#3 all time now )). No idea how to get 18K in 30 seconds! A mode that sums scores from 2 or 3 consecutive runs would be interesting.
Absolutely loving this! Controls are great, sounds are superb, nice customizable additions, my favorite part is the boombox playing off my iPod playlists. It plays seamlessly and the cut off music when I crash was a great detail, also like that the currently playing track stays on queue. The only thing I can recommend is possibly opening the game up to a bowl or pool level, allowing more freedom for grinds, although I'm not sure how the control scheme would make it work and keep it simple at the same time. At the very least add more ramps and locales. Nonetheless, really digging this, great job!
I am crazy about this game. After an hour or so I'm at 40% complete and I'm having a blast. Also time trial is hard as he'll.
Awesome!!! I gotta say, this game rocks so hard! I remember seeing it the day it came out. I was tempted to get it but was pretty skeptical since I hadn't heard of it before. TA and the community threw their impressions a few days later and I dove right in. I don't regret it one bit! It's a game that oozes with charm and has a kind of gameplay that keeps you coming back for more. I look forward to possible updates! AND, take it from me, I'm an inline skater but I love this skateboarding game!
I'll have to try that. I've been using a different strategy to get scores over 9,000. Kick trick to grab seems like it would take too long to get a high combo score but I'll give it a go.
This game is really fun once you get the hang of it. It took me about 30 minutes of play to really figure it out and start ripping up the pipe. I still haven't unlocked the Big Air mode. I would like a mode that lasted a bit longer. Like free play but with high scores. I can't last longer than 25 seconds in Survival mode so I want to see like a 1 or 2 minute mode. I'm hoping Big Air mode is what I want.
After spending a bit more time with this one I can definitely say its a 5 star game. Very very well put-together! It has tons of personality and charm, really great controls once you get the rhythm down, and Fruit Ninja-rivaling addictiveness. Being able to play your own music adds tons to the enjoyment. I look forward to seeing what the devs do in terms of updates becuase this game has epic potential for all sorts of great dlc additions...(and I personally wouldn't be averse to paying for a nice big update that included a bunch of new tricks and customization options) I'd love to be able to see yr score during freeplay though... Anyway, this is what I love about idevice gaming - finding little surprise gems like this game that come outta nowhere and blow you away...and for a dollar no less! Awesome!
I lasted over 4 min in Survival mode and could've gone longer crust got fatigued. Agreed seeing at least points for each combo as you do it would be nice but I also enjoy just watching my skater do the moves without extra screen clutter. You can test out scoring strategies in Countdown mode.
Survival is what you are looking for then. My best so far is 3 min +. just work on doing multiple tricks to get the x2 multiplier and it will extend your time.
Skater hair/hats, shirt, pants, shoes and skin tone. You unlock choices as you progress and you unlock different boards. Game is great fun and will sit next to Crazy Snowboard on my phone for a long time.
Dont worry, once you gain more unlocks on Countdown mode you'll last longer in Survival. You eventually unlock perks like faster ramp pushes, and faster spin air time. Also dev please consider adding Viking helmets with other hair color options. Gotta love eating it, and your shoes flying off in different directions, nice touch! Again I gotta say, the BoomBox song queue is spot on.
I have a hard time with the tilting and I always fall when I try it. I guess you guys just get used to it right? Although I do find it entertain when your skater hits off the ramp and falls flat on his body with his shoes popping off lol.
I actually don't spin much. I think it's the weakest point of the game but other than that it's great! Very addictive & a great "pick up & play" game. Like someone mentioned earlier...a pool would be great! Especially for the spins. Great game guys!