Necklaces and rings can go in either of the bottom two equipment slots. When you hit equip those slots will highlight and you can tap either one of them to equip. Thanks!
This exactly. The game is to be blunt, barely functional. I wouldn't even call it beta, but alpha. Some games come out early and you can see some fixes to bring it up to speed. This one, I don't even see how it would be a fix, more like writing the other half of the game. Just terrible.
I've been super excited for this game since E3 2011, but a little disappointed in all the flaws after so many delays in release. The multiplayer aspect, the heart of the game, is bad, which hurts a game like this; a list of people who have joined is needed for sure, along with a listing of whose turn it is. Also, a random party option also needs to be added. With that said, add me on GC: retroflow. I'll be up all night!
Ah. Clicking equip on other items automatically equipped them. Didn't know you had to choose a slot for the necklaces. Thanks!!
I wish I skipped this game. The graphics are washed out bad and the sound is bland. Gameplay feels glitchy and semi non-responsive. No random online play, (gamecenter friends or contacts list only). The game refuses to accept any of my yahoo email addresses. I want my dollar back.
The amount of people that just joined so they can post a "add me my name is ____" reply, is overwhelming. OT: Funny that this game is so buggy, I didn't have high expectations for it. Sorry to everyone that's been let down, that sucks.
I don't want to admit this because of all the anticipation, but I unfortunately have to agree. I don't know where all that development time went when some basically usability features have been neglected.
Well o top it off I got a notification that it was my turn in the only game I could get (by joining someone else's party) so I go to take my turn and....its not even my turn.
I'd love to try this game out before recommending it to my friends. Unfortunately, it looks like there's no single player or random party mode. Anyone have any openings in their party so I can give this game a spin? My GC username is damronjamesa. Thanks!
This almost seems like the kind of version that is a "build" version. The kind you have when you are in the middle of devlopment,especially with this many flaws.
So far I'm very disappointed. Words with friends lets you play random people very easily. All the hoops you need to jump through to start playing is crazy. If this isn't fixed this game is going to be deleted and chalked up to another dollar lost. Please add me: Woodpusher1 so I can get past this stupid menu and actually play the game.
I'm enjoying it so far, I'm in a game with one other player and we've both been taking turns pretty fast. We've gotten to the second quest. Gameplay is very straightforward so far - tactical decisions are important, but most of the first quest is spent by yourself so I haven't seen a full party in action. One big note to everyone - the asynchronous play is very different than what people are likely expecting it to feel like. This is really like 4-player draw something, and you do need to be patient before your next turn rolls around. I see myself playing this as a 'pick up, do something, and put down' sort of game - exceptions being like tonight when there are enough people active that some of the games are proceeding forward at a good pace (at least until someone goes to bed, and that'll be me pretty soon). The game definitely could use some features added - noting who's turn it is, handling dropped players, and a better game joining system would all be welcome additions (I'd really love to see who else is in the game and what class they are - in my two-player game with some traction, we're both the Mechie). In addition, there are bugs - though the only one I've personally encountered so far is that I can't drop items. In any case, I'm definitely sticking with it. I see a lot of potential here, but the biggest thing to remember is that it really won't be a 'play four hours at a time game' unless you can specifically organize a group to sit together and do just that, maybe even in the same room. One big request for Brandon - random levels would be a hugely welcome addition. Due to the nature of the game I've ended up in a lot of games (and I have enough - nobody add me to any more, please), and in every game I'll be going through the same levels and sections. I expect some of the games will just end because the other players will drop out, which honestly is good at this point - I don't think I really want to play every quest 12 times at roughly the same time. Random maps would go a long way towards alleviating that and making each game more interesting.
I make an account get a msg check your email make sure you put in the correct email adress or something like that after that it stays at the account setup screen i tried it with two of my email adresses
I don't know. I had a pretty lackluster experience in the beginning. But then me and kaynii started a game and we're having a blast. The keyword here is "active". Use the in-game chat. If you'll be gone for a few hours let your party know!
"Hey everybody it's really a good game. Just lower your expectations and convince yourself a colossally bad idea is great!" Lol!