Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. baconfats

    baconfats Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    Collect Bux! Buy M-class planes. I made the jump to Aeroeagles and then Seqouias (they fly cheap and far). Always fill your planes and get the 25% bonus - especially at lower levels.

    Are you in Europe, North America, or South America? If so, I think the quickest way to expand and make bux is to concentrate on Asia at the lower levels. Soooo many red airports to expand out to. You won't need a blue airport for a long time.

    You level up for completed jobs, so the quickest way to do it is to fill your planes and fly often!

    Once you get to around 20 planes, you can work out a system that works best for you (how often you play). There are numerous systems in this thread, some for people who check every couple of hours or for people who play a few times a day, but play for a couple of hours each time...).

    My system is that I have every red airport open and I just concentrate on bux jobs. I do fill half of each planes with regular jobs to keep a trickle of money coming in...

    You level up by completing jobs, so just keep at it. The bigger the planes, the quicker you level...
  2. Squallid

    Squallid Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2012
    Read the last few pages, it was a Bug for everyone playing on Android for the duration of the last event.
    I don't think we can recreat this, it was either a serverside bug or intended ;)
  3. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    Only just managed I start this event :eek:

    Current bottom 6

    51. 33 - maxfox44
    52. 32 - ???
    53. 17 - xxsimtomxx
    54. 16 - standardization
    55. 10 - me
    56. 6 - ???

    Would have uploaded a photo but can't work out how to using the app :/
  4. matma92ser

    matma92ser Active Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    You know you're a PP addict when...

    You know you're a PP addict when you look forward to taking the car in for a smog check so that you can sit in the waiting room flying planes.

    GC: matma92ser
  5. Standardization

    Standardization Active Member

    Aug 30, 2012
    United States
    The first time I check on the forum this week and I see my name in the bottom 6...
    I haven't had a lot of free time to devote to PP. :(
  6. KitFisto22

    KitFisto22 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
    How long do they give us to "relax" between finishing up one global event and starting up another? I'm thinking... 5 minutes to an hour.
  7. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    I'm sorry :( thought it was unusual to see you at that end of the leaderboard :p
  8. Jmacjmac

    Jmacjmac Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2012
    You know you're a Pocket Planes addict when..
    You pass a Wells Fargo bank lit up at night with those yellow block letters and think "cool, mystery part".
  9. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Thank you Taonas & Nokitano for the spare parts. :D

    I only had one Sea Knight before the Paris event. I was able to build a few more after Paris and have several of them making the run to Timbuktu. At first, I wasn't sure I liked their pattering ... but I have changed my mind, all have unique colors, I think they are very cute little planes. :)
    Timbuktu layovers are delivered by M planes with the exception of one Sequoia C to help balance out the +1C imbalance on the Sea Knights.

    I'm replying from the TA app in my iPhone.
    Where is the button or link to add an attachment? I only see a "submit reply" button under the text box.

    I wish there was a preview button so I can correct all my typos.

    Is it possible to do the multi quote on the TA app?
  10. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #9170 vicsark, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2012
    Hey Faye,
    For posting a screenshot from the Toucharcade app:
    - tap reply to thread
    - there's an [Add an attachment] grey line below the text box.
    - tap it, choose the pic, upload, wait it takes a few seconds. when the screen changes, tap "all done, return to post"
    - then write your text (it doesn't work well if you type your text first for me or whatever reason)
    - submit reply

    multiquote is not possible, but you can edit your post and copy/paste different replies.


    I attached a screenshot

    Attached Files:

  11. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    I know this was aimed at Faye, but was hoping your reply might also have been able to help me... I see you are using the forum app on the iPad, maybe that makes a difference, but on my iPhone I do not see the lil underlined text that is on yours.

    The only way I can see, as a phone only user, would be to use safari to access the forums and copy the image from an external source like photobucket.
  12. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012

    Per Dani at Nimblebit!!!

    Dani replied:

    Hi rebartsch,
    Sorry to have alarmed you. That was us, we are trying out a new ad service.

