Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. KitFisto22

    KitFisto22 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
    Just got one too and on Tiny Tower. I wouldn't worry too much though...
  2. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #9042 CastlePage, Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
    Oh yes. I left some slots for the class 1 and 2 planes just in case the next global event demands it. Oh, I didn't do any screen capture :eek:

    Grats on your super bux growth from your max bux strategy :) It was your achievement that led me to decide to forget about trying to earning more coins to buy the next plane slot and do an exchange instead. So now I'm growing bux from 3 digit again. :p:)

    Nice to know that TA1 is growing !

    My proportion of seaknight parts is all messed up. I have 17 more controls than bodies :( and 14 more controls than engines.

    OK, I added another sheet to google spreadsheet of our TA1 members info. "Paris" sheet has the names of TA1 members (Click on the "Paris" tab beside the Sheet 1 tab near the top left of the page). Do fill in your job count and rank on the sheet. It doesn't automatically sort the list. But we can go into spreadsheet view and sort it regularly. Then we have our own TA1 leaderboard :)
  3. yamfun

    yamfun Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    Ok I just got my first Sea Knight.
    What's so good about it?
  4. Hardocre

    Hardocre Active Member

    Oct 28, 2012
    They are very good for global events in class 1 cities, because they have the biggest capacity, and they're cool :)
  5. Perfect trumpet

    Perfect trumpet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012

    iv added ones i can see on my bit inc my own
  6. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Vicsark or some kind soul,
    I have grown tired of running 35 airports (and yes I have a sore finger to prove it)...Vicsark would you be kind enough to point me to your post of how you are setup with 10 airports. I am getting ready to clean up my well over 350 Bux layovers and scale my open cities back to the 10 to 15 range....
    Vicsark...Thank you very much in advance for all your help, time and effort!!!
    Cheers and have a great day!!
    Kind Regards,
  7. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Sure mate.
    I would advise at your level:
    - only class 3 fully upgraded airports, open class 1 or 2 for events only and then close them after.
    - clusters (2 or 3 close airports) at the end routes for easy bux transfer
    - at least one backup route in the center of the map in case of closure
    - farthest airports possible for high Bux jobs

    - Eastern Asia is the easy part, I'd say 2/3 airports there, avoiding Tokyo that needs one stop at a closest airport first. (I got Seoul and Shangai)
    - SA is better than NA because of the closer class 3 airports, but you may have both. (I got LA/NY and Rio/Sao Paulo)
    -Center of the map is the main issue.
    If you got one route SA to EA, you may have Africa (Kinshasa and/or Lagos) and India (Mumbai and/or Dehli).(none for me)
    You could also get Istanbul/Cairo that allow one stop only from NY or SA to EA with fully upgraded cyclones.
    If you got NA route, and Sequoias or less, you'll also need Paris/London.
    (I got Istanbul, Paris/London)

    VoilĂ  ;)
  8. boomerkidd

    boomerkidd Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    Wow how do you keep 35 airports running smoothly :O i'm already trying my best to keep 7 airports open with 24 planes.

    I have Rio, Sao Paulo, London, Paris, Istanbul, Seoul and Shanghai open at the moment. Running a fleet of 24 Sequoia-M planes. I have a plane at each airport waiting for bux jobs to appear with each refresh, and when one plane is full with either P or C, I'll swap the pair, for example my airport pairs are Rio/SP, London/Paris and Seoul/SH. And they are close enough so that I wouldn't miss any job refresh as they swap. Vic talked about this strategy a few pages back! Then the rest of my Sequoias basically hang around the airports and pick up the bux layovers with 25% bonus and fly to the destinations. I usually don't wait until a plane is full of bux to fly. I usually let it fly with around half of the P/C as bux jobs. For bux jobs from istanbul, once the plane is either P or C full, i'll send it to Paris to layover.

    For the current Paris event, I'm sending 3 Sequoias from London to Paris, and 4 Sequoias from Istanbul to Paris. And the other Sequoias picking up the 25% bonus will do Paris jobs too especially for mystery parts picked up at the other airports.

    So far this set up has been raking in the bux. Can't remember exactly how many bux i had before this event (probably around 12k I think), but I'm now at 15k bux and counting :D
  9. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Thank you very much for all your help...Very Much Appreciated!!! :D

    As soon as I get all my Bux layovers cleaned up, I am going to start shutting down cities. Then as soon as I get to 50,000 Bux (I am at 48,600 right now and yes I actually lost Bux on this event), I am going to trade in 30,000 Bux to add more Airplane Slots...And then start the Bux collection all over again!!!! :eek:

    Thank you once again for all the help and insight you share on this forum...It is and always will be Very Much Appreciated!!!
    Cheers Vic and Happy Flying!!!! :D
    Very Kind Regards,
  10. Romeo Longsword

    Romeo Longsword Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
    Hong Kong, London, Osaka
    Wow great advice.

