sea knight event:
    I made 8k Bux and collected 109 (!) mystery parts while doing 10800 jobs.
    I officially have now more sea knights than plane slots, unbelievable when you remember how scarce they were lol.
  2. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #9182 vicsark, Nov 17, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2012
    (I sent this to [email protected])
    Thanks for your generosity handing out mystery parts, but an upgrade for better management of the hangar and spare parts is needed now ;)

    Many of players above level 30/40 have dozens of planes in the hangar and hundreds of spare parts after the last few mystery parts events (I collected 250 parts myself in the last 3!)

    It's become a chore to scroll down a list of individual parts for gifts.
    An idea would be to have one line for each type of parts with the number of available parts and the ability to gift one of them (ie Sea knight body, 12 in stock, gift one).
    And the ability to gift multiple parts would be great too.
    I'm pretty sure you'll come up with sthg better than that, but it would be really helpful for the social aspect of the game (that is working great btw, global events and gifting enhances the longevity of play, nicely done!)

    For the hangar, maybe implement sorting possibility (class, type of planes...).

    Anyway, thks for this great game!

  3. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #9183 CastlePage, Nov 17, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2012
    1. A button or something to get to the top and bottom of the jobs list fast.
    2. Ability to see more than 10 lines on the leaderboard.

    1. How about a way to distinguish between planes seen and not seen ? my prob now is my primary planes are color coded yellow and I lost track of which plane I've seen and which I've not.
    2. An easier way of changing the colors of planes than scrolling. Like a customizable palette of say 10 slots.

    LOL. That's no mean feat considering that you have 41 plane slots. (I only rmb the number of plane slots that you had). I don't think I have enough coins to open 41 plane slots though.

    "I even hesitate now to upgrade speed on my planes!" What do you mean? Are you upgrading the speed of your cyclones and sequoias?
    I upgraded the speed and weight of my class 1 planes because they're cheap. Sequoias is another story .... It hurt to upgrade the range, but it is feels so good to fly from Kinshasa to New York direct :D

    Edit: Vic, where are you on the leaderboard? I noticed that you're not in Top 10, nor anywhere in the TA1 leaderboard spreadsheet for Timbuktu :(

    Talk about seaknight parts -- can i request to trade 6 controls for 6 bodies and 6 controls for engines anyone? (or this is not the place to ask about parts trading?)
  4. no_kitano

    no_kitano Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    I was aiming at 60k bux before going to the bank, but after reading this I decided to change a few bux (44.5k) for coins. Airline value is now well over 1 billion :D
  5. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #9185 vicsark, Nov 17, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2012
    strange, maybe in the options menu there's sthg to activate, or you declined when you had a popup asking to access your photos?
    Try to reinstall the app or contact [email protected]

    Did you take screenshots? ;)
    I spent the coins for plane slots too quickly after the exchange for my airline value to take the money into account :(
    way to go after your game crashed mate!

    request 1 and 2 agreed! Although I guess it would be too much of a strain for their servers to look at all your GC mates.
    I'm taking a PP break, I did the minimum jobs and closed Timbuktu.
    I don't want to get each time in the top 10, go guys!
    And TA1 is 2nd with a large margin ;)

    I'm also heavily weighted on SK controls (31 bodies, 46 controls, 32 engines).
    Will I ever try a 41 Sea Knights fleet? :D
  6. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    You know you're a Pocket Planes addict when you play Pandemic and have to curb the desire to ship disease cubes from one city to another.

    (Just experienced that one) :)
  7. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    You know you're a pocket planes addict when you are watching The Amazing Race and you get excited when they visit a PP city.
  8. KitFisto22

    KitFisto22 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
    You know youre a PP addict when you see a plane fly overhead and think "I wonder who sent that?", or "Is that a Cyclone, or a Cloudliner?"
  9. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    I am still holding out for 60,000 Bux before I do anything....Right now I am at 53,379 Bux...:)
  10. Bluebear88

    Bluebear88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    I sent some parts, no need to send anything back, I need to do some... Fall cleaning.
  11. dantt99

    dantt99 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    To collect all these bux, do you just let a plane (let's say Sequoia) sit and collect bux jobs to ALL airports, or a specific one?
  12. Bluebear88

    Bluebear88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    All, since he uses a hub, he reorganizes the jobs there. That way you never let any bux jobs just disappear.
  13. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    jiayou to 60k Bux. When you're going to do the exchange, do tell us how long it takes to press the bux ">" arrow to reach 60,000 bux :p

    Congratulations! What did you do with the billion coins?

    Collect all bux jobs regardless of airport. Say I'm at NewYork, and there's a 2bux job to LA. My central hub is at Lagos. I wait until my plane is mostly full of bux jobs (too long to wait for totally full), then fly to unload at Lagos (yes, that 2bux LA job is going in opposite direction). This flight is losing coins so to speak.

    Since all bux planes unload at Lagos, there's a big chance that there are several bux jobs to LA. So I now load all the LA bux jobs (+ coin jobs) to make it to 25% and fly to LA. The flight may still be negative coins since it is heavily bux jobs, but think of the number of bux you'll getting. At 25k bux exchange rate, 1 bux = 12,500 coins. I don't know at 60,000 bux exchange rate, how many coins is 1 bux worth.
  14. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    You can get to the top of jobs list fast if you tap the blue bar at the top (theone that states the city name/layover count/job refresh timer). What I would like is a fast way to get to the bottom, especially for events! :)
  15. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
  16. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
  17. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    :confused::(:mad: !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Faye, I'm worse than your daughter ! i just realized I sent an entire plane of LA jobs to Tokyo :mad::(:mad:

    And the irony is -- I especially used a cyclone in order to reduce flying time :(
  18. thisisina

    thisisina Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Yikes! I was mad at myself when I sent Manila jobs to Tokyo, but at least that was in the same direction! Those are the times when you wish there was an undo button. :D
  19. Perfect trumpet

    Perfect trumpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    I wrote my car off today in a crash :(

    noone hurt except my pride

    got paid off my job 2 days ago too....

    i give up :(
  20. Relharn

    Relharn Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    #9200 Relharn, Nov 17, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2012
    Sorry to hear that PT. I'm glad you're OK. Hang in there dude.

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