    Cheers all!!!!!
  13. tapringeta

    tapringeta Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Hey all. I joined TAO1 during the Paris event but haven't had time to give my GC. It is tapringeta. I can't wait to see names soon instead of numbers.
  14. Well, I decided to upgrade my iDevice up to iOS 6.0.1 today, but as my device was jailbroken, it failed halway through, so I had to restore my progress, which means I have to restart Pocket Planes

    Whoop De Doo
  15. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Sure man, it's for everybody!
    Have you installed tha latest version of TA app (1.1.1), I'm not sure you could add attachments before.
    And you must be logged in of course.

    I can post screenshots from the TA app on my iPhone as well
  16. Spike3187

    Spike3187 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    I do have 1.1.1 running on iOS 5.1.1 on a 4s. (not sure if the iOS will be making a difference :/ )

    The last reply I posted was done using the app, so I an post ok from it, just no attachment link.

    Thanks for trying to help with this btw, have seen loads if people saying that if you download the app you can upload attachments, so it's nice to actually see where the button should be.
  17. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    I'm using TA app 1.1.1 on iPhone 4 running 5.1.1.
    I still don't see the attachment link.
    Maybe it needs IOS 6?
  18. dantt99

    dantt99 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Ive got ios 6 and its not here either
  19. thisisina

    thisisina Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    I know what you mean! (Except for the red lights, be careful with that one!) I enjoyed PP before, but being a part of TA1 has made it become an addiction! (In a good way. :D)

    Haha! I like that one.
  20. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Dear all,

    First, I'd like to say that exchanging 25kbux for coins is a really liberating experience. Now I fully understand Vic and those who did the coin exchange's advice about saving bux for coins. Literally gone are the days of scrimping coins to open just one more plane slot. I have now 37 plane slots. Very excessive, I know. But it really such a luxurious feeling to open a new plane slot when you feel like it :)

    How is managing 37 planes ? Quite easy actually. I have 6 class 1 planes for Timbuktu (4 seaknights, 1 mapple and 1 Mohawk-C). The seaknights are fantastic. And I had to fly my mapple of course.

    The rest are sequoia planes with a couple of cyclones thrown in for fun. I have 9 class 3 airports, and I queue at least 2 planes at each airport. The primary planes (colored yellow) collect bux jobs. If the bux type is full (e.g. no more space for P bux jobs) i use the secondary plane to pick up the bux job. When the primary plane is quite full (e.g. 5C 3P), I pad it with Timbuktu jobs and fly to the central hub (currently Lagos). Then I promote the secondary plane in that city to primary plane (must rmb to color the plane yellow).

    At the central hub Lagos, bux planes (i.e. ex-primary planes) unload completely. I maintain a spreadsheet of how many secondary planes at each airport. I check to see which airport needs secondary plane and send off the plane with bux+coin jobs (25% bonus) to become secondary plane for that city. Given that all bux planes unload at Lagos, there's a lot of bux jobs for a given city so I'm able to pack a plane with at least 30% to 80% bux jobs quite easily.

    At each job refresh, I just check those 8 yellow planes at the airport for bux jobs, not all 37 planes. Of course there are ad hoc work like send off class 1 planes if they land, send of yellow planes if full and promote secondary planes (and update spreadsheet), plus some housekeeping. But quite easily able to do routine work within the 4 minutes.

    How fast to earn bux using this strategy? I earned about 4300 bux these 2 days. :D:):D That does not include the bux spent on buying and range upgrading a few sequoias which easily cost a few hundred bux.

    Now I'm considering whether to convert some sequoias to cyclones to shorten flying time. I know cyclones are much more expensive to fly, and I probably will lose coins in the long run (but i'm hoping to earn bux faster?). And it will cost me 7k - 8k bux to convert all my sequoias to cyclones. What do you all think?

    BTW, please update your rank and job count in the spreadsheet (see the link in my signature), under the Timbuktu tab. We're trying to maintain a leaderboard of TA1 members :) I still have some ??? in the leaderboard (#5 and #8). I think I've sent invites to those new names in the TA1 members spreadsheet. Please add CastlePage at the GC if I haven't invited you.

    Jiayou all

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