iPad Pocket Heroes - (by Ayopa Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Looks good even on the new iPad.
    Actually that's where I'm playing it most (for some reasons I cannot receive anymore notifications on iPhone..just the iPad, weird).
  2. VanderLegion

    VanderLegion Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2012
    You don't have to back out completely, you can just resync to start over the turn. You can do the same thing if you don't quite kill a monster to keep trying to get more damage.
  3. Cuesca

    Cuesca New Member

    Jul 12, 2012
    #263 Cuesca, Jul 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2012
    Just download the game, it really needs a lobby IMO. Also anyone want to start a new party?

    Gamecentre: EDD 86
  4. Brandon Pollet

    Brandon Pollet Well-Known Member

    You don't need an activation email. What problem are you having?

    Once you register you can just sign in and then invite someone through Game Center or email. PM me and we can get it straightened out.
  5. Comassion

    Comassion Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2009
    Right now re-synching is a really nice feature if you screw up your movement, since it's easy to do and there's no other undo. I don't re-do my damage vs. monsters or re-kill stuff for better loot, but if I tap in the wrong place and go the wrong way I resync to re-do the move.
  6. fifanatic

    fifanatic Member

    May 8, 2009
    Well, I'm gonna have to put this one down and wait for the update, guys. I think there must be some server stuff going on, because my turn keeps rewinding and I can't get anywhere, while the people I'm playing with continue to move about.

    Hope you get it all patched up, I'd love to play this for a long time, but it's really frustrating right now!
  7. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    Same here.
    Playing with friends and not being a competitive game, I do not see like an exploit.
    Great 'find a group' thread idea, btw.

    Almost 1 day later, I having a total blast with the game.
  8. hobbitrjw27

    hobbitrjw27 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2010
    I kind of have gathered up some thoughts about this "tutorial" with the wolves that we have to go through at the start of the game.

    For the first game it is of course very helpful and neccessary for a new player,however once that player has learned everything,he really should not have to go through it again every time he starts a new game,and when you have players in your party that have busy lives and don't take their turns as quickly as others,it can become annoying for those players who already know how to play the game yet still have to wait for the slow players who don't know how to play,to finish their tutorial.

    here is what I suggest can be done to make this a bit less irritating for everyone,and these are but a couple options:

    -Make the tutorial level a stand alone level,one that is single player and is a option that you select in the main menu.

    -Make a option when creating a new game to be able to turn the tutorial level off,this way you can turn it off if you know that the party members whom you are playing with know how to play already,and you can get right into the quests and not have to wait for experienced players to have to complete a mandatory tutorial.
  9. Brandon Pollet

    Brandon Pollet Well-Known Member

    I think this is a great suggestion, I've been thinking along the same lines after hearing some of the feedback. I'm not sure that we could make the tutorial single-player right away but I think we can introduce the option to start from the Tavern if you've played a game previously.

  10. paulishuku

    paulishuku Member

    Jul 12, 2012

    Also I'm having a trouble equipping jewelry. Is this a known issue yet?
  11. TheCurrentGamer

    TheCurrentGamer Well-Known Member

    playing on iphone 4s here. Only played a little bit so far, but i am enjoying it. No huge issues for me. I used GC to connect with some people, and everything else seems to be working fine. I am really digging the concept, its actually a lot of fun, and i don't mind the delays between turns, it actually makes getting a game on much easier imo. I hope that some more people will give this one a chance. if you are into turn based RPG's this is definitely worth picking up, as long as you have the proper expectations for what you are getting into.
  12. Brandon Pollet

    Brandon Pollet Well-Known Member

    It works differently than other equipment and we didn't do a good job of explaining it. When you click equip on the jewelry it will light up the two bottom equipment slots, you can tap on either of those two slots to equip the jewelry.

    Hope that helps.
  13. jamsie07

    jamsie07 Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2012
    How to you equip stuff? I have an axe and I tap it but I don't see an equip button come up or anything.
  14. paulishuku

    paulishuku Member

    Jul 12, 2012

    Got it. I'm really loving the game. I have played hundreds of iOS games and this concept is so amazing it could possibly be my favorite. Don't listen to all the haters in the app reviews.

    Also about the tutorial why don't you just make a single player tutorial that explains everything?
  15. Brandon Pollet

    Brandon Pollet Well-Known Member

    This could be two things.

    1. Depending on your character class you may not be able to equip it. It should tell you this is the case in the lower right-hand corner of the item description.

    2. If you're not seeing that it may be that it's not currently your turn. We had to limit equipment changes to only happening on your turn so that things wouldn't get out of sync.

    Let me know if that doesn't see to fix your issue.
  16. Brandon Pollet

    Brandon Pollet Well-Known Member

    Email Login Issues

    To anyone who is having trouble getting their email to register.

    Please try using all lowercase letters when you enter it. It looks like the server may be rejecting emails that have uppercase letters in them, we're looking into the cause but in the mean time lowercase emails are getting through.
  17. VanderLegion

    VanderLegion Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2012
    Just had a game pop up with a message that the party had perished and gave the option to restart. No idea HOW, since in that game I had just walked to the the door of the tavern on my last turn (end of the tutorial), so the next turn should have started with us in the tavern to buy/sell then move to the next quest. The bandits around the tavern were all dead, so there were no monsters to kill us, and I was at full hp when I ended my turn.
  18. Comassion

    Comassion Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2009
    #278 Comassion, Jul 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2012
    I work in web support programming, and I really hate it when the issue is something like this. It never turns out to be something like 'Oh, I see, there's a really good reason it was set up like this.' It's either 'This dude was lazy and didn't account for X' or 'This dude did something insane and this is the result.'

    Or even the occasional 'It's working now and we're not quite sure why.'
  19. jamsie07

    jamsie07 Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2012
    Number 2 helped. Wasn't my turn. Thanks! Maybe explain that in the tutorial as I'm sure many people are confused. Thanks!
  20. jamsie07

    jamsie07 Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2012
    Number 2. Thanks!

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