    How do you shut down airport? Do you get some money back when you do? Cos I have upgraded a few airports
  11. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #9051 CastlePage, Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012

    4 hours and 41 mins left before the end of the Paris Veterans Remembrance global event. How are you doing?

    On the global leaderboard:
    #1 947 725 TA0
    #2 137 426 TA1
    #3 125 372
    #4 95 748

    In the last global event in Rio, Nimblewiki overtook TA1 for a period of time. TA1 members rallied together and slogged to regain the #2 position. For this event, TA1 showed a consistently strong hold on #2 position right from the beginning.

    Here's a snapshot of the Top10 :
    #1 9956 NoKitano
    #2 9420 Spudwreck
    #3 9204 Vic Sark
    #4 9002 Rebartsch
    #5 5767 Castlepage
    #6 5065 SlightlyNorth
    #7 4424 Boomerkidd
    #8 4387 Dantt99
    #9 4004 Jmac 362436
    #10 3949 ???

    Towards the end of last night, Dantt99 and Castlepage were playing leapfrog, taking turns to nip each other in the tail. Earlier in the day, Thisisina was trying to catch Boomerkidd but Boomer boomed into the Top10 list.

    As you can see, there's a large gap between the top 4 contestants and #5. The gap has widened steadily since yesterday.

    Rebartsch claimed #1 position a few times yesterday. Nokitano refused to be outdone and fought for the top position. Spudwreck, who was at #5 last night steadily rose to challenge Nokitano for the top spot but Nokitano showed who is king and reclaimed the position. Nokitano is set to break 10,000 jobs for the Paris event.

    Several players expressed deep dis-satisfaction with the new advertising company that Nimblebit hired for the Paris global event. "Often there are not enough jobs to fill a sequoia". Indeed, the jobs generated were often skewed towards cargo or passenger.

    Other events:
    There is a music festival at Perm and a science fair in Montreal. St. Louis is holding lumber games for those outdoor enthusiasts. In Salah (that's a city :confused:) is closed due to fog, and Guatemala is closed due to tropical storm.

    The TA1 member spreadsheet (see my signature for the link) now has a separate Paris sheet to capture the Paris rank/job in an effort to construct the TA1 leaderboard. TA1 members are encouraged to update their job count on the sheet.

    End of newsflash.​

    Edit: Congratulations to Nokitano for hitting 10,000 jobs. Vic Sark is next :)
    I've sorted the leaderboard. It IS nice to see the numbers and ranks
  12. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #9052 CastlePage, Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
    Here's my strategy. Personally I think it's a little easier than the twin hub strategy :)

    I have the following 9 airports: LA, New York, London/Paris, Tehran, Tokyo, Lima Kinshasa, Jakarta. It developed into this strategy due to the Paris event, but it's proving to be quite effective so I may keep it. :D

    Bux jobs:
    I have about 2 sequoia Ms in all airports except London/Paris, dubbed primary (color yellow) and secondary (color white). The primary planes collect bux jobs. If P/C slot is full, I'll use the secondary plane to collect that bux job. When the primary plane is about 5C 3P (or vice versa), I'll pad the remaining two slots with Paris jobs and send the plane to Paris. The secondary plane is promoted to become primary plane and colored yellow.

    All bux planes go to Paris and unload all their bux jobs as layovers. As a result, there are many bux jobs of a single city. I will then send a mix of mostly bux + some coin jobs (25% bonus) to whichever city that needs secondary planes. If there are not enough jobs to gain 25% bonus, it hops over to London (bringing along any bux jobs generated in Paris) to fill up to 25% bonus.

    Global event jobs:
    - I have two sequoia Ms (color blue) dedicated to fill up Paris jobs in London and fly to Paris (hence my annoyance with the lousy London airport manager). If there's a bux job in London, the blue plane picks it and layover it in Paris.
    - I also have a Cloudliner that runs Tehran-Paris, and a Cyclone-M that runs LA-Paris. These are extra.

    For each job refresh cycle, I check the 7 yellow planes for bux/mystery part jobs, and then the blue planes for the Paris jobs. (OK, the cloudliner take precedence simply because of the sheer number of P jobs needed.) That takes about 2-3 minutes, including sending off full primary planes and promoting secondary planes to primary. Generally there's 1 minute left to check out secondary plane count, check the leaderboard, dispatch plane from Paris to new city etc. before the next cycle comes along.

