iPad Pocket Heroes - (by Ayopa Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Brandon Pollet

    Brandon Pollet Well-Known Member

    I love that this happened! This is exactly the kind of thing that we wanted to see, people getting together to form parties just like in a tabletop game.

    Now, back to working on the update!
  2. hobbitrjw27

    hobbitrjw27 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2010
    Any news on the update Brandon? I was curious to know if you have been successful in fixing some of the major bugs?
  3. BloodFidelity

    BloodFidelity Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2011
    Cinematographer (Director of Photography, Camera O
    Los Angeles
    Can we get a leaderboard for an adventure type of high score? Something that doesn't get added up like kills or loot, but a score that is only rated from one play through so you can compare with others and see who can go the farthest in a single game. I hope that's not too confusing.
  4. Brandon Pollet

    Brandon Pollet Well-Known Member

    Yeah, we've been working on a lot of the issues that people have reported. As of right now we've fixed the following:

    - Fixed issue where game would crash during monster turn in Quest 3
    - Changed chat notification to read *NEW when there are unread messages
    - Fixed issue were you couldn't see the other players class choices when you were joining a party
    - Fixed music and sound effects preference bug in settings page
    - Fixed Power Sap display and popup problems
    - Fixed a bug with some treasure chests

    Right now we're in the middle of working on the ability to do random invites from the party creation screen and we're going to give people the ability to decline an invite as well.

    I'm also working on a possible solution for the item dupe issues and a bug that seems to unequip your weapons/armor after each turn. I think I've got that one figured out but I need to test it for awhile longer to be sure.

    I've got a list of 35 other bugs/features that I'll be working on tonight. I can't promise that all of those will make it into this first update but we're going to get as many of them in as we can while still submitting the update to Apple in the next few days.

    When we finish the update and submit it to Apple I'll do a blog post that lists out all the changes and updates that made it in.

  5. x999x

    x999x Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    This game is very slow going. Been playing since launch, 4 different games. I have now killed a wolf in all 4 :\

    Would like it very much if there were a random group option, just select a class, click play and get paired up automatically. That way I could have 5-10 games going and feel like I'm doing more than waiting around to kill another wolf.
  6. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    In all honesty, random groups could just slow things more.
    If you can't have games ongoing with people you already know, I really doubt games will be faster with random people (who, predictabily, sooner or later will let you hang there without taking their turns).
    I would be VERY surprised if this whole 'random people' thing will work...as I would be very surprised if someone manage to actually play the whole campaign with 'random people'.
    The best thing for now is to rely on forums to organize a party.
    At least you will have a way to contact those who do not seem to play anymore.

    I saw the dev is trying to do something about it, he even wrote that on the AppStore description.
    I understand he now have to do something like this, but imho it's a waste of time and resource, the very concept defy the scope of the game imho.
    Whatever he will do will at least silence these kind of complaints (so he have to do that) but I do not think will actually improve things for the people who have the problem to actually find friends to play this game properly.
    The closest things to mantain the concept of the game are an in game 'forum' to organize parties, or something like a Tavern bulletin board.
    One could leve there messages like this:

    1) Paladin at disposal to adventure togheter...play time: X to Y
    2) Lunar Priestess willing to aid...

    One could add them when creating the game.

    Whatever the dev come up, nothing will ever guarantee the game will be fast or flow as you wish, EVER.

    Still....millions and millions of people in the past were able to play and enjoy millions of super long campaigns in D&D and such...so the whole concept and idea still holds.
    There is a reason why CO OP RPGs are so rare, but I'm really glad the dev did this.

    There is another way to try to solve the problem, but I think it would significantly change the game and require major rework.
    If I could create a character OUTSIDE an actual game, and I could hop in and out existing games with that (with the usual contrainsts like level, quests visited, gears, and so far), then things would be different and more people could enjoy the game right off the bat (there could be a switch when creating a game for it to being open to random people, open to GC friends, close).

    IMHO, the fastest way to have a game ongoing is to go to a 'Aventurers needed thread' and sign there.

    Just my two cents.
  7. Artfoundry

    Artfoundry Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2009
    COO and Creative Director at LCD Dreams, Inc.
    Bay area, CA
    I think there's a bug with the accuracy and crit stats - every time I swap out items, those values change, even resulting in different values for the same item. I haven't tried every item -just tried rings and helms so far.
  8. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I tried this too several times and always got the same results, but I didn't tried all objects too. I'll double check next when I'll finish Quest 6 (now I sold everything :p).
    It's a pretty important thing tough...so I hope the dev will double check it too.
    Are the values greatly different?
    Maybe (I had other RPGs that this this) magical objects gives you enhancements with values based on percentages or the actual situation (like HP).
    Or it's just a bug.

