No worries, English is not my native language either, that beeing said your guess is incorrect You are closer than anyone else so far, but not quite there. You are right about what kind of fleet I got tho, it's indeed an M I'll give you first pick at a price from the list I posted previously, PM me your wish Nope, but good guess Should be a little easier now that you know it's an M fleet , good luck!
Way to go TA1, I'm impressed with our 10,000 job lead over the third place team even though they have 8x the crew members we do. (400+ vs. 50+). *high fives all around* Only a few more hours on this event, I wonder what the next one will be. Any predictions?
I know what you mean about having to spend time with the family, usually a good thing though, and no don't anger the wife. Out of curiosity though, what are the ages and where from does this group of people come from. I had assumed most where fairly young people, but not so sure now. Anyway me first, I am from Ontario, Canada, and I am maybe the oldest at 53, still plays games and still plays with motorcycles.
Dammit Faye taking advantage of my beauty sleep lol! And North going for the first place at the last moments Anyway, 87k jobs for TA1, impressive! Way to go dudes
Nice from Nimblebit Veteran's remembrance in Paris (11/11/1918 end of WW1) And a Full Sea Knight guys!
Woot! I managed to leap frog one more time for a #2 spot on the leaderboard! I see the next event is Verterans Remebrance in Paris ... prize is Sea Knight + 5 Bux. Time for Vic to rise to the top of the Leaderboard with thousands of jobs while I go get my beauty sleep.
Lol at each his own... Timezone! For the Paris event guys, use of course London and Istanbul But you should also consider Barcelona and Madrid. Happy hunting!
I hope the mystery part gods are better to me than they were for the balloon, 20 parts and only 1 engine. Not that you can really use balloon.
HAHA yes I've noticed that my Bux jobs dropped down to 5 Bux or less and I really miss the 7 Bux jobs. I've restructured many times, flip flopping between NA<>EA , SA<>EA, and even doing dual routes. Now that I've played on a smaller scale these past few days, I think I'm ready to expand again and reopen East Asia for those Bux jobs. I used to have Istanbul when I was in the early levels, probably due to range limitation from London. I'm not sure why I switched over to Tehran, which I've been using for many months now, I'm guessing it was due to range limitation from Shanghai (with the Aeroeagle?) Before I closed down all those airports (4 East Asia, Tehran, LA/Chi), I was using Tehran for eastbound layovers and Cairo for westbound layovers. I did my resorting in those cities to fill up my planes for the 25% bonus before they headed to their final destination. It worked nicely in that my eastbound & westbound layovers weren't competing for 60 layover spots in one airport. I suppose I could have used London/Paris to do my sorting ...
For this special occasion, Ive painted all my planes red, white, and blue. Trying to make the Top 10 on this one.
jiayou Kit I see many unknowns in the #20s and low #10s. Please add Castlepage so that I can see your names. i just passed Faye. Can't believe that I actually overtook Faye ! Edit: Hi many P philip You're really fast. I just posted on the forum and see your GC invite. I shall try to overtake you
Hi TA Just wanted to say hello quick, i've been lurking around the forum, and especially this topic, for a while now but finally got around and made an account. Not playing too much PP yesterday and today, but i think i did alright in the Tiksi event. Hoping to get some mystery parts now, so far no luck tho. I added most of you thanks to that googledocs list, my name is PPPH1L1PPP. Please feel free to add me.