    In total, I had 23 planes:
    14 bux planes + 5 planes flying in the air (it takes a long time to get from paris to Tokyo).
    4 global event planes
    It was rather tight and sometimes I couldn't get a secondary plane to a city in time. After the bux-to-coin exchange, I've since expanded to 28 plane slots to include a mapple running between London and Paris for the bux job, and another cyclone flying LA-Tokyo just for the fun of it :p And I've gained about 900 bux since the coin exchange. :D:):D
  13. baconfats

    baconfats Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    I would like to thank the Paris event for my 4 new Sea Knights. Soon, I will rule the game with my fleet of super slow "special" planes! Blimps, choppers, and old by-wings...
  14. baconfats

    baconfats Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    oh, and I've simplified my system.

    I own every red airport. Each airport has a plane assigned to it (mostly Seq-M's, some cyclones and cloudliners). Kinsasha is the hub. They all feed bux jobs into Kinsasha and then return home with all of their accumulated bux jobs. Since planes in North America don't reach, they pool their resources in Lima and I use a Cloudliner for Lima to Kinsasha service.

    I miss bux since I can't collect them while the plane is in transit, but its the simplest method I've come up with yet. it also makes it easy to play the events, since i just stack up jobs at the nearest red airport to the event city. In this case the event is a red city! :)

    Everytime i get enough money, i upgrade airports, starting with the ones closest to Kinsasha and working my way further out.
  15. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Very funny whoever you are who put "In Your Dreams ;)" as my location on the TA1 spreadsheet. :D

    I took a day off from PP and discovered I have dropped from #5 down to #13. Real life is getting busy, especially with the holidays coming up. My Little One played PP a bit yesterday, I just discovered she partially loaded a Sequoia with Madrid jobs. :eek: LOL. She's old enough to know how to load jobs and send planes somewhere, but she doesn't quite get the airport/airplane class types or geography (so I find jobs going in the opposite direction). Wont have time to play much before Paris event ends, will try to find all my Mystery Part layovers and get them delivered. I don't really need to hunt down more mystery parts, I already have 12 Sea Knights.

    I quickly skimmed over the posts on the last few pages here. On my iPhone so feeling lazy about quote replies....

    Dunno how you peeps with 30+ airports manage. That's way too many for me. I think my max is around 15 airports.

    Someone posted a screenshot of their Stats chart (revenue, miles, flights). Thought it was amusing how mine also zig zags like that, it shows how erratic my playing style is.

    Vic is always a great source of information. He posted a strategy for Bux/MP collection some pages back. My setup is somewhat similar to that (at the moment, it'll prolly change again soon LOL)

    Right now I have 9 airports: Chicago/NY, London/Paris, Madrid, Istanbul/Cairo, Seoul/Shanghai.

    Using 26 planes (have empty airplane slots, but 26 is all I'm using right now, all I can manage without going crazy LOL):
    10 Cyclones (Paris only jobs)
    8 Sequoias (Bux sitters)
    4 AeroEagles (Madrid/Paris)
    4 Floaters (3 Cyclones & 1 Sequoia, Bux delivery)

    Sitting at Level 52 with 12.4k coins and 18.6k Bux.
    Sorry cant really say how many Bux I've collected during Paris cuz I've spent some on planes & upgrading.
    Avg daily revenue is 920k. There was a time when my daily revenue was 1.5k+. I no longer play to maximize coin income.
  16. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Test for when I give you my NEW plan:


    Hope this works!! :eek:
  17. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    WTF TA1 is 3rd 1000 jobs behind! Come on guyz!
  18. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Really?! Just looked, 2000 jobs behind ... Guess someone over there woke up.
    I'll fling a few planes toward Paris ...

    How do you guys post screenshots from your phone?
    I still can't get it to work.
  19. rebartsch

    rebartsch Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    I did it this way:

    Hit the "SHARE" button.
    Emailed it to myself.
    Saved it to the Hardrive.
    Opened it in "PAINT"
    Saved it as a "jpeg"
    Uploaded it to "Imageshack"
    Copied the "Direct Link"
    Posted the picture using the "Insert Image" tool.

  20. Faye Valentine

    Faye Valentine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    I was hoping there was a way to do it directly from phone (when I'm away from computer).

    When I have access to the computer, I sync & save to hard drive and then attach photo from there (no need to upload to 3rd party photo site).

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