    Where are you?
  9. graffekta

    graffekta Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    Sorry if someone has already asked this, but I can't search for 'AP' as it's too short.

    Do you ever gain more AP as you level up or is it just 8 for the whole game?

    5AP to use Power Sap with the Lunar Princess seems a bit harsh considering I only ever seem to get 3/4 MP out of it. Would be nice to be able to cast it at least twice a go if it's only going to give me a puny amount.
  10. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I'm level 6 or 7 and I still have the same AP.
    I like they are limited tough...you often have to choose what to do, and your options are limited.
    Will I cure myself, attack and the flee.
    Will I cure my pal and and attack?
    And so on...usually you are limited to 1 skill per turn.
    As a paladin, I wouldn't want the ability to both pray and heal the same turn...would be too easy.
    Later on, you will consume AP even for other types of interactions.
  11. graffekta

    graffekta Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    I guess, but it would be nice to be able to do just a little bit more per turn.

    And Pray is much more effective than Power Sap. At least you don't have to sap it from an enemy.
  12. Grungebob

    Grungebob Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    I think there will need to be some tweaking long term of the AP balance. Power sap should not cost 5AP, I'm thinking it should be less than that for sure.
  13. Comassion

    Comassion Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2009
    I've noticed that Power Sap is getting better as I go up in levels, so I'm reserving my opinion until I've gone through the whole game as a Priestess.
  14. wuzmaname

    wuzmaname Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2010
    Quick question - has anyone actually finished the game yet?

    The furthest I have gotten to is level 5, and the only reason we have progressed so far is because there are only 2 of us playing. Though my poor partner probably died a half dozen times getting there.

    All my other 4 player games are still in level 2...
  15. Comassion

    Comassion Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2009
    I have three 4-player games in level 4, and two of my other games are in level 5 (one's two-player, one's three-player).

    I think the furthest guy along in the forum is Pitta, from what he's been posting (and Pitta, thanks for not posting spoilers!)
  16. Grungebob

    Grungebob Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    #476 Grungebob, Jul 16, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2012
    If you are playing with 4 players and you don't personally know one or more other players, use chat to keep in touch and work out a system for collecting treasure drops. If a player feels like others are hogging drops, they will stop playing and you'll be stuck without a way to progress.

    I wish there was a way to remedy this. There should be an option for players to drop out so the others can continue.

    EDIT: For the record, I keep up with all my games and share the loot so we can all get more powerful. I will gladly join any party that does the same.
  17. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I would never spoil anything!!!
    I think there are people in quest 7, judging by the leaderboards (I do not knew them...I noticed because I use Gamecenter to see who, among my friends, has yet to take the turn...so I can piss him off :p ).

    I was just discussing with my friends 5 minutes ago how fun we are having with the game, despite quirks and bugs.
  18. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I have the habit, almost second nature now, to open the chat as the first thing I do when I open a game, and then use it before submitting the turn....it really adds to the immersion factor and I suggest other to to the same (personally I'm in touch with the friends I'm playing with all the time...but this adds to the game imho).

    As for the loot...AH!
    There is where the fun came most!!!
    In one game of 4, there is a NASTY THIEF who shall be not nomitated who always leave the fight to grab the items!
    We are almost on the verge of killing him. :p
  19. shawnbuddy

    shawnbuddy Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    #479 shawnbuddy, Jul 16, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2012
    I worry about the loot whore label, too. The problem is you can sell loot for cash, so sometimes players will pick it up even if it's not usable by their class. On some of my games we are giving non-class loot to those that can use it, which is the way to go I think.

    But sometimes it looks bad to grab something from a monster someone else killed even if it isn't useable by them. I picked up a circlet because I was pretty sure only the priestess could use it, but I felt like my party might have disapproved anyway.

    Ranged attackers are the ones who get screwed on loot from their own killls. If a melee guy makes a kill he's in a position to grab it. The other classes can have it snatched away.

    On the other hand being too timid and letting others have first crack at the loot backfires if they don't share, because you become under equipped and can't help the party much.
  20. darkteletubbie

    Feb 13, 2011
    The priest has some issues. About 1/2 way through the first level you're just power sapping (with huge AP cost) just to be able to heal, which really starts to compound poorly. She needs to get MP back each turn or something like 10-20%.

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